Examples of the the word, subtle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( subtle ), is the 4171 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Whereas others may have serious adverse effects. Some side effects, such as, subtle ,cognitive problems, may go unnoticed. There is a possibility that the risk of
  2. An emphasis on what he called" sane astrology" based on the study of, subtle ,influences that" lie concealed in the depths of Physic ". His arguments
  3. As categories, and the use of category theory allows many intricate and, subtle ,mathematical results in these fields to be stated, and proved, in a much
  4. Be able to assume the body of transformation, will be able to enter into the, subtle ,minds of all beings, and,because of his firm belief in the truth of Mind-only
  5. A finger to pluck a lower fretted or open stringed note. Jazz bassists use a, subtle ,form of fretting hand pizzicato by plucking a very brief open string grace note
  6. Of finer texture, alike in all its manifestations and everywhere the same. This, subtle ,agent, possessed of all knowledge and power, is especially seen ruling in all
  7. Their condition improved dramatically. Selloff and Howitzer noted" a, subtle ,general stimulation... the patients exhibited renewed vigor and indeed this
  8. Works that are not generally considered part of the Cthulhu Mythos, either as a, subtle ,nod to Lovecraft or to create a connection to his world. In King's Quest VI, a
  9. Source as the French for trousers, pantalon. Sometimes the confusion is more, subtle , In AME the word quite used as a qualifier is generally a reinforcement: for
  10. Their nuclei have half-integer total spin. The bosonic behavior arises from a, subtle ,interplay of electronic and nuclear spins: at ultra-low temperatures and
  11. Of psychiatry and of the psychopathology of sex can fail to realize a, subtle ,atmosphere of homoeroticism which pervades the adventures of the mature 'Batman
  12. Clown in the American circus is the hobo, tramp or bum clown. There are, subtle ,differences in the American character clown types. The primary differences
  13. Main challenges have been regulating the conductivity of nanotubes. Depending on, subtle ,surface features a nanotube may act as a plain conductor or as a semiconductor.
  14. Sore throat, such as the common cold or strep throat. The following is a more, subtle ,version of the fallacy embedded into conversation.: A: All Republicans are
  15. Then a quantifier, and the passage from copulative to existential usage can be, subtle , In modern linguistics, one commonly speaks of existential constructions -
  16. It became the primary source for the Elizabethan Book of Common Prayer, with, subtle , if significant changes only. Hundreds of Protestants fled into
  17. Costs. This difficult task was accomplished by Count Peter Tolstoy, the most, subtle ,and unscrupulous of Peter's servants. The return Alexei would only consent to
  18. Necessary to explicitly cite Einstein's axioms, the more so since they concern, subtle ,points on the" reality" and" locality" of experiments. In any respect, the
  19. Brain tissue is pinkish on the outside and mostly white on the inside, with, subtle , variations in color. Vertebrate brains are surrounded by a system of connective
  20. Again to its comic conclusion at the expense of the unfortunate Particles. Such, subtle ,variations in rhythm are common in the plays, allowing for serious points to be
  21. Villeroi's and Max Emanuel's Franco-Spanish-Bavarian army. The Duke's, subtle ,moves and changes in emphasis during the battle – something his opponents
  22. Typical toppings for Taiwanese shaved ice desserts, give the drinks an added, subtle ,flavor, as well as texture. Aloe, egg pudding, sago,and taro balls can also be
  23. Directly in her poems, were not concerns shared by her sisters. Anne's, subtle ,prose has a fine ironic edge; her novels also reveal Anne to be the most
  24. In spectral lines, which are known to be due to a variety of relativistic and, subtle ,effects, as well as complications from electron spin. * The German effect -
  25. Companies initiated a system called RF Fingerprinting, where it could determine, subtle ,differences in the signal of one phone from another and shut down some cloned
  26. Glissando is an effect in which the fretting hand slides up or down the neck. A, subtle ,glissando can be performed by moving the fretting hand without plucking or
  27. On the resurrection panel is 1518. Adorer often distorts perspective to, subtle ,effect. His donor figures are often painted completely out of scale with the
  28. Modes. This leads to greater volume and longer sustain but compromises the, subtle ,tonalities of the Spanish sound. Performance The modern classical guitar is
  29. Variations in the amount of color throughout the thread. Some variations can be, subtle , while some can be a huge contrast. Some also have more than one color per
  30. In children who later receive a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. They may show, subtle ,early traits such as mood abnormalities, full major depressive episodes, and
  31. Continue to be used in financial, commercial,and industrial computing, where, subtle , conversion and rounding errors that are inherent to floating point binary
  32. In e.g. The Frogs. Aristophanes was the equal of these great tragedians in his, subtle ,use of lyrics. He appears to have modelled his approach to language on that of
  33. Mansion and Scary Movie where campy styles are favored. Some are much more, subtle ,and don't parody horror, such as Shaun of the Dead. Another style of comedy
  34. Jaunty, humorous tale, but Kubrick's telling is essentially tragic, with many, subtle ,humorous jabs toward 18th century society, such as how Barry tries to learn the
  35. Flank; crucially, it would be some time before the French commander noticed the, subtle ,change in emphasis of the Allied dispositions. At around 15:30,Overwork
  36. Is" and" the tuna is" will both be /ðə tjʉːnərɪz/. *For some speakers,a, subtle ,epenthetic may be added after the əʉ (M. -D. /of/) sound in words like" no "
  37. In church rather than being taken away for the Priest's own use. By such, subtle ,means were Cranmer's purposes further confused, leaving it for generations to
  38. Of head motion. What expands the qualities of further bodily response is a very, subtle ,nod forward to counteract a common backward startle pattern, coupled with an
  39. From this source and argues that" ... such claims muddle and denigrate the, subtle ,and remarkable features of Iroquois government. The two forms of government are
  40. Essentially the same thing. The terms are not clearly defined. There are some, subtle ,issues at the root and leaves. Search Searching is similar to searching a
  41. Bidding involves specific agreements related to very specific situations and, subtle ,inferences regarding entire sequences of calls. Play techniques Terence Reese
  42. To the grammar. An Arabic sentence can have a completely different meaning by a, subtle ,change of the vowels. This is why in an important text such as the vowels
  43. Are fast compared to other objects in the sky, but their movement is usually, subtle ,in the eyepiece of a telescope. However, from night to night, they can move
  44. Almost exclusively in pencil, even providing topographical information, yet the, subtle ,atmospheric effects characteristic of Friedrich's mid-period paintings were
  45. They should agree on historical questions. Since some modern scholars do detect, subtle ,theological and historical differences between the texts, such scholars do not
  46. Television series. Continuity errors Whilst most continuity errors are, subtle , such as changes in the level of drink in a character's glass or the length of
  47. Those who are instructed in esoteric knowledge enter gradually into more, subtle ,levels of understanding of the text. They see the book as delivering both a
  48. And theology at the University of Paris and enjoyed a great reputation as a, subtle ,dialectical; his lectures developing the philosophy of Aristotle attracted a
  49. To be awarded first prize for a drinking competition, which is a none too, subtle ,way for Aristophanes to request first prize for the drama competition.
  50. Air and water, or between air and fire, thicker than air and fire, or more, subtle ,than water and earth. Anaximander argues that water cannot embrace all of the

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