Examples of the the word, coal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coal ), is the 3469 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Abandoned in the Middle Ages and rediscovered in 1556. Other mining activity is, coal ,mining in the Gladiator valley in the province of Córdoba; various metals at
  2. Habitats and coastal habitats like lagoons, estuaries and tidal flats. Numerous, coal ,seams represent ancient peat swamps. Like most of the other vertebrate fossils
  3. 1921,after the death of Warhol's grandparents. Warhol's father worked in a, coal ,mine. The family lived at 55 Been Street and later at 3252 Dawson Street in
  4. Any other crude oil pipeline in the United States. Additionally, substantial, coal , deposits are found in Alaska's bituminous, sub-bituminous,and lignite coal
  5. Black thermoplastic material produced by the destructive distillation of, coal , During the early- and mid-20th century when town gas was produced, tar was a
  6. Relative amounts of individual Pass and in which isomers are produced. Thus, coal ,burning produces a different mixture than motor-fuel combustion or a forest
  7. This custom. By the early 1960s,the monument had grown very blackened from, coal ,soot and automobile exhaust, and during 1965–1966 it was cleaned through
  8. Screw is still in use today for pumping liquids and granulated solids such as, coal ,and grain. The Archimedes screw described in Roman times by Vitruvian may have
  9. To keep taxes low. Its industrial outputs are crude petroleum, natural gas, coal , gold, precious metals, zinc and other mining, seafood processing, timber and
  10. Meters, is sufficient to meet consumer demands. Other natural resources include, coal , bauxite, copper and iron ore. Agriculture is the most significant sector
  11. Homestead Steel Works, which included an extensive plant served by tributary, coal ,and iron fields, a 425-mile (685 km) long railway, and a line of lake
  12. Ethylene, usually using Pd-Ag catalysts. Until the 1950s,when oil supplanted, coal ,as the chief source of carbon, acetylene (and the aromatic fraction from coal
  13. Other recent reports show that the country has huge amounts of gold, copper, coal , iron ore and other minerals. In 2010,Pentagon officials along with geologists
  14. Kvada ". Neither of the terms Asphalt or Bitumen should be confused with tar or, coal ,tars. Modern usage In British English, the word 'asphalt' is used to refer to
  15. Tinplate works, but by this stage the economy of the town was dominated by the, coal ,mining industry. There were also several brickwork and breweries. During the
  16. In common with the rest of the South Wales coal field,Aberdare's, coal ,industry commenced a long decline after World War I, and the last two deep
  17. Also formed by incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels such as wood, coal , diesel, fat,tobacco, and incense. Different types of combustion yield
  18. Also had a rich mining history being one of Western Canada's largest, coal ,producers during the war years. The Canadian Badlands has much to offer in the
  19. A group of camps was established, and prisoners were forced to work in the, coal ,mines. After Stalin's death, Lithuanian exiles from the nearby settlements
  20. The arm got stuck under a boulder when hiking in Utah. * In 2003,an Australian, coal ,miner amputated his own arm with a Stanley knife after it became trapped when
  21. District, the place grew rapidly in population owing to the abundance of its, coal ,and iron ore, and the population of the whole parish (which was only 1,486 in
  22. And nitrites with hydrogen; in addition, it was produced by the distillation of, coal , and also by the decomposition of ammonium salts by alkaline hydroxides such as
  23. In the Rhonda and further west, but many of the great companies of the Welsh, coal ,industry's Gilded Age started operation in Aberdeen and the lower Canon Valley
  24. While transporting natural resources southward (i.e., coal from the Isabella, coal ,mine near Healy to Seward and gravel from the Matroska Valley to Anchorage).
  25. Industry. Nine camps were set up near foundries and other metal works, six near, coal ,mines, six supplied prisoners to work in chemical plants, and three to light
  26. Many years from 1913 producing fertilizer for much of Europe. If produced from, coal , the CO2 can be readily sequestered (the combustion products are nitrogen and
  27. Ammonia synthesis could also be produced economically using other sources like, coal ,or coke gamification, less economically from the electrolysis of water into
  28. Coal deposits are found in Alaska's bituminous, sub-bituminous,and lignite, coal ,basins. The United States Geological Survey estimates that there are of
  29. Coal as the chief source of carbon, acetylene (and the aromatic fraction from, coal ,tar) was the main source of organic chemicals in the chemical industry. It was
  30. Some graphite deposits at Mohriwali. There are some reservoirs of low-grade, coal , chalk, bauxite,and zircon. Local household industries produce carved wooden
  31. As well as participating states of Six-party talks. *2010 – Twenty-nine, coal ,miners are killed in an explosion at the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia
  32. Cast-iron and steel pipe); paper, lumber,and wood products; mining (mostly, coal ,); plastic products; cars and trucks; and apparel. Also, Alabama produces
  33. Tonnes. China produced 28.4 % of the worldwide production (increasingly from, coal ,as part of urea synthesis) followed by India with 8.6 %, Russia with 8.4 %
  34. Dynamic place in Wales ". In 1851,the Admiralty decided to use Welsh steam, coal ,in ships of the Royal Navy, and this decision boosted the reputation of
  35. Tar is a black viscous material obtained from the destructive distillation of, coal ,and is chemically distinct from bitumen). Chemistry The substance is
  36. Freight into Alaska while transporting natural resources southward (i.e., coal ,from the Isabella coal mine near Healy to Seward and gravel from the Matroska
  37. Market. Coal mined in Aberdeen parish rose from in 1844 to in 1850,and the, coal ,trade, which after 1875 was the chief support of the town, soon reached huge
  38. Killed by two earthquakes in 1998. The country's natural resources include:, coal , copper, iron ore, lithium,uranium, rare earth elements, chromite,gold, zinc
  39. The last section of which is set on Sakhalin, where the murderer Yakov loads, coal ,in the night, longing for home. Melikhovo In 1892,Chekhov bought the small
  40. S harbor was improved by the addition of a stone pier to help handle the, coal ,traffic from nearby collieries. However, in the 1850s the traffic changed
  41. Substituents. Naphthalene is the simplest example of a PAH. Pass occur in oil, coal , and tar deposits, and are produced as byproducts of fuel burning (whether
  42. From Russia; the main domestic energy source is hydroelectric. Small amounts of, coal , gas and petroleum have not yet been developed. Like other former States
  43. Then the national average. Much agricultural produce is exported, while, coal , and iron are among the chief imports. The harbor itself is maintained by Århus
  44. Of concern in particulate matter suspended in air. Natural crude oil and, coal ,deposits contain significant amounts of Pass, arising from chemical conversion
  45. American is a small. History The district was traditionally associated with the, coal ,mining collieries, ironworks and tinplate works of the South Wales coal field
  46. 1875 was the chief support of the town, soon reached huge dimensions. Steam, coal ,was subsequently found in the Rhonda and further west, but many of the great
  47. 11 September 1878 it was the site of an underground explosion which killed 268, coal , miners. Local government The area was part of the ancient Monmouth shire parish
  48. In neighboring places to the northeast; it never played any role in brown, coal ,mining, however,neither in administrative nor industrial terms. Products
  49. Usage. It could be manufactured from renewable energy sources, as well as, coal ,or nuclear power. It is however significantly less efficient than batteries.
  50. Exploration and drilling) = 71,700 * Mining other than oil and gas (mainly, coal ,and mineral mining & quarrying) = 5,100 Largest employers According to Alberta

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