Examples of the the word, solidarity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( solidarity ), is the 5497 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Realised in the short term by commitment to the principles of subsidiarity and, solidarity ,(these being built into financially independent local cooperatives and small
  2. An ally of the U. S. The French Canadians largely ignored France's appeals for, solidarity , After the war Canada became a refuge for about 75,000 Loyalists who either
  3. He surprised the viewing audience with his newly grown beard, which signified, solidarity ,with the strike. His beard was shaved off during the show on January 7,2008.
  4. This led them to emphasize this figure six million in order to gain the, solidarity ,of international public opinion with Zionism. Many scholars have debated the
  5. In current French; esprit de corps:" spirit of the body group ": a feeling of, solidarity ,among members of a group; morale. Often used in connection with a military
  6. Saran and Dwayne Bravo. Lara said he declined selection in a stand of, solidarity , when these players were dropped because of their sponsorship deals. The issue
  7. They heard around them, and provided an avenue for the expression of peer, solidarity , Even when new settlers arrived, this new dialect was strong enough to deflect
  8. In theory, all FOCAL teams were supposed to boycott the Grand Prix as a sign of, solidarity ,and complaint at the handling of the regulations and financial compensation (
  9. To massacre the Protestants - a scheme that failed due to emotions of city, solidarity ,and Grand Council efforts to restore the peace. The Grand Council was cautious
  10. Christian, Habré represented a constituency that favored co-operation and, solidarity ,with Arabs, both African, and Asian. For these reasons, he was expected to
  11. Petroleum which constituted the first crack in the wall of oil company, solidarity ,in dealing with the oil producing nations; specifically, in this case, with the
  12. Prompting Consider ant to note that" thanks to a certain dose of socialist, solidarity , the Mormons have in a few years attained a state of unbelievable prosperity ".
  13. Fly the European flag at the following games alongside their own as a sign of, solidarity ,(which did not happen). The flag, or features of it, are often used in the
  14. Demetrius was defeated. The end of the Civil War brought a sense of national, solidarity ,against Seleucid influence. Nevertheless, Jannaeus was uninterested in
  15. For black clothing. His song" Man in Black" presents it as a show of, solidarity ,with the outcasts of society. * The folk song" Black Is the Color (of My True
  16. Has often been taken as a more" plebeian" spelling and a gesture of political, solidarity , Clodius's two elder brothers, the Prius Claudius Puncher who was consul in
  17. About a fractionated, unequal world by dividing it along the lines of" human, solidarity ,", its essential moral value is division of labor. In 1893, he published" The
  18. But, especially,on the Statute's alleged breaches of the principle of ", solidarity ,between regions" in fiscal and educational matters enshrined by the
  19. Only rule of production and consumption which corresponds to the principle of, solidarity , Anarcho-communist Peter Kropotkin believed that a lack of collectivization of
  20. In 1920 after her criticisms began to offend powerful producers too often. In, solidarity , both Benchley and Sherwood resigned in protest. When Harold Ross founded The
  21. Mode of activist knowledge (accommodate consciousness),and a new format of, solidarity , interactive solidarity . The term" anti-globalization" does not distinguish
  22. A cultural community. Esperanto was created to foster universal understanding, solidarity ,and peace. A large proportion of the Esperanto movement continue to hold such
  23. Expansion. As a result, ecumenical councils were held to attempt to rebuild, solidarity ,by using the strength of distant orthodox witnesses to dampen the intense local
  24. Movement that promotes resolving economic class conflict to secure national, solidarity , Fascism advocates a state-directed, regulated economy that is dedicated to the
  25. Camus, published in 1947,that tells the story of medical workers finding, solidarity ,in their labor as the Algerian city of Oran is swept by a plague. It asks a
  26. This process. Further, dozens of independence movements and global political, solidarity ,projects such as the Non-Aligned Movement were instrumental in the
  27. By various cultural ties, and political aspirations. Sudan showed great, solidarity ,with Egypt in its Camp David peace initiatives with Israel in the late 1970s.
  28. Sparta) Tombalbaye broke off relations in September 1972 as an act of, solidarity ,with the Palestinians, and other Arabs under Israeli occupation. President
  29. Socialized, mixed,and private sectors, a foreign policy of" international, solidarity ," and national independence and a new institutional order (the" people's
  30. Phase" of the global Salami jihad. Bosnian Islamists in 2006 called for ", solidarity ,with Islamic causes around the world ", supporting the insurgents in Kashmir
  31. In a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination,tolerance, justice, solidarity , and equality between women and men prevail. " In 2009 the Lisbon Treaty gave
  32. In diversity. It expresses the ideals of a united Europe: freedom, peace,and, solidarity , Recent events It was to have been included in the European Constitution along
  33. She wrote later," I have not met with such warm hospitality, comradeship and, solidarity , " After touring a series of collectives in the province of Hues ca, she told a
  34. Maryland in Colombia, expressed condolences to the family of Maryland and, solidarity ,with the FARC and called Maryland an extraordinary fighter who battled against
  35. Agreed upon at this Congress of Vienna included the restoration, legitimacy and, solidarity ,of rulers for the repression of revolutionary and nationalist ideas. The German
  36. It's budget to offer support for human rights activities. France expressed her, solidarity ,with Poland on the issue of human rights in Belarus a day after the EU declared
  37. Accommodative consciousness),and a new format of solidarity , interactive, solidarity , The term" anti-globalization" does not distinguish the international
  38. And offer our own contribution. Concepts such as cooperation, joint effort and, solidarity ,are of key importance to Camus, though they are most likely sources of
  39. Considers the term to be a positive one of self-determination and political, solidarity , The Mexican archeologist and anthropologist Manuel Gamin reported in 1930 that
  40. In June 2011,the Guinean government announced the establishment of an air, solidarity ,levy on all flights taking off from national soil, with funds going to UNIT AID
  41. Is questioned (including by the Prime Minister of Finland) and with mutual, solidarity ,in the event of disasters, terrorist attacks and armed aggression covered by, a
  42. Europe of Free Peoples based on the principle of subsidiarity, which believe in, solidarity ,with each other and the peoples of the world. " The EFA sees itself as an
  43. Was, for a European of the early 20th century, an unusual expression of human, solidarity ,between whites and blacks. Later in his life, Schweitzer was quoted as saying:
  44. Ortega announced that Nicaragua was breaking diplomatic ties with Colombia" in, solidarity ,with the Ecuadoran people ". Ortega also stated," We are not breaking
  45. In 1967,he appeared as one of the founders of OSAKA (Organization of, solidarity ,and Aid to the Latin-American Revolution). In 1968,Guitar met Daniel
  46. Who reported," I do see it in her face that she is guilty ". The show of, solidarity ,between the sisters did not last long. Mary, a devout Catholic, was determined
  47. Of Philosophy at Marburg, was added to the Movement; he" publicly declared his, solidarity ,with the actual work of die Phenomenologies. " Yet Hartmann's connections were
  48. And it forms one of the first instances of English literature linking, solidarity ,and comradeship to success in battle. Partially as a result, the battle was
  49. Exhibitions from the official Salon in 1874,were beginning to lose their, solidarity , Also known as the“ Independents” or“ Intransigents ”, the group which at
  50. Was the key to eroding differences of economic power," and appealing to social, solidarity , Tucker's individualist anarchism advocated distribution of property in an

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