Examples of the the word, entrance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( entrance ), is the 3468 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Level below the hill),by city buses, or by commercial tourist buses. While, entrance ,to the Park is free,Gaudí's house," la Tore Rosa," — containing furniture
  2. Then they blinded him, severed his tongue and executed him. Although the, entrance ,to the chamber warns against disturbing him, Shrewsbury opens Alhazred's
  3. The Texas Historical Commission has erected a historical marker near the, entrance ,of what was once his plantation. An adjacent marker was erected by the San
  4. At the Battle of Action, the Arch of Augustus was built in 29 BC near the, entrance ,of the Temple of Castor and Pollux, and widened in 19 BC to include a
  5. Harassment civil lawsuit. *2002 – A female suicide bomber detonated at the, entrance ,to Jerusalem's Mahan Neruda open-air market, killing 7 and wounding 104.
  6. Of 12 meters above the Tweed. On the south-east side, Scott created a formal, entrance ,courtyard, the first of three enclosed garden spaces, each enclosed by high
  7. Malefic. This museum is also currently being renovated and expanded. The main, entrance ,will be relocated from the Paulus Potterstraat to the Museum Square itself. It
  8. Or at least most frequently heard) Parsons instrumental. It was used as, entrance ,music by various American sports teams, most notably by the Chicago Bulls
  9. Age and worn out by grief, she walked slowly and when she approached the actual, entrance ,to the sanctuary made two genuflections; on the third she sank to the floor and
  10. On the north side (A),defended by three separate iron doors. Near the, entrance ,is a large tower (M),a constant feature in the monasteries of the Levant.
  11. His ashes were deposited in a golden urn on the Rotten promontory at the, entrance ,of the Hellespont. In Pindar's Demeans,7,8; Isthmian 4; and in Ovid's
  12. A semicircular apse, surrounded by five chapels, also semicircular. The western, entrance ,was approached by an ante-church, or farther, itself an aisle church of no
  13. Leucotomy loved Apollo who disguised himself as Leucothea's mother to gain, entrance ,to her chambers. Lydia, jealous of her sister because she wanted Apollo for
  14. Of Anatolian Civilizations (Anatole Medeniyetleri Mules): Situated at the, entrance ,of Ankara Castle, it is an old" beaten" ( covered bazaar) that has been
  15. To Portugal. Barren Scotia had proved ineffective to control the Red Sea, entrance ,and was abandoned, and Albuquerque's hint that Massage could be a good
  16. Not yet attained full sanctification and moral perfection, a requirement for, entrance ,into Heaven. This sanctification is carried out posthumously in Purgatory. The
  17. Panic room hidden behind the mirror in a common bedroom. The room contained an, entrance ,to a secret passage leading out of the palace, but the entrance was
  18. Aft harbor, constructed in Aft Bay. Aft harbor has also an independent, entrance ,on its southern side. The inner harbor was begun in 1518 by Khair-ad-Din
  19. In Parc Güell Image: Park Güell - Abelson de Estrada. JPG|Pavilion at the, entrance ,Image: Escalate de Estrada del Park Güell. JPG|Third fountain at the entrance
  20. Alfonso easily reduced the remaining resistance and made his triumphal, entrance ,in Naples on 26 February 1443,as the monarch of a pacified kingdom. In 1446, he
  21. St Philippe, itself made in 1845 from a mosque dating from 1612. The principal, entrance , reached by a flight of 23 steps, is ornamented with a portico supported by
  22. Windows, including the" rorun-puyar," a window located on the side facing the, entrance ,(at the east side),through which gods entered and left and ceremonial tools
  23. Contained an entrance to a secret passage leading out of the palace, but the, entrance ,was inaccessible due to the placement of the queen's wardrobe over it after
  24. Valvatyeva. In 1866 Andrey Andreevich's school life began with his, entrance ,into Saint Petersburg's fifth grammar school. Already during his school time
  25. Entrance Image: Escalate de Estrada del Park Güell. JPG|Third fountain at the, entrance ,with the dragon Casa Milà (), better known as La Herrera (, meaning the 'The
