Examples of the the word, explosion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( explosion ), is the 4329 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The blast was initially thought to have been an accident, caused by a gas, explosion , But after divers righted the ferry five months after it sunk, they found
  2. Predominantly black colleges. The AFL's color-blindness led not only to the, explosion ,of black talent on the field, but to the eventual entry of blacks into scouting
  3. Police agents present at the concert had to break off this spontaneous, explosion ,of ovations. Beethoven left the concert deeply moved. The repeat performance on
  4. Actinides into the environment; analysis of debris from a 1952 hydrogen bomb, explosion ,showed the presence of americium, curium,berkelium, californium,einsteinium
  5. In a Christian context. His views set the stage for the philosophical, explosion ,to occur. Peter Abelard followed Anselm's work, laying the foundation for
  6. Unlike typical assassinations his death was not swift; he first survived an, explosion ,at the Presidential Villa, was then shot and wounded, and finally was butchered
  7. S fusion with different genres. University competitions have experienced an, explosion ,in popularity over the last five years and have helped to promote the dance and
  8. Amount of exceedingly fine dust blown to a great height by the volcano's, explosion , and then globally diffused by the high atmospheric currents. Edvard Munch's
  9. When, in fact, it was heavily veiled in Nin's text. Later life and legacy The, explosion ,of the feminist movement in the 1960s gave feminist perspectives on Nin's
  10. Lengthening and shortening vowels, and retraction. * Aspiration – strong, explosion ,of breath. In English a voiceless plosive that is p, t or k is aspirated
  11. Revolutionary group which hoped to ignite a social revolution, organised an, explosion ,on the railway from Livia to Moscow, but they missed the tsar's train. On
  12. Vale Company in 1852 but closed in 1889. On 6 February 1890,an underground, explosion ,at Larch Colliery killed 176. Local government Abersychan now constitutes a
  13. For example, aluminium monoxide, AlO, has been detected in the gas phase after, explosion ,and in stellar absorption spectra. More thoroughly investigated are compounds
  14. Announced on October 11, 2004,that investigators had concluded the, explosion ,was caused by a bomb. She said six suspects had been arrested in connection
  15. The Fender and Gibson versions used bolt-on and glued-on necks. 1960s With the, explosion ,of the popularity of rock music in the 1960s,many more manufacturers began
  16. Air pollution and to nuclear power generation in the wake of the 1986 reactor, explosion ,at Chernobyl '. Environmental issues helped form the basis of the nationalist
  17. And Monmouth shire. On 11 September 1878 it was the site of an underground, explosion ,which killed 268 coal miners. Local government The area was part of the ancient
  18. The tsar to leave the area at once rather than being shown the site of the, explosion , Nevertheless, a second young member of the Narodnaya Volga, Ignaty Grinevitsky
  19. To 500 times the occupational standard for americium-241 as a result of an, explosion ,in his lab. McCloskey died at the age of 75,not as a result of exposure, but
  20. Hooves in the supposition that it would blow up under the carriage ... The, explosion ,knocked me into the fence. " The explosion , while killing one of the Cossacks
  21. To a more secure port, but during the transport she suffered an internal, explosion ,that caused 300 deaths and her total loss. Several Italian and German capital
  22. They were initiated before or conducted independently of the oxygen tank, explosion , *Several experiments to study electrical phenomena were conducted prior to and
  23. Were injured. One of the suicide attackers, Bouraoui, was also killed by the, explosion ,while Damage was captured and shot while trying to escape. Despite initial
  24. 25 invasion. Rommel attacks Torus. *1944 – Bombay Explosion: A massive, explosion ,in Bombay harbor kills 300 and causes economic damage valued then at 20 million
  25. Reformed),but over the last decades there has in addition been a real, explosion ,of Pentecostal communities and African Initiated Churches. As of 2006,one out
  26. Attempted in Paris by the anarchist Mate Moral; instead, the bomb, explosion ,killed or injured many bystanders and members of the Royal procession. Alfonso
  27. The devices used were the 1.7 kt boosted fission W25 warhead. When such an, explosion ,takes place a burst of X-rays is released that strike the Earth's atmosphere
  28. General culture. The advent of paperback books in the 20th century led to an, explosion ,of popular publishing. Paperback books made owning books affordable for many
  29. Students under Théophile-Jules Delouse at the University of Turin). A big, explosion ,occurred on the 3 September 1864 at their factory in Hellebore in Stockholm
  30. That was taking him to a military field hospital in nearby Tajikistan. The, explosion ,also killed Mohammed Asia Shall, a United Front official, while Mohammad Fa him
  31. Faced an ever-increasing rate of publishing, sometimes called an information, explosion , The advent of electronic publishing and the Internet means that much new
  32. In return for 280 million German marks as Wiedergutmachung. *1961 – A large, explosion ,on board the in the Persian Gulf kills 238. *1968 – BOAT Flight 712 catches
  33. To a mixture of products. The reaction is highly exothermic, and can lead to an, explosion , These reactions are an important industrial route to alienated hydrocarbons.
  34. Goya is sunk by a Soviet submarine torpedo. *1947 – Texas City Disaster: An, explosion ,on board a freighter in port causes the city of Texas City, Texas,to catch
  35. Pentagon, with a plane visible in one frame, as a" thin white blur" and an, explosion ,following. The images were made public in response to a December 2004 Freedom
  36. Rock were extracted from the blast area immediately after the test to study the, explosion ,products, but no isotopes with mass number greater than 257 could be detected
  37. Descriptions of the main graphical elements (rocks, saucer,player's ship, explosion ,pictures, letters,and digits) in the form of DVG commands. Legacy Due to the
  38. Aircraft project. *1968 – In Richmond,Indiana's downtown district, a double, explosion ,kills 41 and injures 150. *1970 – New hall Incident: Four California Highway
  39. To thank God ". Dzerzhinsky was later to write:" I was deafened by the new, explosion , burned, wounded and thrown to the ground. Suddenly, amid the smoke and snowy
  40. Particle–antiparticle pairs. The result of antimatter meeting matter is an, explosion , There is considerable speculation as to why the observable universe is
  41. Germany; the diaries are subsequently revealed to be forgeries. *1992 – In an, explosion ,in Guadalajara, Mexico,206 people are killed, nearly 500 injured and 15,000
  42. States of Six-party talks. *2010 – Twenty-nine coal miners are killed in an, explosion ,at the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia. Births *1288 – Emperor
  43. Waves" of scholarly interest in Rand, the most recent of which is" an, explosion ,of scholarship" in the 2000s. However, few universities currently include Rand
  44. Of Staff of the Armed Forces of Guinea-Bissau, who had been killed in a bomb, explosion ,the day before. Further motivations As military doctrine Assassination for
  45. Although oxidation of liquid ammonia is usually slow, there is still a risk of, explosion , particularly if transition metal ions are present as possible catalysts.
  46. Western tastes, let alone being ruled by his Western wife),building up to an, explosion ,of rioting that almost became a full civil war. This gave Androids the
  47. Blow up under the carriage ... The explosion knocked me into the fence. " The, explosion , while killing one of the Cossacks and seriously wounding the driver and people
  48. The normal artillery spelling is" fuse ". Fuses are the devices that trigger, explosion ,of the artillery ammunition charge. Broadly there are four main types: Most
  49. Exposure of uranium-238 to a large neutron flux resulting from the, explosion ,produced heavy isotopes of uranium, including uranium-253 and uranium-255,and
  50. An enemy shell explodes on his position blowing off his chin. The same, explosion ,also fatally wounds Leer. Himmelstoß Corporal Himmelstoß was a post-man before

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