Examples of the the word, impair , in a Sentence Context

The word ( impair ), is the 5494 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then ammonia or nitrite, levels over 30 ppm of nitrate can inhibit growth, impair ,the immune system and cause stress in some aquatic species. However, in light
  2. May give a soldier's location away to an enemy observer. The smoke may also, impair ,aiming for additional shots. Combustion converts less than half the mass of
  3. And reductions in aerobic capacity. Over time these deconditioning effects can, impair ,astronauts’ performance or increase their risk of injury. In a weightless
  4. Soil erosion. Reduction in soil depth, soil organic matter and soil fertility, impair ,the land's future natural and agricultural productivity. Soil fertility can
  5. Control the nervous system through neuro-electronic interface, problems that, impair ,the system could be controlled so that effects of diseases and injuries could
  6. With Duke Ellington's orchestra. By 1953,his drug addiction was beginning to, impair ,his ability to perform. Heroin had killed some of his friends (Navarro and
  7. Certifications be provided to document that the LOAN termination will not, impair ,maritime safety or the development of possible GPS backup capabilities or needs
  8. And heavy industries, yet state planning, controls and regulations began to, impair ,productivity, quality and profitability. Although the Indian economy enjoyed a
  9. And Philip φιλος 'love' ) is a group of hereditary genetic disorders that, impair ,the body's ability to control blood clotting or coagulation, which is used to
  10. To GHB in the body. Neurotoxicity In multiple studies, GHB has been found to, impair ,spatial and working learning and memory in rats with chronic administration.
  11. The normal functioning of the pathway has been disrupted in such a way as to, impair ,the ability of the cell to undergo normal apoptosis. This results in a cell
  12. Indecency dependent on the degree to which the bodily injury might be likely to, impair ,the health of the receiving party. According to the BGH, the line of indecency
  13. Species, pre-linguistic children, or people with types of brain damage that, impair ,language. As a third issue, philosophers who dispute the validity of the Turing
  14. System (ALS and multiple sclerosis). Also, many injuries and accidents may, impair ,the nervous system resulting in dysfunctional systems and paraplegia. If
  15. Findings from this study suggest that stable opioid use does not significantly, impair ,abilities inherent in driving (this includes physical, cognitive and
  16. Temporary. Hypomania is a lowered state of mania that does little to, impair ,function or decrease quality of life. In hypomania there is less need for sleep
  17. Does not fall within a specific subtype. Bipolar NOS can still significantly, impair ,and adversely affect the quality of life of the patient. The bipolar I and II
  18. Psychomotor and cognitive functions, may persist into the next day. This may, impair ,the ability of users to drive safely, and increase risks of falls and hip
  19. The effects of morphine on motor abilities; a high dose of morphine can, impair ,finger tapping and the ability to maintain a low constant level of isometric
  20. Improvements are not usually very large. High doses of caffeine, however,can, impair ,athletic performance by interfering with coordination. Evidence shows that
  21. Negotiating treaties with any country other than the United States" which will, impair ,or to impair the independence of Cuba ". *Cuba was prohibited to" permit any
  22. Tail) by PKC and PKA. These phosphorylation are often sufficient to, impair ,G-protein coupling on their own as well. # PC/PKA may, instead,phosphorylate
  23. Then Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld stated that this move will in no way, impair ,the Air Force's ability to deliver the mission of the KC-767,which will be
  24. Accumulated both on land and on frozen Lake Erie. Snow does not typically, impair ,the city's operation, but can cause significant damage as with the October
  25. Of dextromethorphan repeatedly during adolescence, however,has been shown to, impair ,learning in those rats during adulthood. The occurrence of Olney's lesions in
  26. In the acute post-injury period may reduce resistance to infection and may, impair ,the healing of the wound. Pharmacokinetics Absorption and metabolism Morphine
  27. With any country other than the United States" which will impair or to, impair ,the independence of Cuba ". *Cuba was prohibited to" permit any foreign power
  28. Concentrations of ketamine, while not affecting cell survival, could still, impair ,neuronal morphology and thus might lead to dysfunctions of neural networks.
  29. To be read, which truncates the creation of the protein. These mutations may, impair ,the function of the resulting protein, and are thus rare in vivo
  30. To dark matter, and have few bright stars at the center which would otherwise, impair ,observations of the rotation curve of outlying stars. Gravitational lending
  31. ARE) within two hours of contact. Normal tarnishing was found to not, impair ,antimicrobial effectiveness. Antimicrobial tests have also revealed significant
  32. Established. Based on a study in rats, amphetamine use during adolescence may, impair ,adult working memory. Pharmacology Chemical properties Amphetamine is a chiral
  33. Pain with resultant reduction in mobility. Fractures of the long bones acutely, impair ,mobility and may require surgery. Hip fracture, in particular, usually requires
  34. A non-lethal laser weapon was developed by the U. S. Air Force to temporarily, impair ,an adversary’s ability to fire a weapon or to otherwise threaten enemy forces.
  35. Can affect patients' lives, by officially recognizing that it can completely, impair ,functioning. Countries in which Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome
  36. Deadly, according to pain specialists. " Driving Methadone treatment may, impair ,driving ability. Drug abuse patients had significantly more involvement in
  37. As" the study of all agencies under human control which can improve or, impair ,the racial quality of future generations ". Eugenics has, from the very
  38. Introduced from the vernacular. While these minor changes are not enough to, impair ,comprehension of the language, they introduce a certain flexibility not in it
  39. Acetylcholine that stimulates muscular contractions. Some forms of the antibody, impair ,the ability of acetylcholine to bind to receptors. Others lead to the
  40. May remove anatomical structures necessary to erection, damage nerves, or, impair , blood supply. Complete removal of the prostate gland or external beam
  41. As penalties for those who commit serious sins, those that significantly, impair ,the name or moral influence of the church and those who are a threat to other
  42. On entry into the combustion chamber without forming droplets, which would, impair ,the uniformity of the combustion. Branched-chain alkanes are preferred as they
  43. Advantageous nor disadvantageous and thus any genetic factors that might, impair ,the eyes (or their development) can take hold with no consequence on the
  44. Have been no documented human deaths from an LSD overdose, LSD may temporarily, impair ,the ability to make sensible judgments and understand common dangers, thus
  45. That the release of these documents would endanger national security or would, impair ,this country's relationship with a foreign government. ” In response, Michael
  46. Hunch back (kyphosis) that the resulting pressure on internal organs can, impair ,one's ability to breathe. Apart from risk of death and other complications
  47. Position, then there is" a special responsibility not to allow its conduct to, impair ,competition on the common market ". The lowest yet market share of a company
  48. And disrepute, to obstruct the constitutional processes of the Senate, and to, impair ,its dignity. " On December 2,1954,the Senate voted to" condemn" McCarthy on
  49. Order of the Court * Interfere with the orderly administration of justice or to, impair ,the authority or dignity of the Court * Officer of the Court fails to perform
  50. All these problems can increase the capital cost of the building systems and, impair ,the safety operation of the building. Maximum clear ceiling height As a general

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