Examples of the the word, cos , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cos ), is the 5048 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cone, the total luminous flux UV in lumens is given by: UV = Iv ⋅ 2π ⋅ (1 -, cos ,(A/2) ), where A is the radiation angle of the lamp—the full vertex angle of
  2. If the forcing function is f (t) cos (at) cos (etc), cos , ( ωτ),where ω etc, the equation becomes: \franc + 2 \zeta \franc + q = \ cos (
  3. Reasoning forces the conclusion that sin (θ) has orientation 1z while, cos ,(θ) has orientation 10. These are different, so one concludes (correctly)
  4. Coordinates. Given two complex numbers z1 r1 ( cos φ1 + ISIN φ1) and z2 r2 (, cos ,φ2 + ISIN φ2) the formula for multiplication is: z_1 z_2 = r_1 r_2 (\ cos (
  5. x) \, dx = \int \, dx: \int \tan (x) \, dx = \int \, dx. Letting f (x), cos , ( x) and f (x) - sin (x):: \int \tan (x) \, dx = -\LN + C: \int \tan (x
  6. Can be inferred. For example, the expression (+ (- 2.2 (/ x 11) (* 7 (, cos ,y) )) ) could be written unambiguously as the sequence + - 2.2 / x 11 The
  7. Φ - 0.5) degrees to (φ + 0.5) degrees) is about 111132.954 - 559.822 (, cos ,2φ) + 1.175 ( cos 4φ) (Those coefficients can be improved, but as they stand
  8. Phi_kn \right) where: in is the output sample at discrete time n, : AKN = run, cos ,(AKN): BKN = run sin (AKN): run is the amplitude envelope of the kith
  9. Of the exponential function EZ (where z is a complex number) and of sin x and, cos ,x for real numbers x (see below). In fact, the same proof shows that Euler's
  10. X \ where e is the base of the natural logarithm, i am the imaginary unit, and, cos , and sin are the trigonometric functions cos ine and sine respectively, with the
  11. Copies of the genome: a conceited. #These cowcatchers are cleaved at their, cos ,sites as they are packaged. Packaging cannot occur from circular phage DNA
  12. Method algorithm, which does not require computation of functions sin () and, cos ,(). In this method U and V are drawn from the uniform (−1,1) distribution
  13. Direction of Ω. The fictitious force Ff is thus a vector of magnitude m Ω2|r |, cos ,(δ),perpendicular to Ω, and directed towards the center of the star's
  14. In the last step we have simply recognized the Taylor series for sin (x) and, cos ,(x). The rearrangement of terms is justified because each series is
  15. Function, can be composed as a sum of sinusoidal functions (sin (x), cos , ( x) ) of various frequencies. Additive synthesis models any periodic or
  16. Then the ones using Cartesian coordinates. Given two complex numbers z1 r1 (, cos ,φ1 + ISIN φ1) and z2 r2 ( cos φ2 + ISIN φ2) the formula for multiplication is
  17. Definition of to the complex numbers. This, with the Taylor series for sin and, cos , allows one to derive Euler's formula:: ex = \ cos x + i\sin x, \,\! Which
  18. Tied hex exp ref y m xor scalars rand print HQ q xor int evil LC HQ y sort, cos ,and print CHR ORD for QC x print each return local x y or print HQ s and
  19. A series of odd powers of θ. It is seen that the Taylor series of sin (θ) and, cos ,(θ) are orientationally homogeneous using the above multiplication table
  20. Of cos (x) x3 = Consider the problem of finding the positive number x with, cos ,(x) x3. We can rephrase that as finding the zero of f (x) cos (x) − x3.
  21. Except when undefined). For example, each of cos (\pi/7), cos (3\pi/7), cos , ( 5\pi/7) satisfies 8x^3 - 4x^2 - 4x + 1 = 0. This polynomial is irreducible
  22. Ord for QC q join use sub tied ex xor evil xor print HQ q xor int evil LC q m, cos ,and print CHR ORD for QC y abs né open tied hex exp ref y m xor scalars rand
  23. To (φ + 0.5) degrees) is about 111132.954 - 559.822 ( cos 2φ) + 1.175 (, cos ,4φ) (Those coefficients can be improved, but as they stand the distance they
  24. Of rational multiples of \pi (except when undefined). For example, each of, cos ,(\pi/7), cos (3\pi/7), cos (5\pi/7) satisfies 8x^3 - 4x^2 - 4x + 1 = 0.
