Examples of the the word, technically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( technically ), is the 5481 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Over their bodies are a marginal case. Fixed-wing Airplanes or airplanes are, technically ,called fixed-wing aircraft. The forerunner of the fixed-wing aircraft is the
  2. Anonymous (AA),said:: We have never called alcoholism a disease because, technically ,speaking, it is not a disease entity. For example, there is no such thing as
  3. Who were trustee prisoners. SS personnel assigned to the gas chambers were, technically ,under the same chain of command as other internal camp SS personnel, but in
  4. Described below. FIPS 140-2 validation is challenging to achieve both, technically ,and fiscally. There is a standardized battery of tests as well as an element of
  5. A temporary match state and is quickly dissipated by the referee. Clinching is, technically ,against the rules, and in amateur fights points are deducted fairly quickly for
  6. Border and the Nos sob river through the Kalahari Gearbox National Park, and are, technically ,part of the basin of the Orange river. None of these rivers normally flows as
  7. As a rule, there are two sorts of rituals; blot and symbol. Used is, technically ,part of blot. Symbol is normally held after the feast, inasmuch as it is custom
  8. Is frequently referred to as" Granny Clamped" in a number of episodes but, technically ,she is a Moses. Granny appears in all 274 episodes.; Kelly May Clamped: Kelly
  9. Presidents in the hope of finding a lasting peace. The two countries are still, technically ,at war. Caspian Sea boundaries are not yet determined with Iran and
  10. Programme" Jerusalem: An Anthem for England ", have said that the song is not, technically ,a hymn, as it is not a prayer to God (which hymns always are). Consequently
  11. Disrupting the killing operation, and that bombing the railway lines was not, technically ,feasible. The debate over what could have been done, or what should have been
  12. As formal magistrates, held certain honors that Plebeian Exiles (who were not, technically ,magistrates),did not hold. Besides having the right to sit on a Curdle Chair
  13. Imperial Aramaic to mark all important nouns, even if they should be considered, technically ,indefinite. This practice developed to the extent that the absolute state
  14. Out by Lieutenant Governor Donald Ethel. Although the lieutenant governor is, technically ,the most powerful person in Alberta, he is in reality a figurehead whose
  15. Broad in nine-ball, snooker,three-cushion and eight-ball. Snooker, though, technically ,a pocket billiard variant and closely related in its equipment and origin to
  16. Columns in English, isiZulu, Sesotho,and Xhosa. The Bantu languages (, technically ,Narrow Bantu languages) constitute a traditional sub-branch of the Niger–Congo
  17. Before a fielder touches the base while holding the ball. The ground out is, technically ,a special case of the force out. *The tag out: recorded against a runner who is
  18. zero’m decreases, so m eventually reaches zero as well. (Expressed more, technically , in each case the pair (m, n ) decreases in the lexicographic order, which
  19. Plebeians as well as members of the Patrician aristocracy),they were not, technically ,magistrates. Before the passage of the led annals, individuals could run for
  20. College programs. Second base is the base most often stolen. It is also, technically ,the easiest to steal, as it is farthest from home plate and thus a longer throw
  21. Into cellular (mobile) telecommunications for land-based users. Although, technically ,in breach of the statutory monopoly, CCT Boat phone was backed by a powerful
  22. Huge fields of manufacturer-backed teams and privateer squads – the cars were, technically ,similar to Group Cs but used a sliding scale of weights and engine capacities
  23. Broadcast domain size decreases. This is because a virtual LAN (or VLAN) is, technically ,a broadcast domain. This is achieved by designating one or more" server" or "
  24. Advanced Chemistry's elicitation of a German identity politics to which they, technically ,do not belong. This cultural binary illustrates that rap has taken different
  25. Called the RX-8800. One new feature it had was a numeric keypad. Although not, technically ,a clone, Quadram produced an add-in ISA card, called the Quad link, that
  26. The divorce had never been completed, making Rachel's marriage to Jackson, technically ,bigamous and therefore invalid. After the divorce was officially completed
  27. From Washington state. Alaska is thus an exclave of the United States. It is, technically ,part of the continental U. S., but is often not included in colloquial use;
  28. Electrode as the anode, particularly in their technical literature. Though, technically ,incorrect, it does resolve the problem of which electrode is the anode in a
  29. Reflected on the significance of the Moon landing: It was carried out in a, technically ,brilliant way with risks taken ... that would be inconceivable in the
  30. Presidents in the hope of finding a lasting peace. The two countries are still, technically ,at war. Notable countries with no diplomatic relations Armenia currently does
  31. Version is times as fast as the non-parallelized implementation. More, technically , the law is concerned with the speedup achievable from an improvement to a
  32. The possessions of the subsequent Seljuk Empire were ruled by States, who were, technically ,vassals of the Seljuk sultans, being sometimes de facto rulers themselves.
  33. The United States Geological Survey estimates that there are of undiscovered, technically ,recoverable gas from natural gas hydrates on the Alaskan North Slope. Alaska
  34. Animated film The Twelve Tasks of Asterix. It was released in 1976,making it, technically ,the 23rd Asterix volume to be published. But it has rarely been reprinted and
  35. The term" disease ": We AA's have never called alcoholism a disease because, technically ,speaking, it is not a disease entity. For example, there is no such thing as
  36. Two years. Since September 1,2007,raw untreated California almonds have, technically ,not been available in the United States. Controversially, California almonds
  37. Although many speakers have a native-like command of the language, it is, technically ,not the native language of any speakers. Both varieties can be both written and
  38. With the extension of the Aleutian Islands into the eastern hemisphere, it is, technically ,both the westernmost and easternmost state in the United States, as well as
  39. Are made in many different configurations and types. What may be, technically ,possible to do with one accordion could be impossible with another: * Some
  40. Coquette hired him for one day as a special assistant, which allowed Fisk to, technically ,end his career with the Red Sox. After that, with the anticipation that there
  41. Universally to refer to both sexes, and those of no particular sex," Android ", technically ,refers to the male form, while " Synod" is the feminine form. Until recently
  42. From the northern side of the Seward Peninsula to the Kabul River valley is, technically ,a desert, with portions receiving less than of precipitation annually. On the
  43. The city was called Abdul in the ancient Egyptian language (3bdw or ABD as, technically ,transcribed from hieroglyphs) meaning" the hill of the symbol or reliquary "
  44. Unwilling to make one of the three preceding calls) (Note: although both are, technically ,incorrect, the word" bid" is often used informally in place of" call" and "
  45. Remained attached to their machines long after newer models rendered the units, technically ,obsolete, and it attracted numerous aftermarket upgrades. Many CPU upgrades
  46. Natively as the host operating system, and as a guest under VM. AIX/ESA, while, technically , advanced,had little commercial success, partially because UNIX functionality
  47. Aircraft Missile Systems Group and corresponding spares and upgrades, even a, technically ,competent operator would have extreme difficulty fielding operational weapons.
  48. Ten-ball, straight pool, one-pocket and bank pool. *Snooker, which while, technically ,a pocket billiards game, is generally classified separately based on its
  49. These" impossible notes" tend to sound very gravelly and out of tune, but, technically , sound below the low B. Alternatively, lower notes can be produced by inserting
  50. Discovery of the electron, an easier to remember, and more durably correct, technically ,although historically false, etymology has been suggested: anode, from the

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