Examples of the the word, cheat , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cheat ), is the 5489 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. AM? " On the game's ticker bar upon entering the cheat code" maxis" in the, cheat ,entry box. Decline After the immense success of SimCity, Maxis experimented
  2. Leaving him with only a quarterstaff. If the player uses the" god mode ", cheat ,from Doom, the game will display a message saying" Trying to cheat , eh? Now
  3. Half-Life mod Counter-Strike. Cheating in computer games may involve, cheat ,codes and hidden spots implemented by the game developers, modification of game
  4. American, European and Australian versions of this digital release have the, cheat ,codes of the original NEW game removed. Kid Icarus is planned to be published
  5. Games closely imitated features in Doom such as the selection of weapons and, cheat ,codes. Doom principal rivals were Apogee's Rise of the Triad and Looking Glass
  6. 3D software packages. Though this method of approximation (also known as a ", cheat ," because it's not really a global illumination method) is easy to perform
  7. God mode" cheat from Doom, the game will display a message saying" Trying to, cheat , eh? Now you die! " And kills the player. Source code In early 1999,the source
  8. He instead declared that," This devil's drink is so delicious ... we should, cheat ,the devil by baptizing it. " The year often cited is 1600. It is not clear
  9. Pick up and drop off" ), and law firm Dewey, Cheetham and Howe (" Do we, cheat ,'em and how" ). At the end of the show, Ray warns the audience," Don't drive
  10. Code Central, a video game website primarily known for its extensive list of, cheat ,codes * The Crooked Codpiece Company, a professional theater company in Lincoln
  11. This is cheat ing. Most card players would refuse to play cards with a known, cheat , The rest of this section is therefore about accidental infractions, caused by
  12. State, promises to attend his lodge if he is able, promises not to wrong, cheat ,nor defraud the Lodge or the brethren, and promises aid or charity to a member
  13. Had ever been released for it, and partly because it was being used to connect, cheat ,cartridges that could be used to defeat the regional lockouts and copy
  14. Souls from his realm. His wrath was equally terrible for anyone who tried to, cheat ,death or otherwise crossed him, as Sisyphus and Spirituous found out to their
  15. Lyrics. When freestyling, some rappers inadvertently reuse old lines, or even ", cheat ," by preparing segments or entire verses in advance. Therefore, freestyles with
  16. Preserves the slowdown problems of the original NEW version, but has its, cheat ,codes removed. Provo closed his review with a warning for potential buyers: he
  17. The purer the gold the easier it should be to mark it. Painted lead can, cheat ,this test because lead is softer than gold (and may invite a small risk of
  18. Of the earth. In character ENI is not a jester or trickster god, he is never a, cheat , and although fooled, he is not a fool. ENI uses his magic for the good of
  19. Cooperative and deathwatch options, accessible only through the unlockable, cheat ,menu of the game. And while this port shares the FMV scenes and most of the
  20. Jewish religion emphasizes profit and materialism #It is okay for Jews to, cheat ,non-Jews #Jews use their power to benefit" their own kind" Gerald Krefeld
  21. And as inverting Burgess' meaning ", and criticized The Shining for being a, cheat ,with" static dialogues" lacking the" scary fun or mysterious beauty" of
  22. Which provides additional functionality. Term also refers to those people who, cheat ,on video games using special software. This can also refer to the jail breaking
  23. Replay site as well as user made saves. It did not, however function as a, cheat ,device for Nintendo DS games; it was only for data backup. *Worm Cam: this
  24. Vs. Series arcade platform. It is identical to the NEW version, but includes no, cheat ,codes and allows the player to continue indefinitely. A light open source clone
  25. Aggressive) streak, which can be seen when she subverts Calvin's attempts to, cheat ,on school tests by feeding him incorrect answers, or clobbers Calvin when he
  26. Released in 2005,contains 40 games (with four more programs unlockable by a, cheat ,code). The console implements the original 2600 architecture and can be
  27. Blizzard Entertainment later incorporated the group's name into Star Craft as a, cheat ,code to speed up the production of units and gave the group thanks in the game
  28. Spelled backwards is Six AM? " On the game's ticker bar upon entering the, cheat ,code" maxis" in the cheat entry box. Decline After the immense success of
  29. Domper ". (In hockey, domper la puck: to dump the puck) * Enfirouaper: To, cheat ,someone. This comes from" in fur wrap ". Centuries ago, fur traders would sell
  30. Up in the final version of the game, and can be seen through the level select, cheat ,in the secret level" This causes an error. " Sequel In a 2009 Kama Sutra
  31. Unlicensed third-party peripherals, including a new version of the Game Genie, cheat ,cartridge designed for use with SNES games. In general, Nintendo proved to be
  32. Led to the SPISPOPD joke, to which a nod was given in the game in the form of a, cheat ,code. In addition to news, rumors and screenshots, unauthorized leaked alpha
  33. Device take Game Boy Color cartridges too would have made it expensive. This, cheat ,device allowed users to change the code in their games to create cheat s. Codes
  34. Within constraints, as well as fly. As with Doom, Heretic contains different, cheat ,codes that variously give the player invulnerability, all weapons, kill
  35. Console release, Thomas frowned upon Nintendo's decision to remove the NEW, cheat ,codes, and called the omission" nonsensical ". He found it to be" not an
  36. Out that Randi was a fraud. Randi said," Yes, indeed,I'm a trickster,I'm a, cheat , I'm a charlatan,that's what I do for a living. Everything I've done here
  37. Of currency handled within a casino, both patrons and staff may be tempted to, cheat ,and steal, in collusion or independently; most casinos have security measures
  38. Would read the messages contained in all four reliefs:“ We give you corn, you, cheat , us of our lands: we save your life, you take ours. ” While many 19th-century
  39. Advocate teaching a settled scholarly interpretation of the books, which would, cheat ,the student of the opportunity to learn rational criticism and to know his own
  40. Opposed by much of the populace, who feared it was an attempt by landlords to, cheat ,them out of a week and a half's rent. However, the Catholic countries of Spain
  41. Players exploiting a software glitch. Modifications are facilitated by either, cheat ,cartridge hardware or a software trainer. This image of video games received
  42. Later that he felt" there are at least a dozen ways a subject who wished to, cheat ,under the conditions Rhine described could deceive the investigator ". Another
  43. Is not likely). Nero's father was described by Suetonius as a murderer and a, cheat ,who was charged by Emperor Tiberius with treason, adultery,and incest. Rise to
  44. Banned after an update to Warden caused it to incorrectly detect Ceded as a, cheat ,program. Blizzard issued a statement claiming they had correctly identified and
  45. Such as the" slider" or" monkey paw" used by notorious slot machine, cheat ,Tommy Glenn Carmichael. However, more recent attempts at defrauding slot
  46. PlayStation and Sinclair ZX Spectrum. The NEW version of Radius introduced a, cheat ,code that would later become known as the INAMI Code, as it would be used in
  47. To 50 % while rock's odds decrease from 33 % to 25 %. Dynamite can be used to, cheat ,by quickly raising or lowering the thumb on the down stroke once the opponent's
  48. Set by cartels only provided a short-term solution because cartel members would, cheat ,on each other by setting a lower price than the price set by the cartel. Also
  49. On a particular level. However, if the player uses the" all weapons ", cheat ,code from Doom, a message appears warning the player against cheat ing and takes
  50. Roots that make people see the benefits encouraging them to kiss another, cheat ,on a test, use cocaine, or murder someone. Instead, all that is relevant are

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