Examples of the the word, mg , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mg ), is the 5498 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And is not accompanied by gamma-irradiation. Therefore and this isotope (~160, mg , ) is used as the energy source in heart pacemakers where it lasts about 5 times
  2. Sizes, which vary slightly from country to country, for example 300, mg , in Britain and 325 mg in the USA. Smaller doses are based on these standards;
  3. Also called R factors). Formulations Chloramphenicol is available as 250, mg , capsules or as a liquid (125 between chloramphenicol and CPE. Manufacture of
  4. Sample is aspirated. This technique is typically used for determinations in the, mg ,L-1 range, and may be extended down to a few kg L-1 for some elements.
  5. 35 g. Typical daily additional dietary intake in the United States is 200–300, mg , The body compensates for cholesterol intake by reducing the amount synthesized
  6. Laureate Carver Mead, BS 1956,MS 1957,PhD 1960 image: Benoit Mandelbrot, mg ,1804b. JPG|Benoit Mandelbrot, MS 1948,Engineering 1949,father of fractal
  7. Unstressed conditions, the human adrenal glands produce the equivalent of 35–40, mg , of cortisone acetate per day. In contrast to the direct innervation of the
  8. Of aspirin (1 g) is equivalent to 1 g of paracetamol,60 mg of codeine, or 5, mg , of oxycodone. A combination of aspirin and caffeine, in general, affords
  9. 150 pounds),typical total body cholesterol synthesis is about 1 g (1,000, mg , ) per day, and total body content is about 35 g. Typical daily additional
  10. In women taking calcium supplements above the recommended range of 1200 to 1500, mg , daily,for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, and is exacerbated by
  11. Highest allowed dose of aspirin (1 g) is equivalent to 1 g of paracetamol,60, mg , of codeine, or 5 mg of oxycodone. A combination of aspirin and caffeine, in
  12. Under the action of gravity, a particle acquires a downward speed of v \mu, mg , where m is the mass of the particle, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and
  13. Effect on colorectal cancer *A randomized controlled trial found that 1400–1500, mg , supplemental calcium and 1100 IU vitamin D3 reduced aggregated cancers with a
  14. Bringing relief in 50–60 % of the cases. When used at a high dose of 1000, mg , ( as compared to 275–325 mg when used as a painkiller or 81 mg as a
  15. Sample volume of 20µL) and NG g-1 range (for a typical sample mass of 1, mg , ) can be carried out. It shows a very high degree of freedom from interferences
  16. Doses are taken once daily. The WHO study said regular low dose (75 or 81, mg , ) aspirin female users had a 25 % lower risk of death from cardiovascular
  17. Of kidney stones. Calcium citrate is about 21 % elemental calcium. 1000, mg , will provide 210 mg of calcium. It is more expensive than calcium carbonate and
  18. Calcium citrate is about 21 % elemental calcium. 1000 mg will provide 210, mg , of calcium. It is more expensive than calcium carbonate and more of it must be
  19. And aircraft furniture. Oral ingestion of a small quantity — typically 200, mg , — of solid cyanide or cyanide solution, and airborne exposure of 270 ppm may
  20. Has been found to be absorbed in the kidneys of humans, and up to about 30, mg , of cadmium is commonly inhaled throughout childhood and adolescence. Cadmium
  21. In the slight difference. It is of historical interest that the US 325, mg , dose is almost exactly equivalent to the historic 5 grain aspirin tablets that
  22. Calcium carbonate is 40 % elemental calcium. 1000 mg will provide 400, mg , of calcium. However, supplement labels will usually indicate how much calcium
  23. 1 g) provides weaker pain relief than an intermediate dose of ibuprofen (400, mg , ),and this relief does not last as long. It appears ibuprofen is at least
  24. Property makes aspirin useful for reducing the incidence of heart attacks. 40, mg , of aspirin a day is able to inhibit a large proportion of maximum thromboxane
  25. Risk (see second study below). *A randomized controlled trial found that 1000, mg , of elemental calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D3 had no effect on colorectal
  26. With hip fractures found" a 29 % relative risk reduction in DVT with 160, mg , of aspirin taken daily for five weeks. Although there are obvious problems with
  27. Ocean water (mildly alkaline with typical pH = 8.2 – 8.5) contains about 120, mg , of bicarbonate per liter. Industrial production Industrial carbon dioxide is
  28. Anti-lewisite (dimercaprol) is prescribed in dosages of 5 mg /kg up to 300, mg , each 4 hours for the first day. Then administer the same dosage each 6 hours
  29. Source:: Total daily boron intake in normal human diets ranges from 2.1–4.3, mg , boron/day. Analytical quantification For determination of boron content in food
  30. Be equal to v=\mu mg . Notice that both expressions for v are proportional to, mg , reflecting how the derivation is independent of the type of forces considered.
