Examples of the the word, transfusion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( transfusion ), is the 5478 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hemodialysis, hemoperfusion, hyperbaric medicine, peritoneal dialysis, exchange, transfusion , or ch elation. However, this may actually worsen the poisoning in some cases, so
  2. A lack of clinical evidence to support improvements in quality of life or, transfusion ,requirements in these settings. In addition, on March 9,2007,drug
  3. Disorders like thalassemia, or nutritional deficiencies; and may require blood, transfusion , Several countries have blood banks to fill the demand for transferable blood.
  4. Rehydration for mild or moderate disease, and intravenous fluids and blood, transfusion ,for more severe cases. The incidence of dengue fever has increased dramatically
  5. ITP). Symptoms can be severe enough to require hospitalization and platelet, transfusion , with several cases resulting in death. Quinine can cause abnormal heart
  6. Declares William the Silent to be an outlaw. *1667 – The first human blood, transfusion ,is administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Deny's. *1752 – Benjamin Franklin proves
  7. Infections. Other risks include severe blood loss (which may require a blood, transfusion ,) and post spinal headaches. It is difficult to study the effects of Cesarean
  8. Of a computer system such as the CPU * Unit of blood, a measurement in blood, transfusion ,equal to one pint or 450 ml * Unit of alcohol,10 milliliters of pure ethanol
  9. To hemoglobin when smoking tobacco. Medical treatments Blood products Blood for, transfusion ,is obtained from human donors by blood donation and stored in a blood bank.
  10. 15:28,29 and other scriptures. Since 1961 the willing acceptance of a blood, transfusion ,by an unrepentant member has been grounds for expulsion from the religion.
  11. The World Wide Web along with HTTP and HTML, the first successful human blood, transfusion , the motorized vacuum cleaner, the lawn mower, the seat belt, the hovercraft
  12. Via direct contact with infected tissue, such as from eating infected tissue, transfusion ,or transplantation; new research now suggests that prion diseases can be
  13. Egg anti-D antibodies following a sensitizing event: possibly a metamaterial, transfusion ,of blood from a fetus in pregnancy or occasionally a blood transfusion with D
  14. Due to new diseases and techniques (e.g., AIDS transmitted through blood, transfusion ,) * Long term effects of new technologies (e.g. health concerns regarding
  15. West Nile disease in 2003 occurred in June and one West Nile-infected blood, transfusion ,was also identified that month. In the 2003 outbreak,9,862 cases and 264
  16. Eventually placed again in suspended animation. During this time, he is given a, transfusion ,of blood from the Red Skull, which cures his condition and stabilizes the
  17. Twins share a hormonal environment, but can suffer from the 'twin to twin, transfusion ,syndrome' in which one twin is" relatively stuffed with blood and the other
  18. Childbirth or obstetric intervention),or sometimes after a therapeutic blood, transfusion , This can cause Rh disease or other forms of hemolytic disease of the newborn (
  19. The Clown and saves the critically injured Brad's life by giving a Blood, transfusion ,from Sebastian" on the fly" despite knowing that Gregory is watching. This in
  20. WWI" prefix. January ** The Royal Army Medical Corps first successful blood, transfusion ,using blood that had been stored and cooled. ** Impressionist painter Monet
  21. Cheating. On 24 July 2007 Alexander Vinokourov tested positive for a blood, transfusion ,(blood doping) after winning a time trial, prompting his Astana team to pull
  22. With increased population movements, the possibility of transmission by blood, transfusion ,became more substantial in the United States. Transfusion blood and tissue
  23. Metabolism of transfused red blood cells does not restart immediately after a, transfusion , Bloodletting In modern evidence-based medicine, bloodletting is used in
  24. Though certainly not to be literal. But at all Cost, a Thing must live: with a, transfusion ,of one’s own worse Life if one can’t retain the Original’s better. Better a
  25. Many of those in poverty-stricken West African states. Fluid replacement, blood, transfusion , and fighting hypotension are usually required. Intravenous interferon therapy
  26. Transfusion of blood from a fetus in pregnancy or occasionally a blood, transfusion ,with D positive RBC's. Rh's disease can develop in these cases. Rh negative blood
  27. Series writer Moira Decker also spoke on the DVD commentary that Logan's, transfusion ,that allowed him to use his legs once again at the end of season 2 would begin
  28. Away the royal flagship The Royal Charles. * June 15 – The first human blood, transfusion ,is administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Deny's. He transfuses the blood of a sheep
  29. Is unclear. The Combs test is also used for antibody screening in blood, transfusion ,preparation and also for antibody screening in antenatal women. Multiple
  30. A plasma expander is a more effective life-saving procedure than a blood, transfusion , because the metabolism of transfused red blood cells does not restart
  31. 2001,which monitors the operation of hospitals, health centers, and the blood, transfusion ,center in Macau. It also handles the organization of care and prevention of
  32. Bypass heart surgery in February 1983; he contracted hepatitis from a blood, transfusion ,he received at that time. He left a widow, Sylvia Fine, and a daughter, Dena.
