Examples of the the word, y , in a Sentence Context

The word ( y ), is the 2645 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. t) can be trigonometricall y manipulated into the following equivalent form::, y ,(t) = A\dot \sin (\omega_c t) + \begin\franc \end \left\sin (( \omega_c +
  2. Onl y 27Al (stable isotope) and 26Al (radioactive isotope,t1/2 = 7.2×105, y , ) occur naturall y . 27Al has a natural abundance above 99.9 %. 26Al is produced
  3. Operatorname (\operator name (x, y ), z)= \operator name (x, \operator name (, y , z))= \operator name (x, y ,z)\ \quad \\ \operator name (\operator name (x, y )
  4. Integrals:: \point_^ x \dot y \, dt - \point_^ y \dot x \, dt \point_^ (x \dot, y ,- y \dot x) \, dt (see Green's theorem): or the z-component of:: \point_^
  5. Associativit y using functional notation: f (f (x, y ), z ) = f (x, f (, y , z) ): when expressed in this form, associativit y becomes less obvious.
  6. Y, z))= \operator name (x, y ,z)\ \quad \\ \operator name (\operator name (x, y ,), z)= \operator name (x, \operator name ( y , z))= \operator name (x, y ,z)\quad
  7. Vec u (t_0) \DEC u (t_1) is given b y the line integrals:: \point_^ x \dot, y ,\, dt - \point_^ y \dot x \, dt \point_^ (x \dot y - y \dot x) \, dt (see
  8. Distinct letter shapes. For example, a comma-shaped letter represented g, d, y , k, or j. However, such apparent simplifications can perversel y make a script
  9. Is obtained b y rephrasing associativit y using functional notation: f (f (x, y ,), z ) = f (x, f ( y , z )): when expressed in this form, associativit y
  10. B y the graph labelled" 50 % Modulation" in Figure 4. For this simple example, y ,(t) can be trigonometricall y manipulated into the following equivalent form::
  11. The following are equivalent: * d satisfies the ultrametric inequalit y d (x, y ,) \LEQ \max (d (x, z ), d ( y , z )) for all x, y ,z in F. * v (a) \LE 1
  12. Moonlight Battle ", and again after Admiral Richard Howe fought Luis de Córdova, y ,Cordova to a draw in the Battle of Cape Spar tel. Further Franco-Spanish efforts
  13. 1894) *1820 – John T y ndall, British ph y sicist (d. 1893) *1828 – Manuel Via, y ,Rodríguez de Alburquerque, Spanish general (d. 1895) *1834 – Frédéric
  14. Barcelona, Spain. Gaudí's assistants Dominic Subraces i Gas, Josep Canal eta, y ,Joan Rubio also contributed to the renovation project. The local name for the
  15. From 0 to infinit y . Thus, an algorithm can be an algebraic equation such as, y ,= m + n—two arbitrar y " input variables" m and n that produce an output y . But
  16. X, y ), z)= \operator name (x, \operator name ( y , z))= \operator name (x, y , z)\quad \end \right\}\box, y ,z\in\math. *Because linear transformations
  17. D\theta. *the area enclosed b y a parametric curve \DEC u (t) (x (t), y , ( t) ) with endpoints \DEC u (t_0) \DEC u (t_1) is given b y the line
  18. Y/x)quadrant\ IV\end The result will var y from -π to π. The values of x and, y ,determine which quadrant the angle is in. Alternativel y one can use the inverse
  19. Relation ≤ on the real numbers is antis y mmetric: if for two real numbers x and, y ,both inequalities x ≤ y and y ≤ x hold then x and y must be equal. Similarl y
  20. Inequalit y d (x, y ) \LEQ \max (d (x, z ), d ( y , z )) for all x, y , z in F. * v (a) \LE 1 \Right arrow v (1+a) \LE 1 \text a \in F. An absolute
  21. Oint_^ x \dot y \, dt - \point_^ y \dot x \, dt \point_^ (x \dot y -, y ,\dot x) \, dt (see Green's theorem): or the z-component of:: \point_^ \DEC u
  22. The real absolute value given in (2) – (10) above. In addition, If: z x + i, y ,r (\cos \phi + i \sin \phi) \, and: \overlie = x - in is the complex
  23. Latin alphabet, such as Hawaiian, and Italian, which uses the letters j, k,x, y ,and w onl y in foreign words. It is unknown whether the earliest alphabets had a
  24. Functions act associative.:: \left. \begin \operator name (\operator name (x, y ,), z)= \operator name (x, \operator name ( y , z))= \operator name (x, y ,z)\
  25. To demonstrate the modulation index. The values A 1,and M 0.5,produce a, y ,(t) depicted b y the graph labelled" 50 % Modulation" in Figure 4. For this
  26. Surface area of the graph of a continuousl y differentiable function z=f (x, y ,), where (x, y )\in D\subset\mathbb^2 and D is a region in the plane with
  27. Operatorname (\operator name (x, y ), z)= \operator name (x, \operator name (, y , z))= \operator name (x, y ,z)\quad \end \right\}\box, y ,z\in\math.
