Examples of the the word, jobs , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jobs ), is the 5496 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Upgrade repair facilities on condition that the airline maintain at least 700, jobs , On June 26, 2009,rumors of a merger with US Airways resurfaced to much
  2. Near the present-day end of the Astoria-Megler Bridge, and took fishing, jobs ,; the Chinese tended to do cannery work, and usually lived either downtown or in
  3. Located a plant northwest of Alexandria near the airport creating hundreds of, jobs , Expansions at the Procter & Gamble plant and the construction of a Plastic
  4. Arrangement where it exists, since the county seat is a source of pride (and, jobs ,) to the city involved. Arkansas is the only state to specify the pronunciation
  5. Accounts of the pursuit and dismissal of several anthropologists from their, jobs ,for communist sympathies. Attempts to accuse anthropologists of complicity with
  6. Primarily those of the U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force, added to state, jobs , Alabama is unofficially nicknamed the Yellowhammer State, after the state bird
  7. For a $3.7 billion steel production plant, with the promise of 2,700 permanent, jobs , When ThyssenKrupp's new facilities reach full production capacity, Alabama is
  8. Turned out advertising strips at $2 apiece while scouring the city hunting for, jobs , He eventually found work at the Associated Press. At 23-years old, he was
  9. Pleased by this. However, even with Mozart and Salary being rivals for certain, jobs , there is very little evidence that the relationship between the two composers
  10. Whites and blacks migrated to the city of Birmingham for work in new industrial, jobs , It experienced such rapid growth that it was nicknamed" The Magic City ". By
  11. To check inflation, freezes wages and prices, prohibits workers from changing, jobs ,unless the war effort would be aided thereby, and bars rate increases by common
  12. Everything necessary to the society (nutrition, energy,entertainment, jobs , etc.). These buildings seem like a cross between a building and a living
  13. Country, which not only provide revenues to the government but also create many, jobs , Improvements to the business-enabling environment have resulted in more than
  14. 10th largest intercity (high-tech center) in the US, with 126,700 high-tech, jobs , Delta Air Lines is the city's the largest employer and the metro area's third
  15. 1986 Marvel Tryout Contest and was assigned a number of low-profile penciling, jobs ,followed by a run on New Warriors in 1990. Bailey penciled the flagship
  16. A busy rush hour, and regular traffic jams. Statistically, Aarau has the most, jobs ,per capita of any Swiss city. The small scale of Aarav causes it to continually
  17. Life After leaving school at 17,Ayckbourn's career took several temporary, jobs ,in various places before starting a temporary job at the Scarborough Library
  18. For small businesses at a time when the Chinese people were excluded from most, jobs ,in the wage economy by racial discrimination or lack of language fluency.
  19. Of a Plastic plant in nearby Pineville have also created a number of new, jobs ,for the area. In 2007,Inc. Magazine rated Alexandria as the 77th best place in
  20. Used in place of graphic marks. Also, to mark divisions between different print, jobs ,from different users, bulk printers often used ASCII art to print large banners
  21. Many of the recent immigrants viewed freed slaves as competition for scarce, jobs , and as the reason why the Civil War was being fought. Name "
  22. 2006,22.3 million tourists spent $8.3 billion providing an estimated 162,000, jobs , in the state. Health UAB Hospital is the only Level I trauma center in Alabama.
  23. And economic development to support industrialization. At present, many such, jobs ,appear to be flowing towards China, though some which require command of
  24. As during software installation),this effect probably doesn't matter: Such, jobs ,are necessarily limited by the speed of the optical drive no matter where it is
  25. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in 1979. The move affected up to 1,300, jobs , Mayor of New York City Ed Koch described this move as a" betrayal" of New
  26. Since 1993,the automobile industry has generated more than 67,800 new, jobs ,in the state. Alabama currently ranks 4th in the nation in automobile output.
  27. Of Porch. Post Audi Porch left Audi in 1920 and went to Berlin and took various, jobs , He published his autobiography, I Built Cars (ICH Brute Autos) in 1937. He
  28. The privatization increased outlets from 304 stores to 1,726; 1,300, jobs , to 4,000 jobs ; and 3,325 products to 16,495 products. Tax revenue also
  29. The retail trade is the second-largest employer in SA (2009–10),with 91,900, jobs , and 12 per cent of the state workforce. Adelaide has over 40 % of Australia's
  30. And exceed the capability of workers to perform most routine and repetitive, jobs , Ford predicts that many knowledge-based occupations—and in particular entry
  31. For Hollywood, California. Initially, Rand struggled in Hollywood and took odd, jobs ,to pay her basic living expenses. A chance meeting with famed director Cecil B.
  32. And rural development was enlarged. This entailed a significant increase in, jobs ,for Africans, under the condition that they spoke Portuguese. As a consequence
  33. Work force. In 2007,this had risen to 67.9 percent of GDP and 66.42 percent of, jobs , This process of" fertilization" of the economy has followed a somewhat
  34. Right to post online profiles seeking pen pals during their incarceration and, jobs ,upon their release. *In 2006,the ACLU of Washington State and the Second
  35. On April 15, 1929. Rand became an American citizen in 1931. Taking various, jobs ,during the 1930s to support her writing, Rand worked for a time as the head of
  36. From the Third World see the anti-globalization movement as a threat to their, jobs , wages, consuming options and livelihoods, and that a cessation or reversal of
  37. The term" global labor arbitrage" to refer to the tendency of manufacturing, jobs ,to flow towards whichever country has the lowest wages per unit output at
  38. At five smaller maintenance stations, resulting in the loss of up to 700, jobs , In early July 2010,it was reported that American Airlines was trying to find
  39. Privatization increased outlets from 304 stores to 1,726; 1,300 jobs to 4,000, jobs , ; and 3,325 products to 16,495 products. Tax revenue also increased from $400
  40. In more than $1.5 billion in telecom investment and created more than 100,000, jobs , since 2003. The Afghan rugs are becoming popular again and this gives many
  41. In the fall of 1994. March 2011: AOL announced it will cut around 20 percent, jobs ,or 900 workers among 5,000 workers. In September 2011,AOL formed a strategic
  42. He was placed on academic probation before dropping out to work in a series of, jobs , including carpet cleaner, carpenter,boxing instructor, and traffic school
  43. Scottish University of the Year 2011 and first in Scotland for graduate-level, jobs , It said:" With a graduate unemployment rate that is lower than the most
  44. The US, stated that" In a poor country like ours, the alternative to low-paid, jobs ,isn't well-paid ones,it's no jobs at all. " Egypt's Ambassador to the UN
  45. Team) and reduce his studies to part-time. To earn money, he also took odd, jobs ,: as private tutor, car parts clerk and assistant at the Meteorological
  46. Of public financial management ", pointing to his slashing of public service, jobs ,as a Queensland governmental advisor. Structure The Australian Labor Party is a
  47. Like ours, the alternative to low-paid jobs isn't well-paid ones,it's no, jobs ,at all. " Egypt's Ambassador to the UN has also stated" The question is why
  48. Alabama in the early 20th century as part of the Great Migration to industrial, jobs ,and better futures in northern industrial cities. The population growth rate in
  49. Of Jack Kerouac inspired him to take poetry more seriously. Though he took odd, jobs ,to support himself, in 1955,upon the advice of a psychiatrist, Ginsberg
  50. And Australia by Animation. Toriyama's clean line and design sense led to, jobs ,designing characters for the phenomenally popular Dragon Quest series of

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