Examples of the the word, underlying , in a Sentence Context
The word ( underlying ), is the 3413 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Even before explicitly racist doctrines appear. " Economic antisemitism The, underlying ,premise of economic antisemitism is that Jews perform harmful economic
- Him. This attitude among the majority of the French population reveals the, underlying ,antisemitism of the time period. Adolf Sticker (1835–1909),the Lutheran
- Is will, and through will, if not through logic, we can participate in the, underlying ,reality beyond mere phenomena. It is for this reason that Schopenhauer
- Few programmers today regularly work with assembly language as a tool,the, underlying ,concepts remain very important. Such fundamental topics as binary arithmetic
- Deduced if nothing is assumed. Axioms and postulates are the basic assumptions, underlying ,a given body of deductive knowledge. They are accepted without demonstration.
- Has also been a great deal of study about whether antidepressants address the, underlying ,causes of depression. A 2002 review concluded that there was no evidence that
- Causes the investments to be liquidated as they inevitably show their, underlying ,profitability and sustainability. Austrian School economists therefore
- Anxiety is PLXNA2. Varieties of medicine Anxiety can be a symptom of an, underlying ,health issue such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),heart
- Absorption spectrometry was first used as an analytical technique, and the, underlying ,principles were established in the second half of the 19th century by Robert
- The next five years his style increasingly integrated Italian influences into, underlying ,Northern forms. Dürer's father died in 1502,and his mother died soon after in
- Of the time they are. By this consideration atomic physics provides the, underlying ,theory in plasma physics and atmospheric physics even though both deal with
- Psychology of the murderer. Central to his behavior in the later novels is the, underlying ,assumption that particular crimes are only committed by particular types of
- Fixed 48-byte cell payload, ATM is not suitable as a data link layer directly, underlying ,IP (without the need for SAR at the data link level) since the OSI layer on
- True scientific aerial investigator and the first person to understand the, underlying ,principles and forces of flight. A pioneer of aeronautical engineering, he is
- Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and substance abuse by addressing, underlying ,depression. Also, antidepressants have been used sometimes to treat snoring and
- Tensor algebra is left adjoint to the functor which sends an R-algebra to its, underlying ,R-module (forgetting the ring structure). * Given a commutative ring R and
- At face value, but critiqued and experimented with in order to arrive at their, underlying ,mystical or neurological meaning. In this connection there was also the point
- By their respective media, but they shared with one another not only the, underlying ,spiritual beliefs of the Indian religio-philosophic mind, but also the
- Treatment The treatment of ataxia and its effectiveness depend on the, underlying ,cause. Treatment may limit or reduce the effects of ataxia, but it is unlikely
- Occurs in all autistic children. It seems to be most prominent in brain areas, underlying ,the development of higher cognitive specialization. * Disturbed neuronal
- Sensitization that can lead to Rh disease, but does not prevent or treat the, underlying ,disease itself. To obtain antibody that is specific for a single epitome of an
- Using formulas. These definitions are designed to be consistent with the, underlying ,Euclidean geometry. For example, using Cartesian coordinates on the plane, the
- Counties. It receives its name from its soil (weathered from the weak, underlying ,limestone),which is black, almost destitute of sand and loam, and
- That the heroic mythological stories from culture to culture followed a similar, underlying ,pattern, starting with the" call to adventure ", followed by a hazardous
- On the right. Ancient Egyptian mathematicians had a grasp of the principles, underlying ,the Pythagorean theorem, knowing,for example, that a triangle had a right
- The world, or regnal year of Augustus; much fewer does he explain or justify the, underlying ,date. " Blackburn & Holford-Strevens briefly present arguments for 2 BC,1 BC
- Seeking advice from an expert panel that found fault with statistical analyses, underlying ,the PBOI's hesitation, yet argued against approval, FDA commissioner Hayes
- Theorems by a computer program. Desirability of the problem Depending on the, underlying ,logic, the problem of deciding the validity of a formula varies from trivial to
- Correct with respect to the unchanged direction of the actual phenomenon, underlying ,the current, then unknown but, he thought, unambiguously defined by the
- Statistical consistency (even for very hard problems, MML will converge to any, underlying ,model) and efficiency (the MML model will converge to any true underlying
- Players and costumes, language extensions, projects,and tile scripting. Its, underlying ,object system is class-based, but to users (during programming) it acts like
- 17. The medieval era Medieval thinking accepted allegory as having a reality, underlying ,any rhetorical or fictional uses. The allegory was as true as the facts of
- Phenomenology, Dasein is always in a meaningful world, but there is always an, underlying ,background for every instance of signification. Thus, although some things may
- In computers. The standard is maintained by X3/INCITE committee. It uses the, underlying ,AT Attachment (ATA) and AT Attachment Packet Interface (ATAPI) standards.
- In museums in 1870,or thereabouts, provide a sufficient test of the real basis, underlying ,the Hellenic myths of the Argo lid, the Road and Crete, to cause these to be
- Whereas according to Einstein it should be deterministic. Notably,the, underlying ,quantum mechanical theory,i.e. the set of" theorems" derived by it, seemed
- Negotiated phenomenon, discussed in a culture or context. Is there some, underlying ,unity to aesthetic judgment and is there some way to articulate the
- It leads to certain conclusions and inferences that must be true if the, underlying ,assumptions are accurate. Austrian economists hold that induction does not
- S initial decision to release documentation relating not only to the OS's, underlying ,software routines, but also to the hardware itself, enabling intrepid
- To appeal An appeal as of right is one that is guaranteed by statute or some, underlying ,constitutional or legal principle. The appellate court cannot refuse to listen
- That change and that studying such changes can provide useful knowledge of, underlying ,constants. Physics The five elements Aristotle proposed a fifth element, aether
- Any underlying model) and efficiency (the MML model will converge to any true, underlying ,model about as quickly as is possible). C. S. Wallace and D. L. Down (1999)
- Are needed. Side-channel attacks Side-channel attacks do not attack the, underlying ,cipher and so have nothing to do with its security as described here, but
- In a context of uncertainty (probabilistic outcomes) drives the neural system, underlying ,repetitive motivation (i.e., nucleus incumbent) more strongly in
- In many contexts. (The labialization plus /ǝ/ is sometimes interpreted as an, underlying ,phoneme. ) This essentially causes the wholesale loss of the short-long vowel
- Imaginations that allow sensory phenomena to appear as the expression of, underlying ,beings of a soul-spiritual nature. * By transcending such imaginative pictures
- Analysis resembles other mathematical disciplines in that it focuses on the, underlying ,properties of the algorithm and not on the specifics of any particular
- His tenacity where his own views or claims were in debate, with a sure, underlying ,insight into the real situation. In the agreement, the relations between the
- External factors, research is underway to unravel possible molecular mechanisms, underlying ,anxiety and comorbid conditions. One candidate gene with polymorphisms that
- Sends A to REZA is left adjoint to the functor which sends an R-algebra to its, underlying ,ring (forgetting the module structure). Constructions; Subalgebra: A
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