  28. Means, and then the covariance:: \bar x = \displa y st y le \sum_in x_i/n: \bar, y ,= \displa y st y le \sum_in y _i/n: \operator name (X, Y ) = \displa y st y le\franc. \!
  29. And = ... and" effectivel y " produce, in a" reasonable" time, output-integer, y , at a specified place and in a specified format. The concept of algorithm is
  30. Satisfies the associative law:: (x: Using: (XY)z x (oz) XYZ \squad\box, y , z\in S.: An example of multiplicative associativit y The evaluation order does
  31. Loss of third-weak verbs ending in w (which merge with verbs ending in, y ,). *Reformation of geminate verbs,e.g. halal" I untied" → halt (u).
  32. For the quotient y /x one can define the angle θ as a function of x and, y ,using the inverse tangent function for all points except the origin, assuming
  33. Examples The relation" x is even, y is odd" between a pair (x, y ,) of integers is antis y mmetric:::: The divisibilit y order of the natural
  34. Acoustic fluid velocit y vector, \math bf is the vector of spatial coordinates x, y , z, t is the time, \rho_0 is the static mass densit y of the medium and \kappa
  35. Subshell of the orbital and it corresponds to the angular quantum number l, and, y , is the number of electrons in that orbital. For example, the orbital 1s2 (
  36. 1987 – Nikki Webster, Australian entertainer *2002 – Miguel Urdangarín, y ,de Bourbon, Spanish prince Deaths *1030 – Mahmud of Ghazi, ruler of the
  37. Is antis y mmetric: if for two real numbers x and y both inequalities x ≤ y and, y ,≤ x hold then x and y must be equal. Similarl y , given to sets A and B, if ever y
  38. For two real numbers x and y both inequalities x ≤ y and y ≤ x hold then x and, y ,must be equal. Similarl y , given to sets A and B, if ever y element in A also is
  39. U (t_1) is given b y the line integrals:: \point_^ x \dot y \, dt - \point_^, y ,\dot x \, dt \point_^ (x \dot y - y \dot x) \, dt (see Green's theorem): or
  40. D satisfies the ultrametric inequalit y d (x, y ) \LEQ \max (d (x, z ), d (, y , z) ) for all x, y ,z in F. * v (a) \LE 1 \Right arrow v (1+a) \LE 1 \text
  41. W\\ \box\squad\squad\squad\squad\squad\squad\ \ \, \end \right\} \box, x, y , z\in S while a right-associative operation is conventionall y evaluated from
  42. y )z x ( y \, z ) x\, y \, z\squad\squad\squad\quad\ \ \, \end \right\} \box, y , z\in\math. * Addition and multiplication of complex numbers and quatrains
  43. Numbers is antis y mmetric: if for two real numbers x and y both inequalities x ≤, y ,and y ≤ x hold then x and y must be equal. Similarl y , given to sets A and B, if
  44. The following definition. For an y complex number: z = x + in, \,where x and, y ,are real numbers, the absolute value or modulus of z is denoted | z | and is
  45. 1282 – Princess Elizabeth of Huddle (d. 1316) *1533 – Alonso de Ercilla, y ,Zúñiga, Basque soldier and poet (d. 1595) *1560 – Elizabeth Batter y
  46. Are the XY-, xz-, and planes, and the fourth has the centers on the x and, y ,axes. The fifth and final d-orbital consists of three regions of high
  47. X, y ), z)= \operator name (x, \operator name ( y , z))= \operator name (x, y , z)\ \quad \\ \operator name (\operator name (x, y ), z)= \operator name (x
  48. Axioms: # \for all x. \not (So = 0) # \for all x. \for all y . (So SY \to x, y ,) # (( \phi (0) \land \for all x. \, ( \phi (x) \to \phi (So) )) \to
  49. X, \operator name ( y , z))= \operator name (x, y ,z)\quad \end \right\}\box, y , z\in\math. *Because linear transformations are functions that can be
  50. To antis y mmetr y plus reflexivit y . Examples The relation" x is even, y ,is odd" between a pair (x, y ) of integers is antis y mmetric:::: The

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