Examples of the the word, reign , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reign ), is the 5661 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A mean spirit ", and a" tyrant ". The measures of taxation in the, reign ,of Augustus were determined by population census, with fixed quotas for each
  2. King of Judah, and reign ed for twenty-two years. William F. Albright dated his, reign ,to 869 – 850 BC, while E. R. Thieve offered the dates 874 – 853 BC. Michael D.
  3. The National Emblem of India. The Ashoka chakra was built by Ashoka during his, reign , Chakra is a Sanskrit word which also means cycle or self repeating process.
  4. Trusts); L. Julius Marcellus, a prolific writer; and two others. His, reign ,saw the appearance of the Institutes of Gains, an elementary legal manual for
  5. Stu pa was built by Emperor Ashoka. During the remaining portion of Ashoka's, reign , he pursued an official policy of nonviolence (AHIMA). Even the unnecessary
  6. Less friendly. Essentially,1 Kings 16:29 through 20:40 is the story of Ahab's, reign , This reign is one which faces opposition from several prophets of Yahweh
  7. Mining activities, however,combined with inadequate Nile floods later in his, reign , strained the economy and precipitated the slow decline into the Second
  8. Noblemen at the age of 20. Consolidation of power Alexander began his, reign ,by eliminating any potential rivals to the throne. He had his cousin, the
  9. Imperator" as his title after a successful battle. By the end of his, reign , the armies of Augustus had conquered northern Hispanic (modern Spain and
  10. Essentially,1 Kings 16:29 through 20:40 is the story of Ahab's reign . This, reign ,is one which faces opposition from several prophets of Yahweh throughout as
  11. Augustus, but it was not extensively used as a building material until the, reign ,of Augustus. The relief sculptures decorating the Ara Paris visually augmented
  12. Began to reign with his father, Augustus,in AD 12. The 15th year of his, reign ,would then be 26 or 27 AD, placing Jesus' birth about 5 or 4 BC (because
  13. Marriage but still a child. The older son, Gesalec, was chosen king but his, reign ,was disastrous. King Theodoric of the Ostrogoths sent an army, led by his
  14. United Kingdom exercised a great deal of influence, and it was not until the, reign ,of King Manuela Khan in 1919 that Afghanistan re-gained independence over its
  15. In Wales) initially separated from the Roman Catholic Church in 1538 in the, reign ,of King Henry VIII, reunited in 1555 under Queen Mary I and then separated
  16. And the dispatched of additional soldiers to the province. Also during his, reign ,the governor of Upper Germany, probably Camus Phillips Cars Pedro, built new
  17. And Jezebel, and indicates that Jezebel was a bad influence on Ahab. Ahab's, reign ,During Ahab's reign , Moab,which had been conquered by his father, remained
  18. Blinded by a wily, but his rule did not last long after Ashoka's death. The, reign ,of Ashoka Maurya could easily have disappeared into history as the ages passed
  19. To the Rhine River and from the Danube River to the Baltic Sea. During his, reign ,he was one of the most feared enemies of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires.
  20. States that Jesus was" about thirty years old" during the 15th year of the, reign ,of Tiberius Caesar. Tiberius began to reign with his father, Augustus,in AD
  21. A test for the disaffected. In England, it was first imposed by statute in the, reign ,of Elizabeth I of England (1558) and its form has more than once been altered
  22. Non-Buddhist religions, and indeed gave donations to non-Buddhists. As his, reign ,continued his even-handedness was replaced with special inclination towards
  23. Sources, especially the Taxila. Eastern sources Information about the life and, reign ,of Ashoka primarily comes from a relatively small number of Buddhist sources.
  24. Under fourteen years, though this rule had exceptions. One highlight during his, reign ,occurred in 148,with the nine-hundredth anniversary of the foundation of Rome
  25. In his Promise Geschichte 2 vols., ed. by H. Benson, Stuttgart 1954 that the, reign ,of Antoninus comprised" a succession of grossly wasted opportunities," given
  26. Throughout the northern Indian subcontinent, and erected by Ashoka during his, reign ,in the 3rd century BC. Originally, there must have been many pillars of Ashoka
  27. In that he dealt with these crises without leaving Italy once during his, reign , but instead dealt with provincial matters of war and peace through their
  28. Years were not remarkably eventful in comparison to those before and after his, reign , However, he did take a great interest in the revision and practice of the law
  29. One or more of the honorifics given to Augustus. Just as often, as their, reign ,progressed, Emperors would appropriate all the titles, regardless of whether
  30. Church, Holy Trinity Church, a timber structure, was built upon it during the, reign ,of Rode, King of Jutland, around 900. 17th–18th centuries During the wars of
  31. S nephew-stepson Tutsis III sought to erase her legacy near the end of his, reign , possibly in retaliation for usurping his throne. Around 1350 BC, the stability
  32. Years of his reign , he never went within five hundred miles of a legion ". His, reign ,was the most peaceful in the entire history of the Principate; while there were
  33. Andrei Konchalovsky. The film was set in 18th century Russia during the, reign ,of Peter the Great and starred Natalya Bondarchuk and Anatolia Japan in the
  34. Remembered for his vast conquests,Alexander's lasting legacy was not his, reign , but the cultural diffusion his conquests engendered. Alexander founded some
  35. Alone command, a Roman army, but that, throughout the twenty-three years of his, reign , he never went within five hundred miles of a legion ". His reign was the most
  36. Consult Rabbi Judah on various worldly and spiritual matters. After the longest, reign ,since Augustus (surpassing Tiberius by a couple of months),Antoninus died of
  37. From the coming of King Vijaya of Ceiling (ancient Odessa) in 543 BC to the, reign ,of King Mahayana (334–361). As it often refers to the royal dynasties of
  38. Used such propaganda to legitimize her claim to the throne. Her successful, reign ,was marked by trading expeditions to Punt, an elegant mortuary temple, a
  39. While E. R. Thieve offered the dates 874 – 853 BC. Michael D. Organ dates his, reign ,to 871-852 BCE. Family MRI (Ahab's father and founder of the short-lived
  40. Warm room) and calcium (hot room). The bath was built during the, reign ,of Emperor Caracalla in the 3rd century AD to honor Asclepius, the God of
  41. Old" during the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. Tiberius began to, reign ,with his father, Augustus,in AD 12. The 15th year of his reign would then be
  42. Activist (b. 1939) Holidays and observances * Chakri Day, commemorating the, reign ,of the Chakra Dynasty. (Thailand) External links *
  43. Captured and martyred in Ankara, and Mustachios. As in other Roman towns,the, reign ,of Diocletian marked the culmination of the persecution of the Christians. In
  44. Nation. They did not secure their independence nor become" abbeys" till the, reign ,of Henry VI. The Clinic revival, with all its brilliancy, was but short-lived.
  45. To record history for its own sake, but for legitimizing the current imperial, reign , These texts took the form of stories about texts and objects being conferred
  46. And the split from it of the Scottish Episcopal Church began in 1582,in the, reign ,of James VI of Scotland, over disagreements about the role of bishops. The
  47. Had in calling a conclave to settle a number of contentious issues during his, reign , This development ultimately lead to a close association in many Southeasts
  48. That Jezebel was a bad influence on Ahab. Ahab's reign During Ahab's, reign , Moab, which had been conquered by his father, remained tributary; Judah, with
  49. And cave walls, made by the Emperor Ashoka of the Mauryan dynasty during his, reign ,from 272 to 231 BC. These inscriptions are dispersed throughout the areas of
  50. Of the Encyclopædia Britannica: Later historians had a more nuanced view of his, reign , According to the historian J. B. Bury, Inevitably,the surviving evidence is

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