Examples of the the word, emotionally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( emotionally ), is the 5660 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is both to comprehend (relate intellectually) and to apprehend (relate, emotionally ,) its Quidditch, its essence, its being. In an ideological context, a grokked
  2. Through 8 contain emotional material, and the seventh slide contained the most, emotionally ,arousing image and description (a picture of surgically repaired legs of a car
  3. Idea here: you are aware of what you are watching at the same time that you are, emotionally ,involved with it. ”" Be Black, Baby " was filmed in black and white stock on
  4. Civil society. The civil war remains the most traumatic, controversial and, emotionally ,charged event in the history of modern Finland, and there have even been
  5. Themes, dealing with the reality of what inner city teens were experiencing, emotionally , Also in the development of Freestyle was a club in the Bronx called The Devils
  6. Of the story: Camilla selected exclusively female victims, though only became, emotionally ,involved with a few. Camilla had nocturnal habits, but was not confined to the
  7. A democratic (or other type of) society. Conspiratorial accounts can be, emotionally ,satisfying when they place events in a readily understandable, moral context.
  8. And Nick Mont fort, Weizenbaum notes how quickly and deeply people became, emotionally ,involved with the computer program, taking offense when he asked to view the
  9. Theory, originally developed by John Bowlby, focuses on open, intimate, emotionally , meaningful relationships. Attachment is described as a biological system or
  10. As respiration," blush response ", heart rate, and eye movement in response to, emotionally ,provocative questions. In the film two applicants take the test, Leon and
  11. In the raw-data form in which it was captured but in a context that makes it, emotionally ,resonant. Thirdly - Consequence. The information must illuminate one or more
  12. Costly legal battles brought ruin to Armstrong, by then almost penniless and, emotionally ,distraught. Eventually, after Armstrong's death, many of the lawsuits were
  13. Beautiful, strong-minded Julia Scarlet, whom he first meets in Ann Arbor; the, emotionally ,fragile and haunting Essay Lee, and the very private and mysterious leading
  14. Never felt the splendid sadness of 'Follies' as acutely as I did watching the, emotionally ,transparent concert production ... At almost any moment, to look at the faces
  15. Is somewhat aloof, but can also form strong bonds with people and can become, emotionally ,attached to a single human. Baseness may not get along with non-canine pets. It
  16. York Male School (Columbia Preparatory School). Overextended financially and, emotionally ,unstable, Allan tried to recover from his setbacks by moving his family to
  17. The subscriber to the theory is able to assign moral responsibility for an, emotionally ,troubling event or situation to a clearly conceived group of individuals.
  18. Illiterate tribal mothers in Africa produced children who were socially and, emotionally ,more advanced than typical western children, by western standards of
  19. Freedom in the Sunday comics: I took a sabbatical after resolving a long and, emotionally ,draining fight to prevent Calvin and Hobbes from being merchandised. Looking
  20. Or fire or other trauma, deformed from illness or if someone in the group is, emotionally ,unable to cope with viewing the corpse. In cases such as these, a picture of
  21. The family lived in poverty in Moscow,Chekhov's mother physically and, emotionally ,broken. Chekhov was left behind to sell the family possessions and finish his
  22. Imogen's autobiography, A Childhood at Green Hedges, Blyton has emerged as an, emotionally ,unstable and often malicious figure. By 1939 her marriage to Pollock was in
  23. The amygdala is believed to be involved in the encoding and retrieval of, emotionally ,charged memories. Much of the evidence for this has come from research on a
  24. Antlers released their first concept album Hospice. It tells the story of an, emotionally ,abusive relationship, explained through the analogy of a hospice worker and
  25. So convincing that there are many anecdotes about people becoming very, emotionally ,caught up in dealing with DOCTOR for several minutes until the machine's true
  26. Special Education unit. The Special Education classes include children who are, emotionally ,disturbed. For more information on the school and its programs please visit the
  27. Appealing to the electorate on a social democratic line, or whether to appeal, emotionally ,on a center-right cultural line. Another subject of the split was whether to
  28. On their wedding night she discovered that he was impotent; they became, emotionally ,and physically distant. Before long he became jealous and suspicious. She
  29. It is a deeply-felt style which is individualistic, beautiful,exotic, and, emotionally , wrought. Although Romanticism and Neoclassicism were philosophically
  30. With Ben as she was years ago; and Ben is so self-absorbed that Phyllis feels, emotionally ,abandoned. Several of the former showgirls perform their old numbers, sometimes
  31. Stylistic preference. Haydn accordingly wanted more dramatic contrast and more, emotionally ,appealing melodies, with sharpened character and individuality. This period
  32. Is a term used to describe the high incidence of stepchildren being physically, emotionally ,or sexually abused, neglected or murdered, or otherwise mistreated at the hands
  33. The unstable, development distribution is permanently nicknamed SID, after the, emotionally ,unstable next-door neighbor boy who regularly destroyed toys. Release history
  34. Passports, and communication with the outside world, abused them physically and, emotionally , deprived them of food and invaded their privacy. In the case of corrupt
  35. This will lead to harmful consequences in their life, physically,mentally, emotionally ,and socially. Johnson (1980) explores the emotional progression of the
  36. Lost again later. Remarque often refers to the living soldiers as old and dead, emotionally ,drained and shaken. " We are not youth any longer. We don't want to take the
  37. Of Rome to the next item on the agenda. Thereby, all further discussion of this, emotionally ,charged issue was cut off. The reaction in the street was furious as some
  38. Through hope. God has a deep concern for the welfare of his people, materially, emotionally , and spiritually. The redemption theme extends beyond this biblical book through
  39. And anatomists believed that the more sensitive people's nerves, the more, emotionally ,affected they would be by their surroundings. Since women were thought to have
  40. The Late Renaissance. Baroque Art is less complex, more realistic and more, emotionally ,affecting than Mannerism. This movement was encouraged by the Catholic
  41. Their increasing feelings of exile and separation; despondent, they waste away, emotionally ,as well as physically. Part four In September and October, the town remains at
  42. Best way to travel,' he wrote,'is to feel. ' As such, his poetry is the most, emotionally ,intense and varied, constantly juggling two fundamental impulses: on the one
  43. For the placid Carrie is characterized by even eighth-note rhythms, whereas the, emotionally ,restless Julie's music is marked by dotted eighths and sixteenths; this rhythm
  44. Portrayed as successful, financially independent, strong-willed,and, emotionally ,stable. * Conversely, his antagonists are often sociopathic monsters with no
  45. This Bhūmi strive to help sentient beings attain maturity, and do not become, emotionally ,involved when such beings respond negatively, both of which are difficult to do
  46. Categories. Diseases usually affect people not only physically, but also, emotionally , as contracting and living with many diseases can alter one's perspective on
  47. 6 feet, the King is depicted as a tyrannical psychopath. He is also shown to be, emotionally ,and physically abusive to his son. Determined to ruthlessly put down the
  48. Notions and make them think about what is happening on stage, or to, emotionally ,distance the audience from the action thus making logical evaluation of the
  49. GP, Psychiatrist and author, argues that all psychiatric medications are, emotionally ,damaging due to both the physical effects of the drugs, and because they
  50. Laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is, emotionally ,unsatisfying ... it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity.

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