Examples of the the word, jul , in a Sentence Context
The word ( jul ), is the 3472 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And after t, jy: Los" light" > Liz (SD lies),job" Christmas" > JAL (SD, jul , ),corr" bull" > key (SD try) # y, ø > i, e,æ before w: daughter" deaf" >
- Sidor av gamma man (double CD compilation) * 2003: Jag former hem gen till, jul , ( new version with extra song) Singles * 2007: Han AR med MIG nu, featuring
- Have an album go 11 times platinum in album sales for their album" Strange, jul ," (Glorious Christmas). Sister was married from 1993 to 2004 to
- HAI To Mango AUR" (" if you have a heart ask for more" ) (2000s) *"Mil, jul , ker human khushiyan" (" Open Happiness together" ) (for Ramadan 2011)
- Croatian - Hrvatski: Celtic Basic i arena Nova Godiva * Danish: Glædelig, jul , og got NOTAR! Or simply God Jul * Dutch: Prestige kerstdagen en been gelukkig
- And she participated in writing most of the original songs on it. Malin's, jul , is a Christmas album with familiar Christmas songs. Third album Pang was
- Winters. Average annual temperature is. Temperature extremes are about on 20,Jul,2007 at Kiskunhalas in the summer and on 16 Feb 1940 Miskolc-Görömbölytapolca
- January #Nyårsdagen (no name) #Svea #Alfred #Rut #Hanna #Trettondedag, jul , ( no name) #August #Erland #Gunnar #Sigurd #Hugo #Frideborg #Knut #Felix
- Recognition in the rest of Sweden. Christmas Swedes prepare for Christmas, jul , with Advent candles and opening Advent calendars. St. Lucia Day, Luciadagen on
- Ava' GDR vi nu, lille Du" /" Keep on Knocking' " (1976 - CBS) *" Endemic, jul , igen" /" Get On The Train" ( 1977 - CBS) *" Where Do We Go Now, Mon AMI "
- Canute, the patron saint of Denmark. The days between Christmas and Tjugondag, jul , are filled with holidays. Christmas trees are taken down on Tjugondag Jul, and
- Av Junar" #" Pippin gar PA Tripoli" #" Pippin i den first non" #" Pippin, jul ," #" Pippin hitter en spunk" #" Pippin Wallingford" #" Pippin AR
- Siesta 1995: Til Telemark 1996: I got lag 1998: Harmonica Album 2000: Inn under, jul , ( with Over Slave, Anne Ada) 2001: Vi PA Langedrag 2003: Over the Rainbow
- Sibelius. The songs were written between 1897 and 1913. The songs are: #Nu star, jul , vid snog port (Joulupukki Kolkata) (Zacharias Topics,1913) #Nu SA
- Gays' Kennedy) #" En revisor-smølfe-CD" ( An accountant-smurf-CD) #" God, jul , Frank" ( Merry Christmas, Frank ) Season 4 - Last Chance! #" Urge heater "
- Yule Eve" ), December 24,the day generally thought of as the main, jul , celebration. Many Swedes Wicca In most forms of Wicca, this holiday is
- Stewart-married Sir Robert Inner 2nd of Intermarry *Marjory Stewart- D.26,Jul,1524. Married Sir Colin Campbell of Glenorchy *Margaret Stewart-married Sir
- Do Minister the Education e Sauce. AU-Arquitetura e Urbanism. Rio de Janeiro., jul , /ago. 1939: p. 543-551. *COSTA, Lucio. Minister, da participate de Rampart
- Jorden) #Tomten former start (Santa Claus is Coming to Town) #Kom hem till, jul , ( Coming' Home for Christmas) #Vår Accra vita interval (Winter Wonderland
- Time rather than a specific event, prevails in Norway. Whereas the start of “, jul ,” proper is announced by the chiming of church bells throughout the country in
- Believe there is any sort of spirit, god,or life force ". Though Christmas or, jul , ( yule) is considered to be Denmark's most celebrated holiday, this is mostly
- Voices were provided by the duo themselves. The radio single 'Near vi normal OSS, jul ,' ('As We Head Towards Christmas' ), along with TV and radio interviews
- De Douro died a SOA quota: Quota duotone la Duarte de moi Luc, che me coca, e,Jul, spartait Trey Douro la stanza e APU patch die, mais touch indoor el fall
- And the candies and cookies that decorated the tree are eaten. On Tjugondag, jul , there has been a tradition a bit analogous to modern Santa Claus, where men
- Year; autumn is the wettest season and spring the driest. Christmas (Danish:, jul , ),is celebrated on Christmas Eve,24 December. The celebration for the longest
