Examples of the the word, meaningful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( meaningful ), is the 3476 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Inside director - a director who, in addition to serving on the board, has a, meaningful ,connection to the organization *outside director - a director who, other than
  2. Although the words, little is used predominantly. Nevertheless, there is a, meaningful ,degree of uniformity in written English within the United Kingdom, and this
  3. Typically expressing short-range geographical orientations or other locally, meaningful ,identifying features, have transmuted into modern Basque surnames, thereby
  4. Into causes has been hampered by the inability to identify biologically, meaningful ,subpopulations and by the traditional boundaries between the disciplines of
  5. Poet who believed the sensual excitement of the natural world found its, meaningful ,purpose in death and in God. Her The Face of the Deep is a meditation upon the
  6. GG HH Ii JJ OK Ll Mm In In OO Pp HQ RR SS TT Up Vs WW Xx By Oz The phonetically, meaningful ,digraphs dd, ll,RR, ts,TT, tx, tz are treated as double letters. All letters
  7. As 'bomb trucks,' despite being designed for aerial combat. Perhaps the one, meaningful ,distinction at present is the question of range: a bomber is generally a
  8. Have not preserved apostolic doctrine, therefore their leaders have no, meaningful ,apostolic succession. Anglo-Saxon monarchs were the rulers of the various
  9. It is necessary to specify how the magnitude is measured for the value to be, meaningful , For this purpose the UBV system is widely used, in which the magnitude is
  10. And other resources used by s; The free operation is not normally relevant or, meaningful , since Acts are theoretical entities that do not" use memory ". However, it
  11. Interpretations could suffer from when associating the subject of inherently, meaningful ,words and language with the personality of one authorial voice. Instead
  12. Feathers, dried bird wings or skulls and/or amber. The use of birds was very, meaningful ,to these people because birds were seen as defending animals in the spirit
  13. A consonant) or a diphthong (a vowel),and in many cases that may not be a, meaningful ,distinction. Although many languages have central vowels, which lie between
  14. Measurement, acoustic signals are sampled in time, and then presented in more, meaningful ,forms such as octave bands or time frequency plots. Both these popular methods
  15. Code as generated by compilers or disassembles—code without any comments, meaningful ,symbols, or data definitions—is quite difficult to read when changes must be
  16. S influence in Latin America and the world. For example, while concluding, meaningful ,trade agreements with developed countries (such as the United States and the
  17. Is a failed theological hypothesis and continued debates about it are no more, meaningful ,than debates about whether the Earth is flat. The following reasons are cited
  18. Stream, such as in modem or satellite communications, which is the smallest, meaningful ,unit of data. These bytes might include start bits, stop bits, or parity bits
  19. Holy Spirit: this can be the only sense in which" apostolic succession" is, meaningful , It is in this sense only that men have fellowship with God in the truth (an
  20. By saying that both these stances take the statement" God exists" as a, meaningful ,hypothesis, which Layer himself does not. He also criticizes C A Mace's opinion
  21. Act in it. " We believe that the ability to perceive other people's actions as, meaningful ,is critical for altruism ", said lead study investigator Harold Tankers.
  22. Agnosticism Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David Hume contended that, meaningful ,statements about the universe are always qualified by some degree of doubt. He
  23. In Kent. The invaders brought their wives and children with them, indicating a, meaningful ,attempt at conquest and colonization. Alfred, in 893 or 894,took up a position
  24. Papers on the issue. Ayer's own formulation was that a sentence can only be, meaningful ,if it has verifiable empirical import, otherwise it is either" analytical" if
  25. Outside director - a director who, other than serving on the board, has no, meaningful ,connections to the organization *executive director - an inside director who is
  26. From a digital signal in terms of small fluctuations in the signal which are, meaningful , Analog is usually thought of in an electrical context; however, mechanical
  27. Of the Reformation doctrines of sold FIDE and sold scripture). The most, meaningful ,apostolic succession for many Protestants, then,is construed as the" faithful
  28. Body, and part and whole. In Heidegger's phenomenology, Dasein is always in a, meaningful ,world, but there is always an underlying background for every instance of
  29. On the grounds that atheism and agnosticism accept" a deity exists" as a, meaningful ,proposition which can be argued for or against.; Strong agnosticism (also
  30. Euler's values are unsigned and real, but obviously his aim was to find a, meaningful ,way to define the Bernoulli numbers at the odd integers n > 1. The relation to
  31. Over in length. Tribal boomerangs may be inscribed and/or painted with designs, meaningful ,to their makers. Most boomerangs seen today, are of the tourist or competition
  32. All services had names which, being chosen by humans, could be expected to be, meaningful ,to users, and also could be sufficiently long enough to minimize the chance of
  33. Letters can be thought of as abstractions of an older version where they were, meaningful ,words in the Proto-Semitic language. Names of Arabic letters may have quite
  34. Is thought to mark the beginnings of early modern science. The modern era Since, meaningful ,stories are nearly always applicable to larger issues, allegories may be read
  35. Arm of Greenpeace, suggested the possibility of a slight but statistically, meaningful ,risk of liver damage in rats. While small statistically significant changes may
  36. Ambiguity. The former represents a choice between a finite number of known and, meaningful ,context-dependent interpretations. The latter represents a choice between any
  37. Poorer health status. Dissatisfaction with conventional medicine was not a, meaningful ,factor in the choice, but rather the majority of alternative medicine users
  38. The meaning of the words they are manipulating. They usually cannot filter out, meaningful ,or appropriate anagrams from large numbers of nonsensical word combinations.
  39. Many of which result in battle, are given code names, which are not necessarily, meaningful ,or indicative of the type or the location of the battle. Operation Market
  40. Resources are being explored, the uncertain security situation has prevented, meaningful ,investor interest. Industrial development also is hampered by Burundi's
  41. For marriage to be between twelve and fourteen but acknowledged consent to be, meaningful ,if the children were older than seven. There were authorities that said that
  42. From sense organs together at a central location, processes it to extract, meaningful ,information from the raw data, combines the sensory information with
  43. 18 % better than placebos, a statistically significant difference," but not, meaningful ,for people in clinical settings ", says psychologist Irving Kirsch, lead author
  44. Languages at Yale. His lasting contribution has been to show how much more, meaningful ,prophets, such as the scribe of Revelation, are when treated as poets first and
  45. To an object, especially a graphical one, causes it to respond to user input in, meaningful ,patterns or to operate independently. Also, behavior is a value that changes
  46. Whereas the Erin yes say that the bond of blood between mother and son is more, meaningful ,than the bond of marriage. They invade his temple, and he says that the matter
  47. Asteroids a different definition of absolute magnitude is used which is more, meaningful ,for nonstellar objects. In this case, the absolute magnitude is defined as the
  48. Position in contending that without monetary prices and private property, meaningful ,economic calculation is impossible. The Austrian economist Böhm-Bawerk wrote
  49. Skills in later years. Most children with autism lack social support, meaningful ,relationships, future employment opportunities or self-determination. Although
  50. V (y − x2). It is, however,difficult to make the concept of" at infinity ", meaningful , if we restrict to working in affine space. The remedy to this is to work in

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