Examples of the the word, ä , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ä ), is the 1430 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. CONGÉ when written EYRE and CONGÉ; * in German language crosswords, the umlauts, ä , ö, and ü are dissolved into eye, oe, and UE, and ß is dissolved into SS. * in
  2. Notes (transcriptions in IPA unless otherwise stated): * Pronunciation of, ä ,as it is already archaic (or dialectical) but still considered correct by some
  3. Alphabet consists of the 26 Latin letters plus three modified letters:" é ",", ä ,", and " ë ". In loanwords from French and High German, other diacritics are
  4. Acute) was sometimes used in Slovak as a long variant of the short vowel Ä, ä ,(A with diaeresis),representing the vowel in some loanwords. Other long
  5. Therefore, there are no letters such as, ä , ö, ü,ß that are not used in mathematics. Samples In these figures, the German
  6. English and Spanish speakers to pronounce. Orthography and pronunciation Note:, ä , ö and ü do not have alternative forms such as the eye, oe and UE of German.
  7. The dominant character encoding. These encode non-ASCII characters like Ä Ö Å, ä ,ö å at code positions 0x5B 0x5C 0x5D 0x7B 0x7C 0x7D (, and such equivalence
  8. Placed in the alphabet between s and t.: * Finnish uses dotted vowels (, ä ,and ö). As in Swedish and Estonian, these are regarded as individual letters
  9. Of the alphabet when it is pronounced like a),German (ß is ordered as s + s;, ä , ö, ü are ordered as a + e, o + e, u + e in phone books, but as o elsewhere
  10. Ä AA. Long vowels are phonemic but are usually not written, except for â and, ä ,which are the results of germination of two vowels with different tones each and
  11. Not marked in the written language, but when they are, they are a à, á á, â AA, ä ,AA. Long vowels are phonemic but are usually not written, except for â and ä
  12. Typology of writing systems. It is an Ethiopian name of the Ge‘EZ script,’, ä ,by GI the, taken from four letters of that script the way abecedary derives from
  13. And have thereby become long vowels with contour tones (â high-low falling, ä ,low-high rising). Consonants Xhosa is rich in uncommon consonants. Besides
  14. On top of the letters. These letters are collated after z, in the order å, ä , ö.; Celtic: * Irish uses acute accents, called fades. Fades are used to
  15. Forms, Tolkien often used the macron to indicate long vowels. The diaeresis (, ä , ë, ö ) is normally used to show that a short vowel is to be separately
  16. Hengis? " Am I alive? ": photo sing England? → put SA Enkidu? Or punks (, ä ,) Enkidu? " Do you (SG. ) speak English? ": Julio Han Jo? → tulips Jo? (via
  17. Consistent Swedish orthography. It established the use of the vowels" å ",", ä ,", and " ö ", and the spelling" ck" in place of" OK ", distinguishing it
  18. From the Russian transliteration. Examples are the use of" ya" for ", ä ," (e.g. P ä rnu instead of P ä rnu)," y" instead of" õ" ( e.g., Pylva
  19. Addition to the a-circle (å). Historically the umlaut for the Swedish letters, ä ,and ö, like the German umlaut, has developed from a small gothic e written on
  20. To go" ) contains an umlaut mutation, but it is spelled with e rather than, ä ,as its relationship to Fart (journey) has for most speakers of the language
  21. Rejected certain elements of German orthography (e.g., the use of ", ä ," and" ö ", the capitalization of nouns). Similarly, new principles were
  22. And ž in foreign names and loanwords. In the Finnish and Swedish alphabets, å, ä , and ö collate as separate letters after z, the others as variants of their base
  23. Ť, ž ), the circumflex (only above o – ô) and the diaeresis (only above a –, ä ,). * Spanish uses the acute accent and the diaeresis. The acute is used on a
  24. Into western and eastern branches. Vowels * (transcribed ā) (transcribed, ä ,), ( transcribed a) * Diphthongs (Ovarian B only): (transcribed ai),(
  25. Is not a German letter. In borrowed words, it is usually pronounced (before, ä , AU, e,i, ö,ü, y ) or (before a, o,u, and consonants). The combination ck
