Examples of the the word, animation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( animation ), is the 4112 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. There is no single person who can be considered the" creator" of film, animation , as there were several people working on projects which could be considered
  2. A goat painted along the sides. This has been claimed to be an example of early, animation , However, since no equipment existed to show the images in motion, such a
  3. Media such as television (the work of Hanna-Barbera, Filmation, and other TV, animation ,studios) and later the Internet (web cartoons). * Rotoscoping is a technique
  4. And The Adventures of Mark Twain. * Cutout animation is a type of stop-motion, animation ,produced by moving 2-dimensional pieces of material such as paper or cloth.
  5. Created and demonstrated in several ways. The most common method of presenting, animation ,is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods.
  6. Animators' work has remained essentially the same over the past 70 years. Some, animation ,producers have used the term" traditional" to describe CEL animation which
  7. Weimar Republic,1926) and Princes et princesses (France,2000). * Model, animation ,refers to stop-motion animation created to interact with and exist as a part of
  8. Animation, and the world's first animated feature film. Techniques Traditional, animation ,Traditional animation (also called CEL animation or hand-drawn animation ) was
  9. Film. Techniques Traditional animation (also called CEL, animation ,or hand-drawn animation ) was the process used for most animated films of the
  10. Existed to show the images in motion, such a series of images cannot be called, animation ,in a true sense of the word. A Chinese zoetrope-type device had been invented
  11. Jones (USA,2002). Stop-motion Stop-motion animation is used to describe, animation ,created by physically manipulating real-world objects and photographing them
  12. Was John Randolph Bray, who,along with animator Earl Hurd, patented the CEL, animation ,process which dominated the animation industry for the rest of the decade. El
  13. 1982),The Iron Giant (US,1999),and Nocturnal (Spain,2007). * Limited, animation ,involves the use of less detailed and/or more stylized drawings and methods of
  14. Of South Park (US,1997). ** Silhouette animation is a variant of cutout, animation ,in which the characters are backlit and only visible as silhouettes. Examples
  15. King) to the more 'cartoon' styles of those produced by the Warner Bros., animation ,studio. Many of the Disney animated features are examples of full animation , as
  16. Have an armature or wire frame inside them, similar to the related puppet, animation ,(below),that can be manipulated in order to pose the figures. Alternatively
  17. Away) (Japan,2001),and Les Triplets de Belleville (2003). * Full, animation ,refers to the process of producing high-quality traditionally animated films
  18. Appearance of movement from sequential drawings using technological means, but, animation , did not really develop much further until the advent of cinematography. There
  19. A constructed environment, in contrast to the real-world interaction in model, animation , The puppets generally have an armature inside them to keep them still and
  20. Some animation producers have used the term" traditional" to describe CEL, animation ,which makes extensive use of computer technology. Examples of traditionally
  21. Animation Traditional animation (also called CEL animation or hand-drawn, animation ,) was the process used for most animated films of the 20th century. The
  22. As there were several people working on projects which could be considered, animation ,at about the same time. Georges Relies was a creator of special-effect films;
  23. Different frames, rather than simply manipulating one existing puppet. * Clay, animation , or Plasticine animation often abbreviated as claymation, uses figures made of
  24. Animation studio. Many of the Disney animated features are examples of full, animation , as are non-Disney works such as The Secret of NIGH (US,1982),The Iron
  25. The successes of Blacktop and Coal, many other artists began experimenting with, animation , One such artist was Windsor McCoy, a successful newspaper cartoonist, who
  26. Create the illusion of movement. There are many types of stop-motion, animation , usually named after the type of media used to create the animation . Computer
  27. Spanish:" The Apostle" ) was a 1917 Argentine animated film utilizing cutout, animation , and the world's first animated feature film. Techniques Traditional animation
  28. Of special-effect films; he was generally one of the first people to use, animation ,with his technique. He discovered a technique by accident which was to stop the
  29. A bus transform into a hearse. This was just one of the great contributors to, animation ,in the early years. The earliest surviving stop-motion advertising film was an
  30. Shorts were produced to be shown in movie theaters. The most successful early, animation ,producer was John Randolph Bray, who,along with animator Earl Hurd, patented
  31. First American film-maker to use the techniques of stop-motion and hand-drawn, animation , Introduced to film-making by Edison, he pioneered these concepts at the turn
  32. Of the Were-Rabbit, Chicken Run and The Adventures of Mark Twain. * Cutout, animation ,is a type of stop-motion animation produced by moving 2-dimensional pieces of
  33. Film against a painted background by a rostrum camera. The traditional CEL, animation ,process became obsolete by the beginning of the 21st century. Today, animators
  34. Stop-motion animation , usually named after the type of media used to create the, animation , Computer software is widely available to create this type of animation . *
  35. With animator Earl Hurd, patented the CEL animation process which dominated the, animation ,industry for the rest of the decade. El Pistol (Spanish:" The Apostle" )
  36. mm, film and newer media such as digital video. The" look" of traditional CEL, animation ,is still preserved, and the character animators' work has remained essentially
  37. Series (and sometimes in episodes) of South Park (US,1997). ** Silhouette, animation ,is a variant of cutout animation in which the characters are backlit and only
  38. And then continue rolling the film. This idea was later known as stop-motion, animation , Relies discovered this technique accidentally when his camera broke down while
  39. S first animated feature film. Techniques Traditional animation Traditional, animation ,(also called CEL animation or hand-drawn animation ) was the process used for
  40. Then simply manipulating one existing puppet. * Clay animation , or Plasticine, animation ,often abbreviated as claymation, uses figures made of clay or a similar
  41. Uses figures made of clay or a similar malleable material to create stop-motion, animation , The figures may have an armature or wire frame inside them, similar to the
  42. The animation . Computer software is widely available to create this type of, animation , * Puppet animation typically involves stop-motion puppet figures interacting
  43. Below) consists of these six frames. This, animation ,moves at 10 frames per second. Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of
  44. Software is widely available to create this type of animation . * Puppet, animation ,typically involves stop-motion puppet figures interacting with each other in a
  45. By the artists at the American studio United Productions of America, limited, animation , can be used as a method of stylized artistic expression, as in Gerald Echoing
  46. Developed for the Bryant and May Matchsticks company, it involved stop-motion, animation ,of wired-together matches writing a patriotic call to action on a blackboard.
  47. The phenakistoscope, praxinoscope, and the common flip book were early popular, animation ,devices invented during the 19th century. These devices produced the appearance
  48. Animated film created using what came to be known as traditional (hand-drawn), animation , Following the successes of Blacktop and Coal, many other artists began
  49. Jam (USA,1996) and Osmosis Jones (USA,2002). Stop-motion Stop-motion, animation ,is used to describe animation created by physically manipulating real-world
  50. Style" width: 262px;" > The bouncing ball, animation ,(below) consists of these six frames. This

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