Examples of the the word, awake , in a Sentence Context

The word ( awake ), is the 5663 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wellington always rose early, he " couldn't bear to lie awake in bed" once, awake , even if the army was not on the march. Even when he returned to civilian life
  2. By a powerful blast, after which Laos destroys Zeal. Crono's friends, awake ,in a village and find Magus, who confesses that he was prince Janus of Zeal. In
  3. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will, awake ,to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we
  4. All the dalliance I desired with her, and then dreamt that this could not be, awake , but that it was only a dream ". Marquis d'Harvey de Saint-Denys argued that it
  5. Erythematosus),and even his habit of immersing his head in cold water to stay, awake , The explanation, from the autopsy of the time, is that he had a" distended
  6. While one sleeps; but an author really should not thus dream while he is, awake , and writing too. " Reviews following months after publication contained
  7. Personality Traits Wellington always rose early, he " couldn't bear to lie, awake ,in bed" once awake , even if the army was not on the march. Even when he
  8. Drew Carey Show in which Motörhead play outside Carey's home, startling him, awake , Lemma is one of the few musicians to have been mentioned on Basis and
  9. A whole Comedy, behold the action, apprehend the jests and laugh my self, awake ,at the conceits thereof ". Similarly, Samuel Pepys in his diary entry for
  10. Regaining consciousness is not instant: in the first days, patients are only, awake ,for a few minutes, and duration of time awake gradually increases. This is
  11. Increases. This is unlike the situation in many movies where people who, awake ,from comas are instantly able to continue their normal lives. In reality, the
  12. Up; and thereafter tea would provide a stimulant to help keep students of Chan, awake ,during meditation. The most popular account relates that Bodhidharma was
  13. So soft and velvety it's like a hovering nimbus, ready to swallow them if they, awake ,from the film's dream. And when they are swallowed, when smoke fills the frame
  14. McDowell of Danville, Kentucky,who operated to remove urinary stones. Polk was, awake ,during the operation with nothing but brandy available for anesthetic, but it
  15. Movie that is his vivid and emotionally alive life. " When I'm manic,I'm so, awake ,and alert, that my eyelashes fluttering on the pillow sound like thunder ".
  16. Nature and saying how it is. But other people fail to notice what they do when, awake , just as they forget what they do while asleep. (DK 22B1) For this reason it
  17. Prophet Daniel writes," Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will, awake , some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt. " Dan 12:2
  18. A chilling noise from beyond her doorway. She goes to sleep unsettled, only to, awake ,and learn that what she assumed to be haunting spirits were actually the
  19. Family of Manchu gypsies. Reinhardt's nickname" Django" is Roman for" I, awake , " Reinhardt spent most of his youth in Roman (Gypsy) encampments close to
  20. So man lies down and does not rise. Till the heavens are no more, they will not, awake ,nor be roused from their sleep ... If a man dies, shall he live again? " (Job
  21. To follow the landing with a five-hour sleep period, since they had been, awake ,since early morning. However, they elected to forgo the sleep period and begin
  22. Afikoman. Many families use the fireman as a device for keeping the children, awake ,and alert throughout the Seder proceedings by hiding the fireman and offering
  23. Meditation becomes a habit that continues whilst walking, talking,eating, awake ,and even sleeping. There is a distinct taste or flavor when a meditator
  24. Light to produce adverse effect on mood and anxiety. For those who need to be, awake ,at night, light at night also has an acute effect on alertness and mood. Common
  25. He was a man ... and loved it. But now the dream is over ... and the insect is, awake , " *In the Mel Brooks film Space Balls, the commander orders crewman" Kafka "
  26. Even when asleep. Dream consciousness is similar to that of a hallucinating, awake ,subject. Dreams or hallucinatory images triggered by the brain stem are
  27. Show large slow delta waves during sleep, faster alpha waves when the animal is, awake ,but inattentive, and chaotic-looking irregular activity when the animal is
  28. Effect, experienced by individuals using GHB as a sleeping agent, wherein they, awake ,suddenly after several hours of GHB-induced deep sleep. That is to say that
  29. Seventh Day Adventists, teach that the soul sleeps after death, and will not, awake ,again until the Resurrection, while others believe the spirit goes to an
  30. Stays. He started nibbling on dry bread to give him the strength to stay, awake ,through his morning receptions. As Pius aged, Marcus would have taken on more
  31. To one report. American bomber pilots use amphetamine (" go pills" ) to stay, awake ,during long missions. The Tank Farm incident, in which an American F-16 pilot
  32. Other members of Israel's team, racewalker Prof. Shall Lad any had been jolted, awake ,in Apartment 2 by Gutfreund's screams and escaped by jumping off a balcony and
  33. Is sleep; to make sure that you do not sleep during the days, and do not stay, awake ,during the nights. From the above reading, it is clear that In Sing gave
  34. Before the answer was given" in the tobacco plantation ". The husband was, awake , and next day followed his wife, who was irresistibly drawn thither. The
  35. More but creating ideal conditions for memory consolidation. For example, when, awake , people are bombarded with mental activity which interferes with effective
  36. Had worsened, and his urine output dropped to less than 300 cc a day. Mao was, awake ,and alert throughout the crisis and asked his team of doctors, several times
  37. As 'enlightenment '. This knowledge is considered in terms of being fully, awake ,to the true nature of reality (see bod hi). One who possesses or abides in
  38. The first days, patients are only awake for a few minutes, and duration of time, awake ,gradually increases. This is unlike the situation in many movies where people
  39. Virgil, Heimdallr will stand and mightily blow into Gjallarhorn. The gods will, awake ,and assemble together at the thing. At the end of the battle between various
  40. Also authorized the integrated nuclear weapons development the same year. As, awake ,of Smiling Buddha, an Indian nuclear test in 1974,Bhutto intensified and
  41. Of the dead when they state" many of them that sleep in the earth shall, awake , some to everlasting life and some to reproaches and everlasting abhorrence "
  42. Daniel 12:2,which says:“ Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will, awake ,: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. " The
  43. By a failed romance, reluctantly accepted. He later recalled that he would, awake ,every morning and remember that Peron was President and feel deeply depressed
  44. Sleep—contemporary research suggests that hypnotic subjects are fully, awake ,and are focusing attention, with a corresponding decrease in their peripheral
  45. Was not rather the effect of rapid and instant composition after he was, awake , than of memory immediately recording that which he dreamt when asleep? By what
  46. Visit, the delegation was shown a patient undergoing major surgery while fully, awake , ostensibly receiving acupuncture rather than anesthesia. Later it was found
  47. Century BCE Letter of Aristas argues that the laws" have been given ... to, awake ,pious thoughts and to form the character ". This view reappears in the prolix
  48. Evenings were occupied by his teaching and private classes, Bell began to stay, awake ,late into the night, running experiment after experiment in rented facilities
  49. Possible using these techniques to record brain activity from animals that are, awake ,and behaving without causing distress. The same techniques have occasionally
  50. Rita disguises herself with a blonde wig. The two women have sex that night and, awake ,at 2 a. m., when Rita insists they go to an eerie theater called Club Silence.

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