Examples of the the word, treasure , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In the Americas and shipping that was returning across the Atlantic, laden with, treasure ,from the New World. At the same time, influential writers such as Richard
  2. Is himself king of the Gets, and finds his realm terrorized by a dragon whose, treasure ,had been stolen from his hoard in a burial mound. He attacks the dragon with
  3. This position, saying that" Chinese medicine and pharmacology are a great, treasure ,house and efforts should be made to explore them and raise them to a higher
  4. With the emperor Justinian I with the view of removing herself and the Gothic, treasure ,to Constantinople. Her son's death in 534 made little change in the posture of
  5. Of balance of trade was made public through Thomas Mun's c1630" England's, treasure ,by foreign trade, or,The balance of our foreign trade is the rule of our
  6. Succeeded in expanding Mughal control, it was at an enormous cost in lives and, treasure , And, as the empire expanded in size,Aurangzeb's chain of command grew weaker
  7. Can be found among the worldwide community of Christians. Yet all appear to, treasure ,the truth that liberates. It should also be noted that Roman Catholics
  8. Roman Emperor Charles V following the fall of Mexico. Durer wrote that this, treasure ," was much more beautiful to me than miracles. These things are so precious
  9. Certainly pre-Roman, the Suda's identification of it with China, famous as a, treasure ,city in the wars of Eugene of Cardiac, cannot be accepted in the face of Strabo
  10. And watches. Key highlights of the collections include: The many hoards of, treasure ,include the Mildenhall Treasure, Water Newton Treasure, Hoxne Hoard, and Vale
  11. The things which have been sent to the king from the golden land"—the Aztec, treasure ,that Hernán Cortés had sent home to Holy Roman Emperor Charles V following the
  12. The present day, with rich businessmen in Egypt still being deceived by local, treasure ,hunters. Egyptology This work was one of the earliest works on Egyptology. It
  13. Estranged and killed each other. Subsequently, Longings sent Albsuinda and the, treasure ,to Constantinople. The consolidation of Byzantine and Lombard dominions had
  14. Creative consultant. Hamm's script had Penguin and Cat woman going after hidden, treasure , Waters wrote a total of five drafts. On the characterization of Cat woman
  15. Overlooking the sea, where sailors are able to see his cumulus. The dragon's, treasure ,is buried with him, in accordance with Beowulf's wishes, rather than
  16. Had in the meantime chosen Verona as his seat, establishing himself and his, treasure ,in a royal palace built there by Theodoric. This choice may have been another
  17. Him; later in life, Hama enters a monastery and gives them all his stolen, treasure , However, this saga makes no mention of the great necklace. Possibly the
  18. In origin. A historical artifact of major importance is the oldest golden, treasure ,in the world, dating back to 5,000 BC, coming from the site of the Verna
  19. Sciences, and the genius of their thought. " While discussing the profession of, treasure ,hunting, he notes that poorer treasure hunters were often sponsored by rich
  20. 1180s,when Ralph de Sudeley, the leader of the Templar's found the Maccabees, treasure ,at Rebel al-Madhbah, returned home to his estate at Herdlike in Warwickshire
  21. Vanities),but look at the range here, and reflect that these movies contain, treasure ,for those who admire the craft as well as the story, who sense the glee with
  22. One, that at Naomi, near the site of Salamis, has yielded the richest Aegean, treasure ,in precious metal found outside Mycenae. E. Chanter in 1894 picked up
  23. A relationship between objects of art described by Homer and the Mycenaean, treasure ,was generally allowed, and a correct opinion prevailed that, while certainly
  24. Returned home to his estate at Herdlike in Warwickshire, UK,taking the, treasure ,with him. Ireland During the turn of the 20th century British Israelites
  25. Tsountas's exploration of the buildings and lesser graves at Mycenae, a large, treasure , independent of Schliemann's princely gift, has been gathered into the
  26. Already being deemed unsafe, Afonso de Albuquerque used her to transport the, treasure ,amassed in the conquest, given her large capacity: he wanted to give the court
  27. While discussing the profession of treasure hunting, he notes that poorer, treasure ,hunters were often sponsored by rich businessmen to go on archeological
  28. Marines. Among these gifts was reputed to be a piece of the true cross, a true, treasure ,for the devout Saxon king. According to Asset because of Pope Marines ’
  29. Expeditions. In some cases, an expedition could turn out to be fraud, with the, treasure ,hunter disappearing with large amounts of money extracted from sponsors. This
  30. In Santa Monica called Schatz On Main. Schatz literally means" little, treasure ," colloquial for" honey" or" darling" in German. In 1998,he sold his
  31. Of Carnal. Nader Shah and his army abandoned Delhi but took with them huge, treasure , which included the Kohinoor and Darya-ye Noor diamonds. After the death of
  32. His wife, his two daughters, his mother Sisygambis, and a fabulous amount of, treasure , He afterward offered a peace treaty to Alexander, the concession of the lands
  33. John, Duke of Berry. The collection was in the tradition of a schatzkammer or, treasure ,house such as those formed by the Renaissance princes of Europe. Baron
  34. Some from the seventeenth century. It is likely that these were part of the, treasure ,taken from Malta that was lost in the explosion aboard the Orient. In 2000,an
  35. The only pirate ever known to bury treasure was William Kidd, and the only, treasure ,so far recovered from Teach's exploits is the wreckage of the Queen Anne's
  36. Oversees all excavations, which are aimed at finding information rather than, treasure , The council also supervises museums and monument reconstruction programs
  37. In a state of disrepair, New York State has allocated funds to restore this, treasure , There are several buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright, including the Darwin D.
  38. With Longings' assistance, taking with him his wife, his troops, the royal, treasure ,and Alboin's daughter Albsuinda. In Ravenna the two lovers became estranged
  39. With a beautiful lobby and six screens. Theater One is an architectural, treasure ,with comfortable seats, two balconies and recently restored ceilings. Path De
  40. The crew often served by free suffrage. The only pirate ever known to bury, treasure ,was William Kidd, and the only treasure so far recovered from Teach's exploits
  41. Taoist priests to legitimize as well as curb imperial power. They deal with, treasure ,objects that were part of the Zhou (1066 to 256 BC) royal treasure s. Emerging
  42. Year (28 BC),Crass us marched on General. Petty king Gyrates escaped with his, treasure ,and fled over the Danube into Scythia to seek aid from the Pasternak and
  43. Bulgaria annexed several important cities, while Alexios squandered the public, treasure ,on his palaces and gardens and attempted to deal with the crisis through
  44. Not yet come for us. The war with Portugal — France being unprepared, and our, treasure ,ships from South America not being arrived — makes it improper for us to
  45. The two were forced to escape to Byzantine Ravenna, taking with them the royal, treasure ,and part of the army, which hints at the cooperation of Byzantium. Roger
  46. Centuries: among the most spectacular additions were the 2600 BC Mesopotamian, treasure ,from Your, discovered during Leonard Woolley's 1922–34 excavations. Gold, silver
  47. Ended the themes in Anatolia which had furnished the Empire with men and, treasure , State organization Alp Arslan's strength lay in the military realm. Domestic
  48. Stories, but that no finds have come to light is not exceptional—buried pirate, treasure ,is often considered a modern myth for which almost no supporting evidence
  49. Available records about pirates there is nothing to suggest that the burial of, treasure ,was a common practice, except in the imaginations of the writers of such
  50. Been given. One particularly fine example was included as part of the Stretford, treasure ,from fourth century Norfolk, UK. The subjects are mythological, and chiefly

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