  26. Vowel is short. * ch occurs most often and is pronounced either (after, ä , AI, ä u, e,a, eu, i,ö, ü and consonants; in the diminutive suffix -Chen; and
  27. A canonical or inherent vowel. For the Ge'EZ abused, this canonical vowel is, ä , the first column in the table. However, since the pharyngeal and glottal
  28. Alphabet uses the acute (á é í ó ú ý ĺ ŕ),carbon (č ď ľ ň š ť ž),umlaut (, ä ,) and circumflex accent (ô).: * The Slovene alphabet has the symbols č, š and
  29. Used in the Middle Age) ê or à. * German uses the three so-called umlauts, ä , ö and ü. These diacritics indicate vowel changes. For instance the word Often (
  30. Å as new and separate letters of the alphabet, and sort them after z. Usually, ä ,is sorted as equal to æ (ash) and ö is sorted as equal to ø (o-slash). Also
  31. Manner. It is recognizable by the letter e in place of the usual" an" or ", ä ," as the infinitive marker. It is only ever, ever used with one of two case
  32. Ẽ, ĩ,õ, ũ,ỹ. (Nasal vowels have been written with several other diacritics:, ä , ā, â,ã. ) The tilde also marks nasality in the case of GO/go, used to
  33. As standard German. In Switzerland, ß is not used at all. Umlaut vowels (, ä , ö, ü ) are commonly transcribed with eye, oe, and UE if the umlauts are not
  34. For example í = approximately /i: /. This mark may appear on any vowel except ", ä ," (wide" e ", široké" e" in Slovak). It may also appear above the
  35. Collation standards.: * Swedish uses characters identical to a-umlaut (, ä ,) and o-umlaut (ö) in the place of ash and o-slash in addition to the
  36. ISO/IEC 646,rather than ASCII, had to write, and thus read, something such as:, ä ,AAU='On '; ü instead of: C digraphs were created to solve this problem for
  37. To the 26 standard letters, German has three vowels with Umlaut, namely, ä , ö and ü, as well as the Emmett or Charles s (sharp s),ß. Written texts in
  38. Syllables. Note that stressed short can be spelled either with e or with, ä ,(hate 'would have' and Bette 'chain ', for instance, rhyme ). In general
  39. Elaborated style (for instance:" Aida" ). The German convention of writing, ä ,and ö as eye and OE if the characters are unavailable is an unusual convention
  40. By appending -comments, which can be shortened to -comment or even -kit (, ä ,). If one is forced to count fast then even shorter forms are used: #yy #kaa
  41. The internal representation of the characters" Å "," Ä "," Ö "," å ",", ä ,", and " ö" ( all moderately common vowels) were different, the tradition to
  42. Since before 1800,contains all the letters, including the 3 umlaut letters:, ä , ö, ü. Short pan grams tend to be more interesting and more difficult to write
  43. Has a distinct letter õ, which contains a tilde. Estonian" dotted vowels ", ä , ö, ü are similar to German, but these are also distinct letters, not like
  44. Oe" became OE. These three were later to evolve into the separate letters, ä , å and ö. Modern Swedish (Swedish: nysvenska) begins with the
  45. The Latin alphabet, in addition to which the Estonian alphabet contains letters, ä , ö, ü,and õ, plus the later additions š and ž. The letters c, q,w, x and y
  46. The Scandinavian languages, by contrast, treat the characters with diacritics, ä , ö and å as new and separate letters of the alphabet, and sort them after z.
  47. Discovered. ) Hellman, however,wanted to pronounce the word with (ô) not (, ä ,), as Joyce seemed to indicate by rhyming words in the vicinity such as Mark.
  48. To denote an a or o which is pronounced dialectally as if it has been written, ä ,or ö. Mathematics In mathematics, the circumflex is used to modify variable
  49. Books that are hand-lettered, or in handwriting, the macron is used instead of, ä ,or ö, sometimes known colloquially as a" lazy man's umlaut ". *In Russian
  50. In dictionaries as the same letter.: * Livonia has the following letters: ā, ä , ē, ī,ļ, ņ,ō, õ,ŗ, š,ū, ž.; Turkic: * Azerbaijani includes the

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