  26. Of which are operated by the Greek National Tourism Organization and require an, entrance ,fee, which is not excessive in most cases. Casinos operate on both Mount
  27. Proceeding up the nave, he was to kneel and pray at the topmost step of the, entrance ,of the choir, into which he was to be introduced by the bishop or his
  28. The direction of archaeologist Stuart Rathbone. Only the outside north wall, entrance ,way and inside the Round House were completely excavated. From 2004 to 2006
  29. To west or parallel to a river. A house was about seven meters by five with an, entrance ,at the west end that also served as a storeroom. The house had three windows
  30. Unsound. *Cat Woman: An indirectly-named woman who blocks Alex's gang's, entrance ,scheme, and threatens to shoot Alex and set her cats on him if he doesn't
  31. Pilgrims. The first and third are placed to the right and left of the common, entrance ,of the monastery,---the hospital for distinguished guests being placed on the
  32. By the Chicago Bulls during their 1990s NBA dynasty. It was also used as the, entrance ,theme for Ricky Steamboat in pro wrestling of the mid 1980s. In addition
  33. In Zurich, Switzerland. Lacking the requisite Mature certificate, he took an, entrance ,examination, which he failed, although he got exceptional marks in mathematics
  34. Fourth side. The entrance was by a strong gateway to the north. Close to the, entrance ,was a chapel, where is now the church of St Olaf, in which the newcomers paid
  35. Peace and calm that one would expect from a park. The buildings flanking the, entrance , though very original and remarkable with fantastically shaped roofs with
  36. H. Buyers. At present, the museum is being expanded, renovated,and a new main, entrance ,for the museum created. Only one wing of the Rijksmuseum is currently open to
  37. Three sides, the river Use being sufficient protection on the fourth side. The, entrance ,was by a strong gateway to the north. Close to the entrance was a chapel, where
  38. Have been told never to look in through it. A house had a fireplace near the, entrance , The husband and wife sat on the fireplace's left side (called" this" ).
  39. Rosa," — containing furniture that he designed — can be only visited for an, entrance ,fee. There is a reduced rate for those wishing to see both Park Güell and the
  40. Armada Shopping Mall is an anchor, and there's a large anchor monument at its, entrance , as a reference to the ancient Greek name of the city, Ἄγκυρα (Ankara),which
  41. Central Milestones of Flight exhibition hall in front of the Jefferson Drive, entrance , sharing the main hall with other pioneering flight vehicles such as the Wright
  42. Occasions served their end only too well. On his return from Hormuz, at the, entrance ,of the harbor of Goa, he got news about a fleet arriving from Europe bearing
  43. M²). The longer side extends to a length of about. There is only one main, entrance , on the north side (A),defended by three separate iron doors. Near the
  44. Hence" by faith first to last ". Belief through faith is the condition for, entrance ,into the Kingdom of God; unbelief is the condition for exit from the Kingdom of
  45. Leave their chambers. The abbot's house formed a small courtyard at the west, entrance , close to the inner gateway. Considerable portions of this remain, including
  46. Provides some opportunity to see the interior design. There is a charge for, entrance ,to the apartment on the second floor and the roof. The other floors (3-5) are
  47. Harbour covers an area of (95 ha). An opening in the south jetty affords an, entrance ,into Aft harbor, constructed in Aft Bay. Aft harbor has also an
  48. Not providing needed accommodations in training. Employers can use medical, entrance ,examinations for applicants, after making the job offer, only if all applicants
  49. Detective to a subsidiary character. In Cat Among the Pigeons Poirot's, entrance ,is so late as to be almost an afterthought. Whether this was a reflection of
  50. Which were situated close to the gate by which the Goths had made their, entrance ,; nor is there any reason to attribute any extensive destruction of the

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