Examples of the the word, afternoon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( afternoon ), is the 2223 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Through popular children’s stories. In Judaism, it is the Hatteras for the, afternoon ,of Yom Kippur due to its story of God's willingness to forgive those who
  2. Then arrived and repulsed the attack. Fighting continued around Hougoumont all, afternoon , Its surroundings were heavily invested by French light infantry, and
  3. As a successful touring act. On July 4,1985,the Beach Boys played to an, afternoon ,crowd of one million in Philadelphia and the same evening they performed for
  4. The route. In its first-ever home opener at Memorial Stadium later in the, afternoon , they treated a sellout crowd of 46,354 to a 3–1 victory over the Chicago White
  5. Of happiness, I would stammer out that I was" busy today. " But almost every, afternoon , toward the end of working hours, he came in person to the office and often
  6. General Assembly in Annapolis. As the last piece of business during the, afternoon ,Session," among engrossed Bills" was" signed and sealed by Governor Thomas
  7. Along Street, especially between Story and Hasbro Plans, which in the late, afternoon ,and evening is a bit like an impromptu three-ring circus with musicians
  8. sounds good. It gave us a chance to first try a recording of the songs in the, afternoon ,without an audience, then another one in front of a studio audience. We'd dub
  9. Borg's true pulse rate as" about 50 when he wakes up and around 60 in the, afternoon , " Borg is credited with helping to develop the style of play that has come to
  10. And HMS Swift sure, discovered the French transport fleet at Alexandria on the, afternoon ,of 1 August. About Bay When Alexandria harbor proved inadequate for his
  11. August to June; in many public schools attendance is split into morning and, afternoon ,sessions to accommodate the large numbers of children. After the successful
  12. To escape. Witnesses say the bandits escape from Damian at around 5:30 in the, afternoon , taking four medical personnel from the hospital. * June 3 - Soldiers recover
  13. Line was laid out in a defensive formation resembling a fishhook. In the late, afternoon ,of July 2,Lee launched a heavy assault on the Union left flank, and fierce
  14. Package that began in earnest with the 2007 postseason, and expanded to Sunday, afternoon ,games in 2008. Until his dismissal in 2009,Chip Carry, one of the Braves '
  15. Of Steve Wright, who had been unsuccessfully moved from his long-running, afternoon ,show to the breakfast show in January 1994,Bannister hired Chris Evans to
  16. Consideration of new and emerging issues. The closing plenary convened in the, afternoon ,to adopt recommendations on inland waters biodiversity, marine biodiversity
  17. House-to-house combat. Organized German resistance in Cologne collapsed on the, afternoon ,of 7 March 1945. Post-war Cologne Despite Cologne's status of being the
  18. Social policy, economics,and foreign policy. The Fraction meets every Tuesday, afternoon ,in the weeks in which the Bundestag is in session to consider legislation
  19. Clay and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson arrived at Tempelhof Airport on the, afternoon ,of Saturday,19 August 1961. They arrived in a city defended by three Allied
  20. A doctor, I will see him now ". It was far too late. At about two o'clock that, afternoon , after a hard, short conflict in which she struggled desperately to hang on to
  21. In his" Author's Note" in Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72. " One, afternoon ,about three days ago the publishers showed up at my door with no warning, and
  22. The Portuguese diaspora normally travel to Point Delgado to participate in an, afternoon ,procession behind the image of Christ along the flower-decorated streets of the
  23. Show from 4 November 2006. In the week before Christmas 2009 Craig presented, afternoon ,radio programs on BBC Radio Two. Film roles Charles starred in two features
  24. Of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania,on the, afternoon ,of Thursday, November 19, 1863. In 272 words, and three minutes, Lincoln
  25. Known for his large views of the Dutch countryside in early morning or late, afternoon ,light. Name century/> Biography Albert Cup was born in Dordrecht on