  31. Diets. Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E, containing 26, mg , per 100 g (Table). They are also rich in dietary fiber, B vitamins, essential
  32. Of agriculture conducted an experiment in which postmenopausal women took 3, mg , of boron a day. The results showed that supplemental boron reduced excretion of
  33. Dose of 1000 mg (as compared to 275–325 mg when used as a painkiller or 81, mg , as an antiplatelet therapy),no significant differences were seen as compared
  34. Element ever synthesized. The target for this experiment contained about 10, mg , of californium-249 deposited on a titanium foil of 32 cm2 area. Californium has
  35. Help to avoid constipation. Calcium carbonate is 40 % elemental calcium. 1000, mg , will provide 400 mg of calcium. However, supplement labels will usually
  36. Experts recommend that supplements be taken with food and that no more than 600, mg , should be taken at a time because the percent of calcium absorbed decreases as
  37. A measured volume (typically 10–50 SL) or a weighed mass (typically around 1, mg , ) of a solid sample are introduced into the graphite tube and subject to a
  38. Vary slightly from country to country, for example 300 mg in Britain and 325, mg , in the USA. Smaller doses are based on these standards; thus,75- and
  39. Eolian) - Selective dopamine antagonist. Higher doses (greater than 400, mg , ) act upon post-synaptic dopamine receptors resulting in a reduction in the
  40. 12.5–15 mg /kg four times daily *Tetracycline 2 g single dose, followed by 500, mg , four times daily for 7–10 days (not suitable for children) More recently
  41. Gentamicin 2.5 mg /kg IV or I'm twice daily for 7 days *Doxycycline 100, mg , ( adults) or 2.2 mg /kg (children) orally twice daily have also been shown to
  42. Treatment is intravenous atropine. Name ACLS2010/> Doses less than 0.5, mg , should not be used as this may further decrease the rate. Name ACLS2010/>
  43. Almonds, which is nearly pure benzaldehyde. Bitter almonds may yield from 4 to 9, mg , of hydrogen cyanide per almond. Extract of bitter almond was once used
  44. Subjective effects of amphetamine in 55 hospital workers who were each given 20, mg , of Benzedrine. The two most commonly reported drug effects were" a sense of
  45. Women in their 50s gained less in a period of 10 years by taking more than 500, mg , of calcium supplements than those who did not. However, the doctor in charge of
  46. Of the cases. When used at a high dose of 1000 mg (as compared to 275–325, mg , when used as a painkiller or 81 mg as an antiplatelet therapy),no significant
  47. Of tissue penetration of salicylates. When small doses (less than 250, mg , in an adult) are ingested, all pathways proceed by first-order kinetics, with
  48. By Oxford University involving over 25000 patients showed taking a small (75, mg , ) daily dose of aspirin for between four and eight years substantially reduces
  49. Rate of rotation of the water. The gravitational force is unchanged at: F_ =, mg ,\, where g is the acceleration due to gravity. These two forces add to make a
  50. In a state of dynamical equilibrium, this speed must also be equal to v=\mu, mg , Notice that both expressions for v are proportional to mg , reflecting how the

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