Examples of the the word, strain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( strain ), is the 3481 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. More tricks given a particular trump suit or with no trump, referred to as the, strain , The partnership which makes the highest final bid is known as the declaring
  2. United States most closely associated with community outbreaks,USA400 (MW2, strain , ST1 lineage) and USA300,often contain Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)
  3. Called lysogenic conversion. An eminent example is the conversion of a harmless, strain ,of Vibrato cholera by a phage into a highly virulent one, which causes cholera.
  4. This development has muddied the waters somewhat as it could be argued that the, strain ,of apostolic succession has been re-introduced into Anglicanism, at least
  5. The Nixon administration's violations of civil liberties. The financial, strain ,from the controversy lead to layoffs at local chapters. In his February 23
  6. Insecticidal activity. Bacillus thuringiensis server Israelis,a, strain ,of B. thuringiensis is widely used as a parricide against mosquito larvae
  7. Regretted. He was, however,influential in averting national strike action. The, strain ,of this period took its toll, and in 1979 he suffered a physical collapse. This
  8. Ozone attack produces deeper cracks aligned at right angles to the tensile, strain ,in the product. Oxidation and UV degradation are also frequently linked, mainly
  9. Or without trumps (no trumps). The contract has two components: level and, strain ,(also called denomination). There are seven levels, numbered 1-7,and the
  10. With Greyhounds to give them an extra turn of speed. Long extinct, the Talbot, strain ,probably gave rise to the Southern Hound which, in turn, is thought to be an
  11. And suffered significant territorial losses, refugees who put an additional, strain ,on the already ruined national economy. The political unrest resulting from
  12. JPG|Albino Red-necked Wallaby File: Wistar rat. JPG|An albino Wistar rat,a, strain ,commonly used for both biomedical and basic research. File: Game Albino no zoo
  13. But wrongly) believed to have arisen from shell-shock. Hence, the fatalistic, strain ,of the poems, and the earlier settings, foreshadowed responses to the universal
  14. Are commonly used contact adhesives. Both of these elastomers undergo, strain ,crystallization. In the construction industry a specialized proprietary
  15. Recovered from the attack showed that they were identical to an anthrax vaccine, strain ,given to animals at the time. These vaccine strain s are missing the genes that
  16. Discovered that the BCG administered had been contaminated with a virulent, strain ,that was being stored in the same incubator, and led to legal action being
  17. Media offices and the U. S Congress. The letters killed 5. Tests on the anthrax, strain ,used in the attack pointed to a domestic source, possibly from the biological
  18. Structures show good mechanical properties (elastic modulus 450 GPA, fracture, strain ,3.7 %, fracture stress 17 GPA) and can be applied as reinforcement of ceramics
  19. A. Spinosus, A. Tuberculatus, and A. irides. A new herbicide-resistant, strain ,of Amaranths Palmer or Palmer amaranth has appeared; it is
  20. Bid determines the number of tricks required to fulfil the contract and its, strain ,determines what suit, if any, will be trumps. It should be noted that the
  21. Of interacting with a personal computer. Some Assistive Technology reduces the, strain ,of this way of work through ergonomic accessories with height-adjustable
  22. Bottom, it will generally fall over with the arms parallel to the seabed. As a, strain ,comes onto the rode, the stock will dig into the bottom, canting the anchor
  23. The player on the declaring side who, during the auction, first stated the, strain ,ultimately becoming trumps or no trumps is referred to as the declarer.: Playing
  24. Person. The reason for this, ironically,is that the group used the vaccine, strain ,of the bacterium. The spores recovered from the attack showed that they were
  25. Scoring points for the declaring side are dependent upon both the level and, strain ,of the contract and are awarded to them only when the contract is 'made ', i.
  26. BCG) is a vaccine against tuberculosis that is prepared from a, strain ,of the attenuated (weakened) live bovine tuberculosis bacillus, Mycobacterium
  27. To 1 or less. Since all anchors that embed themselves in the bottom require the, strain ,to be along the seabed, anchors can be broken out of the bottom by shortening
  28. 7,2005 London bombings. # The U. S. economy will finally collapse under the, strain ,of multiple engagements in numerous places, making the worldwide economic
  29. First time in over 25 years, he was able to read without glasses and without, strain , He even tried driving a car along the dirt road beside the ranch. He wrote a
  30. Been found in hospitals in England, France and the US. The first documented, strain ,with complete (>16 kg/ml) resistance to vancomycin, termed VERSA (
  31. Different manufacturers of BCG, and each manufacturer uses a different genetic, strain , This may result in different vaccine potency. 1) Notice (used for bladder
  32. Divorced. At the height of their popularity, both relationships were suffering, strain ,which ultimately resulted in the collapse of the Ulvaeus-Fältskog marriage in
  33. And tryparsamide. Dr. Trees conducted experiments showing that the non-amoebic, strain ,of dysentery was caused by a para cholera virion (facultative anaerobic
  34. Economics. However, anarchism has always included an individualist, strain ,supporting a market economy and private property, or morally unre strain ed
  35. Fracture mechanics. Concepts such as the stress concentration factor and the, strain ,energy release rate can be used to predict failure. In such models, the
  36. In other countries eventually consolidated a global telephone operation. The, strain ,put on Bell by his constant appearances in court, necessitated by the legal
  37. The course of their research to see if repeated subculturing would produce a, strain ,that was attenuated enough to be considered for use as a vaccine. The research
  38. Carbon in a double bond of about 120°. The angle may vary because of strict, strain ,introduced by nonbonded interactions created by functional groups attached to
  39. Expectations, removing the focus from the reader-audience and putting a, strain ,on the relationship between authors and editors and on writing as a social act.
  40. The arsenals that allowed the arsenate-reducing bacteria to thrive. One, strain ,PHS-1 has been isolated and is related to the γ-Proteobacterium
  41. In 1976,Robert A. Saharan reported the presence of a plasmid in a, strain ,of B. thuringiensis and suggested the plasmid's involvement in endospore and
  42. Anchoring with sufficient scope and/or heavy chain rode brings the direction of, strain ,close to parallel with the seabed. This is particularly important for light
  43. Vessel is head to wind and has lost headway. As the vessel gathers Steinway the, strain ,on the cable pivots the vessel around what is now the weather quarter turning
  44. Astrobiology research team claimed on December 2,2010, that the microbe, strain ,GFAJ-1 of the Gammaproteobacteria (designated Halomonadaceae) group has the
  45. Widely adopted for tethered balloons; in windy weather, this both reduces the, strain ,on the tether and stabilizes the balloon. The nickname blimp was adopted along
  46. Of the devices themselves: * Ergonomic keyboards reduce the discomfort and, strain ,of typing. * Corded keyboards have a handful of keys (one per digit per hand
  47. Staten's Serum Institute in Denmark 3) Paris BCG. Apparently the original BCG, strain , First marketed by Rotor in about 2002. Rotor since acquired by Diann
  48. U. S. Department of Agriculture's National Animal Disease Center (See Ames, strain ,), the U. S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory (a major material
  49. Some countries' governments, including Denmark, have advocated eliminating the, strain , Footnotes Boron () is the chemical element with atomic number 5 and the
  50. On 80-conductor cables The image shows DATA connectors after removal of, strain ,relief, cover,and cable. Pin one is at bottom left of the connectors, pin 2 is

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