  26. On later flights (ham, salami,etc.),lunch between 1130 and 1359, afternoon , tea between 1400 and 1659 and dinner after 1700. Club Europe seat pitch is 31 "
  27. The Persian force sailing around Cape So union. They arrived back in the late, afternoon , in time to see the Persian ships turn away from Athens, thus completing the
  28. Bellicose" was the only man on either side who could have lost the war in an, afternoon , " The criticism of Bellicose also fails to sufficiently credit Sheer, who was
  29. Place in Philadelphia at noon time on March 1,1781, and was celebrated in the, afternoon , With these events, the Articles entered into force and the United States came
  30. Usually consisting of Trooping the Color ceremonies on Parliament Hill in the, afternoon ,and evening, followed by a mass band concert and fireworks display. Canada's
  31. 2004–2005 time frame. Travel times on the Central Artery northbound during the, afternoon ,peak hour were reduced 85.6 %. A 2008 Boston Globe report asserted that waiting
  32. Chris Smith, Debbie Randle and Simon Muncie who reads the sports news in the, afternoon ,on the Scott Mills show. Notable programming The Radio 1 Chart Show Radio 1's
  33. Of Waterloo, when the Prussian forces arrived at his right flank late in the, afternoon ,and joined the Anglo-Dutch forces pressing his front. Clausewitz was promoted
  34. Are restricted from being sold between 12am Sunday morning and 12pm Sunday, afternoon , rendering virtually all retailers closed in those hours, including malls and
  35. Entire battlefield, but moved to a position near La Belle Alliance early in the, afternoon , Command on the battlefield (which was largely hidden from his view) was
  36. And small farms without hindrance, bringing in their booty to camps each, afternoon ,...." On May 13, 1864,when the Union decided to abandon Alexandria, the city
  37. Remaining daily newspaper. Previous major newspapers in Cleveland include the, afternoon ,newspaper, the Cleveland Press, which printed its last edition on June 17, 1982
  38. S army defended the house and the hollow way running north from it. In the, afternoon , Napoleon personally ordered the house to be shelled to set it on fire
  39. Foe, a tactical advantage that would grow in importance as the events of the, afternoon ,unfolded. Davies At 13:00 the batteries went into action; a little later two
  40. To" take courage ". Conscious and calm, Anne died at about two o'clock in the, afternoon , Monday,28 May 1849. Over the following few days, Charlotte made the decision
  41. And are often used to indicate familiarity. Some common examples are Argo (, afternoon ,), barbie (barbecue),smoke (morning tea),Aussie (Australian) and
  42. Campus and the downtown section. Some 640 structures burned before a late, afternoon ,sea breeze stopped its progress, allowing firefighters to put it out. The next
  43. Within 90 days. Twice a week, Lincoln would meet with his cabinet in the, afternoon , and occasionally Mary Lincoln would force him to take a carriage ride because
  44. Man all that his writings had done for me. I tried to tell how a certain frosty, afternoon ,at Leather head Station when I had first bought a copy of Phantasms (being
  45. Of the German submarine picket lines while they were unprepared. On the, afternoon ,of 31 May, Beatty encountered Hipper's battlecruiser force long before the
  46. Is the aardvark cucumber. An aardvark emerges from its burrow in the late, afternoon ,or shortly after sunset, and forages over a considerable home range
  47. And high-occupancy vehicles since late 1995. The westbound lanes opened on the, afternoon ,of January 18 and the eastbound lanes on January 19. The next phase, moving the
  48. O. Howard) raced north on the Baltimore Pike and Taney town Road. By early, afternoon , the Federal line ran in a semicircle west, north,and northeast of Gettysburg.
  49. Elaborate spoofs and parodies. He also spent time in early 1987 hosting a 2–4pm, afternoon , show and finally ended up presenting Saturday morning show I. T. In July 1987
  50. Has been universally criticized for failing to seize the high ground on the, afternoon ,of July 1. Once again the disagreement centers on Lee's orders, which provided

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