Examples of the the word, graph , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In this case. Vertical asymptotes The line x = an is a vertical asymptote of the, graph ,of the function if at least one of the following statements is true: # \LIM_ f
  2. Are abstractions, they are not abstract in the sense of the objects in, graph ,1 above. We might look at other graph s, in a progression from cat to mammal to
  3. And mega, it grows to over 20 % for prefix gotta, illustrated in the linear-log, graph ,(at right) of difference versus storage size. Common uses The byte is also
  4. As implicit in the picture rather than with the nine explicit details in the, graph , Graph 1 details some explicit relationships between the objects of the diagram
  5. And even categories such as" object" as opposed to" action ".: For example, graph ,1 above expresses the abstraction" agent sits on location ". This conceptual
  6. Pronunciation of the suffix" -and ". In words like" chance "," plant ",", graph ,"," branch "," sample" and" demand ", the vast majority of Australians use
  7. By the graph of a function, horizontal asymptotes are horizontal lines that the, graph ,of the function approaches as x tends to Vertical asymptotes are vertical lines
  8. HOL logics, Herbrand Award 1998. * Robert Kowalski developed the connection, graph ,theorem-prover and SLD resolution, the inference engine that executes logic
  9. Are of the form (x,1/x) where x is a number other than 0. For example,the, graph ,contains the points (1,1),(2,0.5),(5,0.2),(10,0.1),... As the
  10. On graph s. A graph exploration algorithm specifies rules for moving around a, graph ,and is useful for such problems. This category also includes search algorithms
  11. Algorithm, the shortest path to a goal from a vertex in a weighted, graph ,can be found by using the shortest path to the goal from all adjacent vertices.
  12. Pictured in picture 1 exist differs from the way the concepts illustrated in, graph ,1 exist. That difference accounts for the ontological usefulness of the word "
  13. Which propositions remain to be evaluated by the investigator. In the, graph ,1 above, the graph ical relationships like the arrows joining boxes and ellipses
  14. Positive Lebesgue measure. Figure 1 on the right shows an approximation to the, graph ,of g (x) where \_ and the series is truncated to 8 terms. Figure 2 shows the
  15. Of a given function are vertical translations of each other; each, graph ,'s location depending upon the value of C. Uses and properties Antiderivative
  16. 2 pm) in order to avoid losses of sensitivity and linearity of the calibration, graph , The research with high-resolution (HR) CS AAS was pioneered by the groups of
  17. Geometric modelling. There are also connections to string theory, game theory, graph ,matching, solitons and integer programming. Google Scholar lists hundreds of
  18. The arrows point from one row to another, in a series of other graph s, say, graph ,2,etc. Abstraction used in philosophy Abstraction in philosophy is the process
  19. X-x_n)^ for all values x where the series converges, and that the, graph ,of F (x) has vertical tangent lines at all other values of x. In particular
  20. Therefore define a binary relation as being a subset of X×Y, that is, just the, graph ,G. According to this view, the set of pairs is a relation from any set that
  21. Intersect the vertical asymptote once, at (0,5). It is impossible for the, graph ,of a function to intersect a vertical asymptote (or a vertical line in general
  22. Then its graph ? According to the definition above, two relations with the same, graph ,may be different, if they differ in the sets X and Y. For example, if G =, then
  23. Of +∞ as, ƒ (x) has the vertical asymptote, even though ƒ (0) = 5. The, graph ,of this function does intersect the vertical asymptote once, at (0,5). It is
  24. An asymptote requires an effort of reason rather than experience. Consider the, graph ,of the equation y=1/x shown to the right. The coordinates of the points on the
  25. Location "; Elsie is an instance of CAT. Although the description sitting-on (, graph ,1) is more abstract than the graph ic image of a cat sitting on a mat (picture
  26. Dan, a freely available AI library implemented in Java, implementing, graph , theory,ANN, GA,Markov Chains, graph ical models (Bayesian networks, HMM )
  27. As the previous expression. An important case is when the curve is the, graph ,of a real function (a function of one real variable and returning real values
  28. Divides" in arithmetic," is congruent to" in geometry," is adjacent to" in, graph ,theory," is orthogonal to" in linear algebra and many more. The concept of
  29. That the ball is owned by John. Two different relations could have the same, graph , For example: the relation: (, ) is different from the previous one as
  30. a value, the function is reflected in the x-axis. The b value compresses the, graph ,of the function horizontally if greater than 1 and stretches the function
  31. A=\mint_D\sort\, dx\, dy. Even more general formula for the area of the, graph ,of a parametric surface in the vector form \math bf=\math bf (u, v ), where
  32. Function (a function of one real variable and returning real values). The, graph ,of the function y = ƒ (x) is the set of points of the plane with coordinates
  33. Of g (x) where \_ and the series is truncated to 8 terms. Figure 2 shows the, graph ,of an approximation to the antiderivative G (x),also truncated to 8 terms.
  34. Determining the asymptotes of a function is an important step in sketching its, graph , The study of asymptotes of functions, construed in a broad sense, forms a part
  35. On its orientation. Horizontal asymptotes are horizontal lines that the, graph ,of the function approaches as x tends to +∞ or −∞. As the name indicate they
  36. Or the set of destination),respectively, of the relation, and G is called its, graph , The statement (x, y ) ∈ R is read" x is R-related to y ", and is denoted by
  37. Horizontal asymptotes are horizontal lines that the, graph ,of the function approaches as. The horizontal line y c is a horizontal
  38. Therefore abstractions of those objects. Specifically, the conceptual diagram, graph ,1 identifies only three boxes, two ellipses, and four arrows (and their five
  39. Can be true or false, independently of each other. Is a relation more than its, graph , According to the definition above, two relations with the same graph may be
  40. F (x) has vertical tangent lines at all other values of x. In particular the, graph ,has vertical tangent lines at all points in the set \_. Moreover, F\left (
  41. Reflectivity of a water surface is calculated using the Fresnel equations (see, graph ,). At the scale of the wavelength of light even wavy water is always smooth so
  42. Base × Height General formula The general formula for the surface area of the, graph ,of a continuously differentiable function z=f (x, y ), where (x, y)\in
  43. Many problems (such as playing chess) can be modeled as problems on graph s. A, graph ,exploration algorithm specifies rules for moving around a graph and is useful
  44. Of L fixing K pointwise is called the Galois group of the extension. * In, graph ,theory an automorphism of a graph is a permutation of the nodes that preserves
  45. Spaces, and its consequences, such as the open mapping theorem and the closed, graph ,theorem. **On every infinite-dimensional topological vector space there is a
  46. Modulation index. The values A 1,and M 0.5,produce a y (t) depicted by the, graph ,labelled" 50 % Modulation" in Figure 4. For this simple example, y (t) can
  47. The Galois group of the extension. * In graph theory an automorphism of a, graph ,is a permutation of the nodes that preserves edges and non-edges. In particular
  48. NBG or Morse–Kelley set theory, and allow the domain and codomain (and so the, graph ,) to be proper classes: in such a theory, equality,membership, and subset are
  49. Search algorithms, sorting algorithms, merge algorithms, numerical algorithms, graph ,algorithms, string algorithms, computational geometric algorithms
  50. Horizontal, vertical and oblique asymptotes. For curves given by the, graph ,of a function, horizontal asymptotes are horizontal lines that the graph of the

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