Examples of the the word, persistent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( persistent ), is the 5487 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And was apparently less than truthful about his financial fecklessness. One, persistent ,fiction, widely publicized, was that his divorce settlement from Michelin
  2. Commissioned a brevet second lieutenant in the 3rd U. S. Artillery. One of the, persistent ,legends of baseball history is that Doubleday invented the game in 1839
  3. Drugs. The literary critic, Helen Gender, described Ginsberg as" tirelessly, persistent ,in protesting censorship, imperial politics, and persecution of the powerless.
  4. To Australia. Many species have an erect woody stem which is covered with, persistent ,dried leaves unless there have been fires, topped by a crown of long thin
  5. Cold, with potential evaporation between and. A megathermal climate is one with, persistent ,high temperatures and abundant rainfall, with potential annual evaporation in
  6. For Linux/Unix systems * Redland – A RDF Application Framework can use BDB for, persistent ,storage (triple store) * RPM – The RPM Package Manager uses Berkeley DB to
  7. And blatant social inequality are chiefly the outcome of a combination of a, persistent ,political authoritarianism, of " neo-patrimonial" practices at all levels of
  8. Proclaimed himself Prince of Portugal. Alfonso then turned his arms against the, persistent ,problem of the Moors in the south. His campaigns were successful and, on 25
  9. Party. On 4 January 2006,Sharon suffered a severe stroke that left him in a, persistent ,vegetative state. In March 2006 elections, Kadima, led by HUD Older following
  10. Cartridge that contains a 128 K EEPROM, allowing Atari Jaguar CD games to save, persistent ,data such as preferences and save games. Reception The Jaguar was a commercial
  11. Be clear, and color can range from light copper to brown, with a bountiful and, persistent ,off-white head. The aroma should be malty and toasty, possibly with hints of
  12. Owners to reduce salaries and deny the workers their salaries. Combined with, persistent ,interethnic problems in the country, for many workers this meant that they had
  13. Acid, anthers longer than wide, tapetal cells bi- to tetra-nuclear, tegmen not, persistent , endosperm colonial, and loss of mitochondrial gene sdh3. Up-to-date
  14. Storage Hardware that keeps data inside the computer for later use and remains, persistent ,even when the computer has no power. * Solid-state drive - a device similar to
  15. Of all ranks of society, describing it as a" ridiculous fantasy ": The, persistent ,old belief that peasants and small farmers gathered to form a national army or
  16. May decrease as a person adjusts to the drug, but other side effects may be, persistent , Work by two researchers has called into question the link between serotonin
  17. By weak heat sources (e.g., a cigarette, a short-circuited wire),and the, persistent ,combustion of biomass behind the flaming front of wildfires Rapid
  18. 14-16 °C. Fog is not uncommon in valleys and plains; it can be especially, persistent , with freezing drizzle episodes and subzero temperatures during winter, along
  19. And has a potential evaporation between and. A mesothermal climate lacks, persistent ,heat or persistent cold, with potential evaporation between and. A megathermal
  20. England to Cornwall, and outward migration of young Cornish people, are, persistent , concerns. Question of Cornish national identity Cornwall is the homeland of the
  21. By those with limited flexibility or other joint problems. Because of its, persistent ,image as a" women's" bicycle, step-through frames are not common for larger
  22. Of O. T. O. in Germany and the rest of continental Europe that occasioned a, persistent ,rift with Crowley. In March 1913,producer Crowley introduced Leila Waddell in
  23. In size or position to some degree. Up to 25 % of women's breasts display a, persistent , visible breast asymmetry, which is defined as differing in size by at least
  24. Phase, when the output of flammable gases from the material is too low for, persistent ,presence of flame and the charred fuel does not burn rapidly anymore but just
  25. Spin-off series Batman was notable not only for introducing two of his most, persistent ,antagonists, the Joker and Cat woman, but for a story in which Batman shoots
  26. A failure of the aorticopulmonary septum to divide the great vessels results in, persistent ,trucks arterioles. Features The aorta is an elastic artery, and as such is
  27. Also suggests ACE inhibitors might increase inflammation-related pain. A, persistent ,dry cough is a relatively common adverse effect believed to be associated with
  28. And they share its juridical personality with privileges and immunities. Due to, persistent ,budgetary shortages, the Council of Europe is expected to cut down
  29. And launch another attack. Although the Allies were again repulsed, these, persistent , attacks on Blenheim eventually bore fruit, panicking Clérambault into making
  30. Because I find them most alive. " Wind is also a powerful symbol:" The, persistent ,metaphor of Kurosawa’s work is that of wind, the winds of change, of fortune
  31. N-sentence conversation where the oracle remembers the conversation history (, persistent ,oracle): \angle O (n),O (n) \range ** for an n-sentence conversation
  32. It cannot find out which character encoding was used. Due to widespread and, persistent ,ignorance of HTTP char set= over the Internet (at its server side),WWW
  33. His chief of staff's pessimism and nervousness and had to respond to several, persistent ,and almost defeatist objections from some of his senior generals. Later on
  34. Within two years, and 90 % within three years. The starved chlamydiae enter a, persistent ,growth state wherein they stop cell division and become morphologically
  35. Failed didn't fully explore the lands he found, and decided that a more ", persistent ,explorer" should be chosen for any future expeditions. For over a century
  36. Also serious pollutants, either as side products of industrial processes or as, persistent ,pesticides. Many important industrial products are produced via organochlorine
  37. Company optioned the rights to the Dean play and began production in 1930. A, persistent ,rumor asserts that director Tod Browning's long-time collaborator, Lon Chaney
  38. Symptom, and may either gradually abate during the withdrawal phase, or become, persistent , Withdrawal-related psychosis from antipsychotics is called" super sensitivity
  39. Episode Signs and symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder include, persistent ,feelings of sadness, anxiety,guilt, anger,isolation, or hopelessness;
  40. Evaporation between and. A mesothermal climate lacks persistent heat or, persistent ,cold, with potential evaporation between and. A megathermal climate is one with
  41. Racism Biographer Lawrence Putin stated that" blatant bigotry is a, persistent ,minor element in Crowley's writings. " He also calls Crowley" a spoiled scion
  42. Until 1982,different presidential administrations chose to focus on ending the, persistent ,insurgencies that sought to undermine Colombia's traditional political system.
  43. Stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language, and, persistent , preoccupation with parts of objects. Onset must be prior to age three years
  44. Curve theory" has demonstrated to me beyond any reasonable doubt there is a, persistent ,gap in average black and white average intelligence ". Ellis called the BNP" a
  45. Sharon's cognitive abilities were destroyed by the stroke, and that he is in a, persistent ,vegetative state with slim chances of regaining consciousness. On 13 April 2007
  46. Of unemployment and poverty, as arson in the city's public housing was a, persistent ,symbol of the problem. However, led by aggressive community leaders, many
  47. Hereditary eye problems such as Coloma (a hole in the eye structure),and, persistent ,pupillary membrane (tiny threads across the pupil). History The Benji is
  48. The war, which dramatically disrupted ecological equilibrium. Furthermore,the, persistent ,nature of dioxins, erosion caused by loss of protective tree cover, and loss of
  49. That the original single mutation appeared over 2,500 years ago and that, persistent ,epidemics of a hemorrhagic fever struck at the early classical civilizations.
  50. Node; any reference to the original tree root remains valid, making the tree a, persistent ,data structure: def binary_tree_insert (node, key

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