Examples of the the word, spotlight , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spotlight ), is the 4249 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Statement of support for the Senate hearings while they were in the media, spotlight , Letter of support for maintaining DAD Citing a letter signed by" over one
  2. Was controversial at its premiere. Prelude subsequently placed Debussy into the, spotlight ,as one of the leading composers of the era. Middle works The three Nocturnes (
  3. Indoor Track & Field. George Mason University was catapulted into the national, spotlight ,in March 2006,when its men's basketball team advanced to the Final Four of
  4. And potentially harmful litigation. " Recently, mediation has come under the, spotlight ,and the watchful eye of many state legal systems for its ability to resolve
  5. Rights Council in March 2011. Libya's human rights record was put in the, spotlight ,in February 2011,due to the government's violent response to pro-democracy
  6. As an additional consortium member. Kent State was again in the national, spotlight ,in 1977 when construction was set to begin on the Memorial Gym Annex, adjacent
  7. In the culinary world. On November 11, 2007,Simon helped gain the, spotlight ,when he was named" The Next Iron Chef" on the Food Network. Also In 2007
  8. Deciding which of this information to process. Attention is sometimes seen as a, spotlight , meaning one can only shine the light on a particular set of information.
  9. Even today. The emergence of Islamic schools is putting the issue back into the, spotlight , though. Any voucher proposals in the Netherlands, and countries with similar
  10. Proved to be box office successes and brought Reeves back into the public, spotlight , His appearance in the 2006 film, A Scanner Darkly, based on the dystopian
  11. And the negative aspects of life in the Soviet Union were brought into the, spotlight , This began to undermine the faith of the public in the Soviet system.
  12. Walls with a gray pyramid in the center of the room. The pyramid will have a, spotlight ,shining on it. Each wall, the floor and the ceiling is a simple polygon, in
  13. Much of the early half of 2011,Marilyn Manson removed himself from the public, spotlight ,and ceased almost all communication with his fans or the outside world. On
  14. The actors were individually lit with floodlights on floor stands. The use of a, spotlight ,from high at the back onto the actors to rim light them became more frequent
  15. Astronomy, the 1966 season found something new to put the domed stadium in the, spotlight ,once again – the field. Grass would not grow in the new park, since the roof
  16. Trials of accused" eco-terrorists" continue to keep Eugene in the same, spotlight , Historically, Eugene has fostered the anarcho-primitivism movement. John
  17. And the negative aspects of life in the Soviet Union were brought into the, spotlight , This undermined the faith of the public in the Soviet system and eroded the
  18. Antonio Gram sci and Michel Foucault moved issues of power and hegemony into the, spotlight , Gender and sexuality became popular topics, as did the relationship between
  19. FIFA World Cup on African soil for the very first time, CTAOP wants to put a, spotlight ,on the urgent need to provide sustainable health, education and recreational
  20. Privately with his family. During his retirement, he was called into the public, spotlight ,one final time in 1967 for the inception of the award, he was made a Companion
  21. An innocent party can come into a situation, and they're like a big, spotlight , What they do is reveal, by comparison, the painful dynamics that are already
  22. Woman to hold the post. Tenure outcomes have vaulted MIT into the national, spotlight ,on several occasions. The 1984 dismissal of David F. Noble, a historian of
  23. Due to tax exile, Led Zeppelin faced an uphill battle to recapture the public, spotlight , In 1977,Led Zeppelin embarked on another major concert tour of North America.
  24. They turned Daffy into a vain, egomaniacal prima donna wanting to steal the, spotlight ,from Bugs Bunny. Of his versions of Bugs and Daffy, Chuck Jones has said,"
  25. Which was designed by Gentler and constructed by operations. The public, spotlight ,fell on GCHQ in late 2003 and early 2004 following the sacking of Katharine Gun
  26. Notable for its famous grapefruit scene, the film thrust Cagney into the, spotlight , making him one of Warner's' and Hollywood's biggest stars. In 1938,he
  27. Been very protective of his private life and is known to dislike the celebrity, spotlight , preferring a simple life. The family moved to a house near Gland, Switzerland
  28. Is solid gray, so its surfaces can just be rendered as gray. But we also have a, spotlight , Where its light falls we lighten colors, where objects block the light we
  29. Varieties of Hamburgs. Despite financial difficulties, Frank was always the, spotlight ,of fun around the household. Due to the fact that one of his trades was selling
  30. Artists whose international careers were directly launched into the, spotlight ,following their participation and victory at Eurovision include ABBA, who won
  31. As can be appreciated by comparing the beam from a flashlight (torch) or, spotlight ,to that of almost any laser. The mechanism of producing radiation in a laser
  32. Of mystery solvers the Black Widowers. Skeptic Randi entered the international, spotlight ,in 1972 when he publicly challenged the claims of Uri Geller. Randi accused
  33. Included the 1996 Summer Olympics hosted in Atlanta, which allowed Coca-Cola to, spotlight ,its hometown. Most recently, Coca-Cola has released localized commercials for
  34. Lynching by a mob of prominent citizens in Marietta, Georgia in 1915 turned the, spotlight ,on antisemitism in the United States. The case was also used to build support
  35. By the sun was fully mimicked in studio lighting, by using a powerful arc, spotlight ,shining from above and behind the set down onto the actors. This slowly became
  36. From the WWF, and also to continue to keep the aging André in the main event, spotlight , The Colossal Connection immediately targeted WWF Tag Team Champions Demolition
  37. He remained Commander-in-Chief of the Forces, and returned briefly to the, spotlight ,in 1848 when he helped organize a military force to protect London during that
  38. US as the A-20 Havoc). Despite this loss of sales, the NA-40B re-entered the, spotlight ,when the Army Air Corps evaluated it for use as a medium bomber. Unfortunately
  39. Lyrical content of the songs and Love's dealings with it:" Life in the media, spotlight , motherhood, being called Nirvana's Yoko Ono, the idea that love and sex strip
  40. After prolonged coma in the hospital's intensive care unit. His death put, spotlight ,on the activity including intervention by Union Environment minister. Mobile
  41. Amateurs ", among other reasons. The advent of Ajax returned JavaScript to the, spotlight ,and brought more professional programming attention. The result was a
  42. The Channel Islands ceased to be a peaceful backwater and were thrown into the, spotlight ,as a potential flash point on the international stage between England and France
  43. In New York. The" silver letter" thrust Cleveland's name back into the, spotlight ,just as the 1892 election was approaching. Election of 1892 Democratic
  44. Inaugural City-to-City Spotlight on Tel Aviv ". Greyson's belief was that the, spotlight ,on Tel Aviv would mean that the Festival was facilitating a propaganda campaign
  45. Committees for Scientific Dishonesty fueled this debate and brought it into the, spotlight ,of international mass media. By the end of 2003 Lomborg had become an
  46. After leaving the White House, and he largely kept himself out of the public, spotlight ,until late in 1934. However, that did not stop rumors from springing up about
  47. Tabloid Daily Mail: By 2005,Lewinsky found that she could not escape the, spotlight ,in the U. S., which made both her professional and personal life difficult.
  48. Of two United States soldiers, Abu SAAF was again put in the international, spotlight , Abu Sulaiman a soldier of the Abu SAAF was killed by government troops on
  49. As the extended musical sequence ends, the lights black out except for a, spotlight ,on Hap good, who announces to the audience,“ You are all mad! ” Seconds later
  50. Conduct during the Boston Police Strike of 1919 thrust him into the national, spotlight ,and gave him a reputation as a man of decisive action. Soon after, he was

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