Examples of the the word, primitive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( primitive ), is the 5654 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2000 allows the construction of four different types of arcologies. More, primitive ,models hold quite a few people in exchange for producing considerable pollution
  2. Which date back more than 7,000 years. The people of that time relied on, primitive ,accounting methods to record the growth of crops and herds. Because there is a
  3. Propositions, theorems ) and definitions. One must concede the need for, primitive ,notions, or undefined terms or concepts, in any study. Such abstraction or
  4. Classes, who explains in his books on the Guarani tribe in Paraguay that ", primitive ,societies" actively oppose the institution of the state. These stateless
  5. To religious scholar Robert Legal, Tylor saw all religions," modern and, primitive ,alike ", as forms of animism. i.e., a belief that natural objects other than
  6. Device" that blindly follows its instructions. Melzak's and Lambek's, primitive ,models reduced this notion to four elements: (i) discrete, distinguishable
  7. Suggest on the basis of groups such as the Leptanillinae and Partialize that, primitive ,ants were likely to have been predators underneath the surface of the soil.
  8. Bowhunting for many years used English-style longbows. The revival of modern, primitive ,archery may be traced to Ishim, who came out of hiding in California in 1911.
  9. Of" cognitive underdevelopment ", and that it was therefore common in ", primitive ," peoples such as those living in hunter-gatherer societies. Tylor's
  10. With modes pones. Other axiom schemas involving the same or different sets of, primitive ,connectives can be alternatively constructed. These axiom schemata are also
  11. Among the residents eventually led to widespread anarchy and a reversion to, primitive ,archetypes. * In John Christopher's 1967-68 trilogy of novels The Tripods, an
  12. But quadrupedal when moving about in tree branches. A. radius had a more, primitive ,walking ability than later hominids, and could not walk or run for long
  13. Hello. Adb Data types Ada's type system is not based on a set of predefined, primitive ,types but allows users to declare their own types. This declaration in turn is
  14. Approach of Euclidean geometry, which treats certain geometric notions as, primitive , and uses deductive reasoning based on axioms and theorems to derive truth.
  15. Archery remains in use for sport, and for hunting in many areas. Modern, primitive ,archery In the United States, competition archery and bow hunting for many years
  16. i.e. 1. So 1↓ιR is 2 3 4 5 6 *Set R to the new vector (←, assignment, primitive , ),i.e. 2 3 4 5 6 *Generate outer product of R multiplied by R,i.e. a matrix
  17. Used the abacus for the operations of addition and subtraction; however, this, primitive , device proved difficult to use for more complex calculations ". Egyptian abacus
  18. And both compile-time and run-time performance tended to be slow and tools, primitive , Compiler vendors expended most of their efforts in passing the massive
  19. It is a paraplegic group without unique defining features apart from shared, primitive ,characteristics. Classification varies according to the preferred phylogeny of
  20. Example, for this not to fall into vagueness and a never-ending series of ", primitive ,notions ", either a precise notion of what we mean by x x\, ( or, for that
  21. That all societies passed through a single evolutionary process, from the most, primitive ,to the most advanced, and various forms of non-lineal theorists, who tended to
  22. U. S. state in which diamonds are mined—although by members of the public with, primitive ,digging tools for a small daily fee, not by commercial interests. (near
  23. Codeine). As such, the idea of alcohol for analgesia is generally considered a, primitive ,practice in virtually all industrialized countries today. The use of adjuvant
  24. Were found in Mesopotamia (Assyrians). The people of that time relied on, primitive ,accounting methods to record the growth of crops and herds. Accounting evolved
  25. C. T. Newton demonstrated these to be no strayed Phoenician products. In 1866, primitive , structures were discovered on the island of Theresia by quarry men extracting
  26. The growth of cultural relativism, an awareness of the survival of the, primitive ,in modern life, and the replacement of, all of which are central to modern
  27. Has an albedo of 0.04. Such a dark surface is thought to be indicative of a, primitive ,and heavily space weathered surface containing some organic compounds. The
  28. Lilies all have successive microsporogenesis, which is thought to be the, primitive ,condition in monocots. It seems that when the Asparagus first diverged they
  29. It is generally required that each individual proof step can be verified by a, primitive ,recursive function or program, and hence the problem is always decidable.
  30. Seen ruling in all the forms of life. Mind causes motion. It rotated the, primitive ,mixture, starting in one corner or point, and gradually extended until it gave
  31. When the system was turned on with the break key pressed, and later supported a, primitive ,LAN system, using the RS232 port with modified cabling. The very first of the
  32. The physician of the Gods in Iliad, who seems to come from a more, primitive ,religion. Paeοn is probably connected with the Mycenaean Pa-ja-wo, but the
  33. Nationalistic principles; anthroposophy considered" Blood, Race and Folk" as, primitive ,instincts that must be overcome. As well as for rankings of races that have
  34. Of species cited above follow Frost. Respiration The lungs in amphibians are, primitive ,compared to that of the amniotic, possessing few internal septa, large alveoli
  35. In the practice of collective love. His epistemology can be regarded as, primitive ,materialist empiricism; he believed that human cognition ought to be based on
  36. Were the seeds (spermatic) or miniatures of wheat and flesh and gold in the, primitive ,mixture; but these parts, of like nature with their wholes (the homoiomereiai
  37. Disc and floppy disc drive and other magnetic media. Bell's own home used a, primitive ,form of air conditioning, in which fans blew currents of air across great
  38. The ALH 84001 meteorite, thought to originate from Mars, contains evidence of, primitive ,life-forms. *1997 – Korean Air Flight 801,a Boeing 747-300,crashes into the
  39. Based on the notion of limit, it is the notion of a variable quantity that's, primitive , and both infinitesimals and limits are defined in terms of it. Note again that
  40. Modern. *Philology, which studies the evidence in language families for their, primitive ,locations and the nature of their cultures. (For an example, see Proto-Uralic
  41. Movies and modern symphonies to which no one listens. He believes melody is a, primitive ,vulgarity. He is one of Lillian Rearden's friends and a member of the cultural
  42. The coke). Their actuality films, or actualities, are often cited as the first, primitive ,documentaries. They also made the first steps towards comedy film with the
  43. Zealand. Extensive X-ray and ultraviolet induced mutagenesis efforts (i.e., primitive ,genetic engineering) during the 1950s produced the modern commercial varieties
  44. Phi, \chi, and \psi can be any formulae of the language and where the included, primitive ,connectives are only" \neg" for negation of the immediately following
  45. Rewards and charitable donations activated the Mesolithic reward pathway,a, primitive ,part of the brain that usually lights up in response to food and sex. However
  46. The dot (OR-tie). The Böhm-Jacopini canonical structures are made of these, primitive ,shapes. Sub-structures can" nest" in rectangles but only if a single exit
  47. Connection with representing data for storage in computers, contains built-in, primitive ,datatype, date and daytime, which do not allow a year zero, and designate
  48. Angulus, meaning " a corner ". The word annulus is a diminutive, of which the, primitive ,form, angus, does not occur in Latin. Cognate words are the Greek (ankles)
  49. To a graphics computer terminal for each user. Early releases of AutoCAD used, primitive ,entities — lines, polylines, circles,arcs, and text — to construct more
  50. In a nearby house. As one commentator notes," In contrast to this scene of, primitive ,violence, the serenity of the Mozart is, literally,other-worldly" and" the

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