  25. One can obtain a solution accurate to many decimal places. Solution of, cos ,(x) x3 = Consider the problem of finding the positive number x with cos (x)
  26. J1 (x) is the derivative of J0 (x),much like sin x is the derivative of, cos ,x; more generally, the derivative of In (x) can be expressed in terms of Jn±1
  27. The length of the parallel at θ° latitude (either north or south) is, cos ,θ° times the length of the equator. The scale at θ° latitude is therefore
  28. That there are no solutions of physical equations that are of the form a, cos ,(θ)+b sin (θ),where a and b are real scalars. Note that an expression such
  29. 1.: x' ( 0) -A \sin 0 + B \ cos 0 B = 0,\, and so B = 0. Therefore, x (t) =, cos ’t. This is an example of simple harmonic motion. See a
  30. The value of C, differentiating sin x + C with respect to x always yields, cos ,x. In differential equations Similarly, constants appear in the
  31. And then the real and imaginary parts can be taken to yield formulas for, cos ,(no) and sin (no). For example, since: \left (\ cos x+i\sin x\right)^2 =
  32. 62-43 BC) Epistle ad Familiars (Letters to his friends) Consul (abbrev., cos ,.; Latin plural consuls) was the highest elected office of the Roman Republic
  33. Through nondimensionalization. If the forcing function is f (t) cos (at), cos , ( etc) cos (ωτ),where ω etc, the equation becomes: \franc + 2 \zeta \franc +
  34. 21 May 2005- 26 April 2006. Choctawhatchee River, Washington/Bay/Walton, cos , A population of unknown size has been reported by a team from Auburn
  35. Two single-stranded segments are the" sticky ends" of what is called the, cos ,site. The cos site circularizes the DNA in the host cytoplasm. In its circular
  36. The values of the exponential, sine and cos ine functions, exp (x),sin (x), cos , ( x),are known to be irrational for any rational value of x≠0,but each can
  37. Segments are the" sticky ends" of what is called the cos site. The, cos ,site circularizes the DNA in the host cytoplasm. In its circular form, the
  38. x) - \ cos (n-2)x \. \end This formula is used for recursive generation of, cos ,(no) for integer values of n and arbitrary x (in radians). Other
  39. x) 1,giving :1 = (\ cos x - i \sin x) \dot ex \. Multiplying both sides by, cos ,x + i sin x, we obtain: \begin \ cos x + i \sin x &= (\ cos x + i \sin x) (
  40. This is done through nondimensionalization. If the forcing function is f (t), cos , ( at) cos (etc) cos (ωτ),where ω etc, the equation becomes: \franc + 2
  41. Consider for instance the function f: 0,2π) → S1 defined by f (φ) = (, cos ,(φ),sin (φ) ). This function is bijective and continuous, but not a
  42. The zero of f (x) cos (x) − x3. We have f (x) sin (x) − 3x2. Since, cos ,(x) ≤ 1 for all x and x3 > 1 for x > 1,we know that our zero lies between 0
  43. For example,2.2 -x/11 + 7* cos (y) becomes (+ (- 2.2 (/ x 11) (* 7 (, cos ,y) )) ). This notation often makes it easier to see the relationship between
  44. Multiples of \pi (except when undefined). For example, each of cos (\pi/7), cos , ( 3\pi/7), cos (5\pi/7) satisfies 8x^3 - 4x^2 - 4x + 1 = 0. This polynomial
  45. Cosine has period 2. That is, for all and integers, sin () sin (+ 2) and, cos ,() cos (+ 2). Because sin (0) 0,sin (2) 0 for all integers. Also, the
  46. Of F (s) contains the imaginary axis, σ 0. For example, the function f (t), cos , ( ω0t) has a Laplace transform F (s) s/ (s2 + ω02) whose ROC is Re (s) >
  47. Homogeneous using the above multiplication table, while expressions like, cos ,(θ) + sin (θ) and exp (θ) are not, and are (correctly) deemed
  48. Number x with cos (x) x3. We can rephrase that as finding the zero of f (x), cos , ( x) − x3. We have f (x) sin (x) − 3x2. Since cos (x) ≤ 1 for all x and
  49. Read (d); for step from 0 while a: step print (all); b: = sin (a); c: =, cos ,(a); print (( AZD.6d$,a, b,c) ) OD) print - sends output to the file
  50. Systems fulfilling neither the Airy nor the Bow-Sutton condition, the ratio a ', cos ,w'/a tan w will be constant for one distance of the object. This combined

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