Examples of the the word, strict , in a Sentence Context

The word ( strict ), is the 3477 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are manufactured in Taiwan made by third-party manufacturers under, strict ,license from AMD. Between 2003 and 2005,they constructed a second
  2. Dichotomous preferences when there are more than a few voters. A voter that has, strict ,preferences between three candidates—prefers A to B and B to C—does not have
  3. Succession from Old Catholic and Independent Catholic churches, adopted a, strict ,episcopal polity, and all of its clergy have been ordained (or re-ordained)
  4. To laymen rather than to jurists, the rules of evidence are considerably more, strict , Rules on hearsay are much strict er in most adversarial systems than in
  5. Research articles and five complete textbooks. He was a devout Roman Catholic, strict ,Bourbon royalist, and a close associate of the Jesuit order. Biography Youth
  6. Physics—which considers atomic nuclei alone. As with many scientific fields, strict ,delineation can be highly contrived and atomic physics is often considered in
  7. As" successors of the apostles" under the influence of Scholastic theology, strict ,Orthodox ecclesiology and theology hold that all legitimate bishops are
  8. Horseman on the Parthenon's west side was all but obliterated. " A series of, strict ,measures taken by the authorities of the city throughout the 1990s resulted in
  9. Were not permitted to address each other or their guards. As time passed,the, strict ,regimen was relaxed, especially during the three months in four that the three
  10. Scott, archery societies were set up across the country, each with its own, strict ,entry criteria, outlandish costumes and extravagant balls. The clubs were" the
  11. Frederick Henry Hedge wrote of the group's nature:" There was no club in the, strict ,sense ... only occasional meetings of like-minded men and women ". In late
  12. College serves as its own college-within-a-university, and maintains much more, strict ,admissions standards and provides a more rigorous curriculum with smaller
  13. Preserve the social order was to impose discipline from above, and to see to a, strict ,enforcement of laws. The Legalists exalted the state above all, seeking its
  14. He later wrote that the spirit of learning and creative thought were lost in, strict ,rote learning. In the spring of 1895,he withdrew to join his family in Pa via
  15. By a defendant, usually filed and served upon the plaintiff within a certain, strict ,time limit after a civil complaint or criminal information or indictment has
  16. Calling themselves a" consolidate family ", they agreed to follow a, strict ,vegetarian diet and to till the land without the use of animal labor. They also
  17. Are required, in order to prove logical truths that are not tautologies in the, strict ,sense. Examples Propositional logic In propositional logic it is common to take
  18. Players must interchange through a designated interchange" gate" with, strict ,penalties for too many players from one side on the field. There is no offside
  19. Like hers. Rand was unimpressed with many of the FBI students and held them to, strict ,standards, sometimes reacting coldly or angrily to those who disagreed with her
  20. In a fly-by-wire system, telemetry must be interpreted and acted upon within, strict ,time constraints. Such systems must eliminate sources of unpredictable delays
  21. Can itself be represented by the abbreviation abbr., abbrv. Or abbrev. In, strict ,analysis, abbreviations should not be confused with contractions or acronyms (
  22. To appear, complete with paramilitary youth organizations, colored shirts, strict ,discipline and more or less charismatic leaders. While anti-Semitism was
  23. Augustus was Livia's second husband). According to Suetonius, Agrippina had a, strict ,upbringing and education. Her education included how to spin and weave and she
  24. Is an endangered species. However, it has been legal since 2005 because of, strict ,monitoring of distributors who ensure that only ambergris that has been
  25. Latin agricultural, from age," a field ", and cultural," cultivation" in the, strict ,sense of" tillage of the soil ". Thus, a literal reading of the word yields "
  26. Was remarkably fond of children ", and the Lincolns were not considered to be, strict ,with their children. Robert was the only child to live to adulthood. Edward
  27. Forms and iconography that were developed during the Old Kingdom, following a, strict ,set of principles that resisted foreign influence and internal change. These
  28. Inflation. Austrian School economists maintain the most effective cure is the, strict ,maintenance of a stable money supply. Ludwig on Miles, the seminal scholar of
  29. Though often lower tribunals are allowed some flexibility in applying the, strict ,rules of common law evidence such as in Domestic Relations Courts or in small
  30. Melodies. Each of these hymns has eight four-line stanzas and is written in, strict ,iambic diameter (that is 2 x 2 iambs). Marked by dignified simplicity, they
  31. Of Rome (now with no capable general like Silicon as a defender) and began a, strict ,blockade. No blood was shed this time; Alaric relied on hunger as his most
  32. One of 1869. His attitude during the Greco-Turkish War (1897) was one of, strict ,neutrality. In 1894 the young King brought his father, Milan,back to Serbia
  33. For or against.; Strong agnosticism (also called" hard,"" closed," ", strict ," or" permanent agnosticism" ): The view that the question of the existence
  34. Allows one to multiply ionize an atom with a single photon. There are rather, strict ,selection rules as to the electronic configurations that can be reached by
  35. Authority to extra-biblical writings such as the Apocrypha. However,a, strict ,exegesis of this text would indicate it was meant for only the Book of
  36. Including militia from several western states and territories. He was a, strict ,officer but was popular with his troops. They said he was" tough as old
  37. Low levels. While the civil market has had weather radar for a while, there are, strict ,rules about using it to navigate the aircraft. Sonar Dipping sonar fitted to a
  38. To increase with the number of alkyl groups on the amine. However, there is no, strict ,trend in this regard, as basicity is also governed by other factors mentioned
  39. Reproduction allows more variation, but is more costly. Often there is no, strict ,alternation between the sporophyte and also because there is often an asexual
  40. The things which are written in this book. " In this case, if one holds to a, strict ,hermeneutic, the " words of the prophecy" do not refer to the Bible as a whole
  41. A son, Meinhard. According to Schwarzenegger, both of his parents were very, strict ,:" Back then in Austria it was a very different world, if we did something bad
  42. A normal discussion among people),speakers tend to deviate somewhat from the, strict ,literary language in the direction of the colloquial varieties. In fact, there
  43. And in October 1788 Phillip had to send Sirius to Cape Town for supplies, and, strict , rationing was introduced, with thefts of food punished by hanging. Arthur
  44. A grudge against the former postman-turned corporal Himmelstoß (thanks to his, strict ,'disciplinary actions' ), he manages to forgive Himmelstoß later in the book.
  45. Above, if there are four candidates, A,B, C,and D, and a voter has a, strict ,preference order, preferring A to B to C to D, then the following are the voter
  46. Anime in general. However, this does not mean that all modern anime share one, strict , common art-style. Much anime have a very different art style from what would
  47. About the potential of American youth, a potential that existed outside the, strict ,conformist confines of post–World War II, McCarthy-era America. Kerouac later
  48. Balanced his teaching philosophy with the traditional Bible-based practice of, strict ,discipline. For example, he agreed with using punishment as an incentive for
  49. Activity in a facility such as NASA's Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory. * Pass a, strict ,physical examination, and have a near and distant visual acuity correctable to
  50. S conduct. Some users disagree with the TOS, citing the guidelines are too, strict ,to follow coupled with the fact the TOS may change without users being made

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