Examples of the the word, posture , in a Sentence Context

The word ( posture ), is the 5480 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dancers are judged by diverse criteria such as poise, the hold or frame, posture , musicality and expression, timing,body alignment and shape, floor craft, foot
  2. Armour. Heavy British counterattacks forced Rommel to assume a defensive, posture ,and not pursue his original plan of a dash north for the coast. On 30 May he
  3. Have held its neck angled upward with the head pointed downwards in a resting, posture , Physiology Given the large body mass of Apatosaurus, combined with its long
  4. whether the target is likely to move or quickly improve its protective, posture , During World War II UK researchers concluded that for impact fused munitions
  5. Recommend to gain proficiency. Lessons may result in changes of height and, posture , which call for a new wardrobe or require other costs for new ergonomic
  6. Motiveless resistance to all instructions or maintenance of a rigid, posture ,against attempts to be moved) or mutism * peculiarities of voluntary movement
  7. And allowing the opponent to attempt numerous punches. The back-leaning, posture , which does not cause the defending boxer to become as unbalanced as they would
  8. Balance and coordination dysfunction (ataxia),changes in gait, rigid, posture , and seizures. The duration of the disease varies greatly, but sporadic (
  9. That bipedalism evolved more as a terrestrial feeding posture than as a walking, posture , As Hunt says,“ A bipedal postural feeding adaptation may have been a
  10. Makes the organism more comfortable. Also, Wheeler explains that a vertical, posture ,minimizes the direct exposure to the sun whereas quadrupedalism exposes more of
  11. Benefited from his performance by recording the nuances of his body language, posture , facial expressions, etc. Thus motion capture is appropriate in situations
  12. Forward as in the feudal commendation ceremony. At other times the older organs, posture ,may be used, with palms up and elbows in. Intercessory prayer is prayer offered
  13. Or pivoting motion. Finally, most techniques can be performed while in a seated, posture ,(seize). Techniques where both use and age are sitting are called
  14. 10–15 seconds of fire,i.e. the time needed to react and improve protective, posture , however, this is less relevant if air burst is used. There are several ways of
  15. Bodies of his sons. Knowing what he did was best for his country, but the tense, posture ,of his feet and toes reveals his inner turmoil. The whole painting was a
  16. South. The Union navy, although much smaller than the Royal Navy, did, posture , off Maritime coasts at times. Although an amphibious invasion was never in
  17. 3 sacral vertebrae like most mammals (humans have 5 because of their bipedal, posture ,), and a variable number of caudal vertebrae in the tail (humans retain 3 to 5
  18. Application includes alleviating pain and limitation as a result of poor, posture ,or repetitive physical demands. The Technique improves pain management for
  19. The ears. Cats will also throw themselves to the ground in a defensive, posture ,to rake their opponent's belly with their powerful hind legs. Normally
  20. Man and ape ". He saw the evolution of man in two stages: achieving a bipedal, posture ,freeing the hands to carry out the dictates of the brain, and the" recognition
  21. Richard O'Connor during December 1940. Initially ordered to assume a defensive, posture ,and hold the front line, the Axis High Command had slated a limited offensive
  22. Pote, when ) — examples: yesterday, last year *Position, posture , attitude ( Kasai, to lie) — examples: sitting, lying
  23. Well suited to shooting. While this does bear some similarity with the classic, posture ,of cowboys firing their twin revolvers from the hip, in games this posture is
  24. Bladder function, equilibrium,eye movement, facial expressions, and, posture , *The hypothalamus is a small region at the base of the forebrain, whose
  25. Usually with drapery near at hand and with a forward-bending, self-protecting, posture ,". A popular legend at the time was of the Amazons, a tribe of fierce female
  26. Legal briefs of the appellant. In general, the appealed takes the procedural, posture ,that the lower court's decision should be affirmed. Ability to appeal An
  27. Their necks at the maximum possible vertical extension when in a normal, alert, posture , and argued that the same would hold true for sauropods barring any unknown
  28. With their elbows bent and their hands on their hips (arms akimbo)- not a, posture ,well suited to shooting. While this does bear some similarity with the classic
  29. Or negative activity is said to be bearish (due to the stereotypical, posture ,of bears looking downwards),and one who expresses bearish sentiment is a bear
  30. This reason, Hunt argues that bipedalism evolved more as a terrestrial feeding, posture ,than as a walking posture . As Hunt says,“ A bipedal postural feeding
  31. Illness or offering to call the police. These, as well as his slouching, posture , are references to his earlier mild-mannered Pre-Crisis versions, but he still
  32. Last dynasty in China. In the 19th century the Qing Dynasty adopted a defensive, posture ,towards European imperialism, even though it engaged in imperialistic expansion
  33. Gorgoneion) in the center and snakes around the edge. It is in this standing, posture ,that she was depicted in Phidias's famous lost gold and ivory statue of her
  34. Largely improved during the time he used Alexander's advice to change his, posture , In 1923,Dewey wrote the introduction to Alexander's Constructive Conscious
  35. Traditions (explanatory of cults and customs,e.g. of the kneeling, posture ,of the images of Damian and Amnesia, of the use of native ware instead of
  36. His sarcophagus. However, in Bernini's tomb, the vigorous upraised arm and, posture ,of the pope is counterbalanced by an active drama below, wherein the figures of
  37. Is possible, with pursed lips. This sound can be approximated by adopting the, posture ,to whistle a very low note, or blow out a candle. Is produced with the tongue
  38. A type of dinosaur—the only group which survived to the present day. Their, posture ,was due to the development of a laterally facing recess in the pelvis (usually
  39. At the same time, the forces were modernized and reoriented towards a defensive, posture , In 2004 the army transformed itself into a fully professional organization and
  40. Furniture, footrests,wrist rests, and arm supports to ensure correct, posture , Key guards fit over the keyboard to help prevent unintentional key presses.
  41. Democracy while their Kuomintang opposition, historically take a defensive, posture ,on such issues, is generally viewed as" conservative. " In Taiwan, though
  42. Occupy Davies on his right and Autre-Eglise on his left, but by adopting this, posture ,he had been forced to over-extend his forces. Moreover, this disposition –
  43. Left, backward and right, respectively ) and other functions such as changing, posture , Since the mouse serves for aiming, a mouse that tracks movement accurately and
  44. Posture of cowboys firing their twin revolvers from the hip, in games this, posture ,is almost never reflected, with almost all game characters firing twin guns at
  45. Marcelino Kubitscheck became president in 1956 and assumed a conciliatory, posture ,towards the political opposition that allowed him to govern without major
  46. Firstly recognized Oriental cats, a type of cat with a long body but an elegant, posture , The length is the main characteristic based on which these cats are
  47. Alleviating some types of repetitive motion injuries related to workstation, posture , 3D mice Also known as bats, flying mice, or wands, these devices generally
  48. Front posted an article that questioned the EFF's adopting a confrontational, posture ,when dealing with private companies. Lee's article cited a series of
  49. Treasure to Constantinople. Her son's death in 534 made little change in the, posture ,of affairs. Now queen, Amalasuntha made her cousin Theodora partner of her
  50. Heathens ". The motif of the Romanesque equestrian, the mounted figure in the, posture ,of a triumphant Roman emperor, became a visual metaphor in statuary in praise

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