Examples of the the word, mature , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mature ), is the 3571 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As little as in the spring and the Syrian brown bear (U. a. Syracuse),with, mature ,females weighing as little as. The largest subspecies are the Kodiak bear (U.
  2. Fruits, which are pear-shaped capsules about six inches long. When the fruits, mature ,they split into five valves, freeing large winged seeds which are carried away
  3. The time. Chekhov's tone at this stage was harsher than that familiar from his, mature ,fiction. In 1884,Chekhov qualified as a physician, which he considered his
  4. If taken with foods that contain excessively high levels of thiamine, such as, mature ,cheese, cured meats or yeast extracts. Likewise, lethal reactions to both
  5. God. In his fit of insanity he killed his son, whom he mistook for a stock of, mature ,ivy, and Ambrosia, who was transformed into the grapevine. Aurelius Ambrosia
  6. Environments. The flowers are usually arranged in inflorescence, and the, mature ,seeds lack endosperm. The biggest departure from earlier systems (see below)
  7. Pronunciation, and has become less common, with speakers generally being of a, mature ,age. Cultivated Australian English has in the past been thought to indicate
  8. The smallest subspecies is the Eurasian brown bear (U. a. actor),whose, mature ,females weigh as little as. Barely larger, grizzly bears (U. a. horrible)
  9. To Eddington's intuitive, exploratory style. Eddington's theory appeared in, mature ,form in 1926 as The Internal Constitution of the Stars, which became an
  10. Zero. He believes it is one of the hardest businesses to manage. As in many, mature ,industries, consolidation is a trend. Airline groupings may consist of limited
  11. Trees reach full bearing after five to six years after planting. The fruit is, mature ,in the autumn,7–8 months after flowering. Nut In botanical terms, the almond
  12. 3704-5364 was removed from the gene. This exon encodes a portion of the, mature ,TNF domain, as well as the leader sequence which is a highly conserved region
  13. A buggy PART. The memory controller flaw could have been mitigated by a, mature ,code-development environment, to unburden the programmer from having to
  14. The plant is normally grown in well-drained loamy soil, using pieces of, mature ,root planted at the start of the rainy season. Name "/IN"> EB"/> Growers
  15. Eight years later, on April 6 of 1503,after a long military career and at a, mature ,age, Afonso de Albuquerque was sent on his first expedition to India with his
  16. The ears on the costume. " About a year later he was almost the full figure, my, mature , Batman," Kane said. Batman's characteristic utility belt was introduced in
  17. And ultimately died days later from it. Reproduction Bald Eagles are sexually, mature ,at four or five years of age. When they are old enough to breed, they often
  18. Generation supports C++ and C#, Java,PHP 4,PHP 5,Python, Ruby and, with less, mature ,modules, Ada,Delphi and SQL). Weaknesses * Partial undo feature (working for
  19. Down and snatching the fish out of the water with its talons. It is sexually, mature ,at four years or five years of age. The Bald Eagle builds the largest nest of
  20. Dryer wrote that it" is not intended to be sung by the young in love, but by a, mature ,performer who has seen it all before. The song remains an anthem to regret for
  21. Has become Berg's best-known and beloved composition. Like much of his, mature ,work, it employs an idiosyncratic adaptation of Schoenberg's twelve tone
  22. Though Kurosawa, of course, often used both of those devices as well). In his, mature ,work, Kurosawa employed the wipe so frequently that it became a kind of
  23. Saga Bhaji ', in which the leaf is fried with chilies and onions. The root of, mature ,amaranth is an excellent vegetable. It is white and cooked with tomatoes or
  24. Biennials flower only once, while many perennials will flower every year once, mature , Examples of biennial plants are parsley, Lunaria, silverbeet, Sweet William
  25. Theorem proving Classical first-order theorem proving is one of the most, mature ,subfields of automated theorem proving. The logic is expressive enough to allow
  26. A subtle atmosphere of homoeroticism which pervades the adventures of the, mature ,'Batman' and his young friend 'Robin. '" Andy Medalist wrote in his 1991
  27. Change was the reintroduction of Mary Jane Watson as a much more serious, mature ,woman who becomes Peter's confidante after she reveals that she knows his
  28. The group re-entered the studio in 1988,emerging with a more artistically, mature ,second album,Paul's Boutique. Produced by the Dust Brothers and Matt Dike
  29. Abandonment of his work in tapestry. The subject of nearly all of Maillol's, mature ,work is the female body, treated with a classical emphasis on stable forms. The
  30. Design problem. The logic board used" fine line" technology that was not fully, mature ,at the time, with narrow, closely spaced traces. Commercial failure For a
  31. Note, leaning more towards downtempo, acoustic soft-rock songs, with more, mature ,(yet still optimistic) lyrics. She called it her" razor blades and Prozac "
  32. twenty-seven, & twenty-nine Cave 21: The interior view towards left aisle shows, mature ,sense of the use of space. The pillars are well carved and the remains of
  33. Kurosawa welcomed the changed political climate and sought to fashion his own, mature ,cinematic voice. " The Japanese critic Radio NATO concurs:" With defeat in
  34. Is often further reduced to, especially after palatals, so that cure, pure, mature , and sure rhyme with fir. * Dropping of is more extensive than in RP. In most
  35. A significant advance for Chekhov, exhibiting much of the quality of his, mature ,fiction and winning him publication in a literary journal rather than a
  36. Little of his work is directly concerned with the empirical sciences. In his, mature ,work, when he did refer to science it was often to present phenomenological or
  37. Is not that of a beginner whose grammar and vocabulary might improve and, mature ,into those of the evangelist. It is the pidgin Greek of someone who appears to
  38. On. Biographer Paul Allen has compared characters and themes in Ayckbourn's, mature ,plays with his childhood experience of several unconventional relationships and
  39. To shape its landscape. Beavers fell trees for several reasons. They fell large, mature ,trees, usually in strategic locations, to form the basis of a dam, but European
  40. Of the game Cosmic Ark). It took some time for the emulator programmers to, mature ,their software to properly emulate the undocumented features, bugs and quirks
  41. Because of their characteristic inflorescence and many shared apomorphies. The, mature ,seeds usually have little endosperm or none. Pollen from ragweed Ambrosia is
  42. PARAS AND FLYING SPIRITS: This large grotto has many paintings of the, mature ,5th century. The love of happiness radiates through the pictures. The earth has
  43. Are optimal for breeding Bald Eagles. The Bald Eagle requires old-growth and, mature ,stands of coniferous or hardwood trees for perching, roosting,and nesting.
  44. Particularly in the early experimental days of tank development, a standard, mature ,design configuration has since emerged to a generally accepted pattern. This
  45. And Ulm invariants, the case of countable mixed groups is much less, mature , *Many mild extensions of the first order theory of Abelian groups are known to
  46. New organism grows from a fragment of the parent. Each fragment develops into a, mature , fully grown individual. Fragmentation is seen in many organisms such as
  47. To North American television audiences without harsh censoring for violence and, mature ,themes. With the advent of DVD, it became possible to include multiple language
  48. Became Aphrodite. She floated ashore on a scallop shell. This image of a fully, mature ," Venus rising from the sea" ( Venus Anadyomene) was one of the iconic
  49. Sites. New colonies of Patella repent produce mainly" neuroblasts" while, mature ,ones switch to" floatoblasts ". Especially around cold seeps, and others near
  50. Services Despite the high profile of the extractive industries, Alberta has a, mature ,economy and most people work in services. Finance Calgary is head office for

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