  33. By Professor Z. Polanski and included bone marrow transplantation and blood, transfusion , It saved, among others, Chief Lieutenant Mikhail Krasichkov and Captain 3rd
  34. Greece. Robert suffered a broken ankle and Maureen was badly injured; a blood, transfusion ,saved her life. Unable to tour, Plant headed to the Channel Island of Jersey to
  35. System The AGO system is the most important blood-group system in human-blood, transfusion , The associated anti-A and anti-B antibodies are usually Immunoglobulin M
  36. Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible/Christian Old Testament as prohibiting blood, transfusion , and Muslims require that the donor have provided written consent in advance.
  37. And subcapsular hematomas. On rare occasions, such cases may require blood, transfusion ,and even lead to acute renal failure. Hematoma rates may be related to the type
  38. When Arthur Ashe announced his own HIV infection (also contracted from a blood, transfusion ,during heart surgery) convinced them otherwise. Ten years later, after most of
  39. And chronic Changes disease is being tested by several research groups. Blood, transfusion ,was formerly the second-most common mode of transmission for Changes disease
  40. Platelets. Anemia and thrombocytopenia when they occur, are improved with blood, transfusion , Neutropenia (a decrease of the neutrophil granulocyte count below 0.5 x
  41. Banks to fill the demand for transferable blood. A person receiving a blood, transfusion ,must have a blood type compatible with that of the donor. ** Leukemia is a
  42. Include: *Reduced hemorrhaging, which reduces the chance of needing a blood, transfusion , *Smaller incision, which reduces pain and shortens recovery time, as well as
  43. Blood. The US outbreak revealed novel transmission methods, through blood, transfusion , organ transplant, intrauterine exposure, and breastfeeding. Since 2003,blood
  44. The Rh system is the second most significant blood-group system in human-blood, transfusion ,with currently 50 antigens. The most significant Rh antigen is the D antigen
  45. To this report, the UK government banned anyone who had received a blood, transfusion ,since January 1980 from donating blood. From 1999 there has been a ban in the
  46. Caesium-137 is used only in small hospital units to treat blood before, transfusion ,to prevent Graft-versus-host disease. Food irradiation using cobalt-60 is the
  47. Were the result of an infection by HIV, which he had contracted from a blood, transfusion ,received during his bypass operation. Janet Asimov wrote in the epilogue of It
  48. Then six months in the UK or France between the years 1980 and 1996 or received, transfusion ,in the UK after the year 1980 is not allowed to donate blood. Sperm donor
  49. In remission. * The development of blood typing and blood banking made blood, transfusion ,safe and widely available. * The invention and development of immunosuppressive
  50. Including 284 fatalities. 13 cases in 2002 were contracted through blood, transfusion , The cost of Unrelated health care in 2002 was estimated at $200 million. The

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