- Their and they/them. Similarly, jul le when meaning your admits a variant, jul , Syntax Word order Afrikaans has a strict word order, described in many South
- The Vedas countenance no idols; all the modern Hindu writings do ". Tjugondag, jul , ( " Twentieth Day Yule" ), or Tjugondag Knot (Finnish: nuutinpäivä) is a
- The Internet (1992). Notes External links * Jul must (Swedish, jul ," Christmas" and must" juice" ) is a soft drink that is mainly consumed in
- Jol is the term used for the Christmas holiday season in Norway. Originally,“, jul ,” (or“ job” ) was the name of a month in the old Germanic calendar
- Close My Eyes" ( Promotional/radio release only) *2006 -" Near vi normal OSS, jul ," (Promotional/radio release only) Elise Combed (born 24 July 1982 in
- Jul are filled with holidays. Christmas trees are taken down on Tjugondag, jul , and the candies and cookies that decorated the tree are eaten. On Tjugondag
- Iceberg began her acting career when she won a role in the series Tunes, jul , Between 1993 and 1997,she became involved in amateur theater, which she
- Rolf men #Silent night #Juletid #Tänd ETT us #Utan Del SA Blair DET Inge, jul , The IBM M44/44X was an experimental computer system from the mid 1960s
- Er Jordan (Dealing er Jordan/Charlie AR Jordan) #Den Varese Jules #Glade, jul , ( Glade Jul, dejlige Jul/Still Yacht/Still NATO) #Det HEV a rose sprung (
- Gothic (frump) Jules and Old Norse (Icelandic) job (Danish and Swedish, jul , and Norwegian Jul or job) as well as FLIR. The etymological pedigree of the
- Rudolf med road mule (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) #Jag drummer on en, jul , hemma (White Christmas) #Hej, mitt hinterland #Härlig AR Jordan (Dealing her
- Roughly to the time from mid-December through mid-January, and the concept of “, jul ,” as a period of time rather than a specific event, prevails in Norway. Whereas
- Songs are previously unreleased. Several other rare tracks such as" Endemic, jul , igen" and" Where Do We Go Now, Mon AMI" are for some reason absent. The
- Of hit songs like" Fire fine lænestola" and the Christmas tune" Varies, jul ,". Rot mo sings in his own dialect, from the municipality of Verbal. He was a
- Signed a distribution deal with Sony Music Sweden, resulting on the album,'Var, jul ,' ('Our Christmas' ). The Gemini name was dropped in favor of Glen mark &
- By including all Gasoline' non-album singles and rare songs such as" Endemic, jul , igen" and" Dealing er Jordan ". Track listing #" Silky Sally" (
- Stock company presently incorporated into Holding company" Agrokombinat 13,Jul,", transformed a barren and waterless Ćemovsko field into the vineyards and one
- In Swedish, as " Min On ". It appears on Jöback's 2008 Christmas album En god, jul , och ETT got NLTT AR. *Sister Kyrkjebø sang" The Prayer" with Josh Groan
- Longo do secure XIX. Historian, Ciências, Saúde — Languishes, VI (2): 277-91,Jul, -out. 1999. http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php *Paula S A Morals, MD and Ernesto
- 2010 File: ToranjFeb08. JPG|March 2008 File: Alaska torn iguana, jul ,2 2008. JPG|July 2008 File: Avila TV Tower construction 2008-08-31. JPG|August
- Basic i arena Nova Godiva * Danish: Glædelig Jul OG got NOTAR! Or simply God, jul , * Dutch: Prestige kerstdagen en been gelukkig Nieuwegein * Filipino: Malignant
- 12" only/blue vinyl) (1978 - CBS) *" Dealing er Jordan" /" Endemic, jul , igen" ( 1979 - CBS) Yang Jun (楊駿) (died 291 AD),courtesy name Wenliang (
- Jiuleis and Old Norse (Icelandic) job (Danish and Swedish Jul and Norwegian, jul , or job) as well as FLIR. The etymological pedigree of the word, however
- Vast and silent ". Christmas song, text by M. Flack (1923) *FS 107. Km, jul , til Word," Come Yule to Earth ". Christmas song, text by J. Wider (1923) *FS
- Dealing er Jordan/Charlie AR Jordan) #Den Varese Jules #Glade Jul (Glade, jul , decline Jul/Still Yacht/Still NATO) #Det HEV a rose sprung (Es is an
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