Examples of the the word, philosopher , in a Sentence Context

The word ( philosopher ), is the 4251 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A different connotation. The use of the term was first attributed to Danish, philosopher ,Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855). In The Concept of Anxiety (also known as The
  2. Remains one of the most influential people who ever lived. According to the, philosopher ,Bryan McGee," it is doubtful whether any human being has ever known as much as
  3. And revealed the futility of longstanding alchemical goals such as the, philosopher ,'s stone. Meanwhile, Paracelsian alchemy led to the development of modern
  4. Was Michael Sendivogius (Michał Sędziwój,1566–1636),a Polish alchemist, philosopher , medical doctor and pioneer of chemistry. According to some accounts, he
  5. Or" hardware-agnostic. " Qualifying agnosticism Scottish Enlightenment, philosopher ,David Hume contended that meaningful statements about the universe are always
  6. Alchemical knowledge that had existed before him, especially as regarded the, philosopher ,'s stone. Through the late Middle Ages (1300–1500) alchemists were much like
  7. Is a superstition, it is futile to seek meaning in life, and the duty of a, philosopher ,is to show that nothing can be understood. *Rearden's mother, whose name is
  8. Philosophers, like their Christian counterparts, spoke of Aristotle as" the, philosopher ," and some described him as the" first teacher ". In accordance with the Greek
  9. End of Rand's career as a novelist and the beginning of her role as a popular, philosopher , After completing the novel of more than one thousand pages, however,Rand fell
  10. House. On his return to Europe he was the guest of the British statesman and, philosopher ,Viscount Haldane in London, where he met several renowned scientific
  11. Tradition, the primary objective of which was the creation of the mythical ", philosopher ,'s stone," which was said to be capable of turning base metals into gold or
  12. Book, For the New Intellectual, was similar to that for Atlas Shrugged, with, philosopher , Sidney Hook likening her certainty to" the way philosophy is written in the
  13. Good" is still a proper universal form. Bertrand Russell is a contemporary, philosopher ,who agreed with Plato on the existence of" instantiated universals ".
  14. Coldness, dryness,and moistness. By this reasoning, the search for the, philosopher ,'s stone was introduced to Western alchemy. Jair developed an elaborate
  15. Proponents of the supernatural interpretation of alchemy believed that the, philosopher ,'s stone might be used to summon and communicate with angels. In the 17th
  16. Earth was the center of the universe (geocentrism). Since he was perhaps the, philosopher ,most respected by European thinkers during and after the Renaissance, these
  17. Alisa Minor'Evan Rosenbaum, – March 6,1982) was a Russian-American novelist, philosopher , playwright, and screenwriter. She is known for her two best-selling novels The
  18. 7 November 1913 – 4 January 1960) was a French author, journalist,and key, philosopher ,of the 20th century. In 1949,Camus founded the Group for International
  19. One of these was" On the Radian Argument" by respected libertarian, philosopher ,Robert Notice, who argued that her meta-ethical argument is unsound and fails
  20. Somatic complaints and behavior at the interview. Existential anxiety The, philosopher ,Søren Kierkegaard, in The Concept of Anxiety, described anxiety or dread
  21. 1866-1941),British founder of the Austin Motor Company *John Austin (legal, philosopher ,) (1790-1859),English jurist *John Austin (born 1980),American
  22. And philosophical tradition. Ayn Rand accredited Aristotle as" the greatest, philosopher ,in history" and cited him as a major influence on her thinking. More recently
  23. Logic, pioneered the study of zoology, and left every future scientist and, philosopher ,in his debt through his contributions to the scientific method. Despite these
  24. Arthur Schopenhauer (22 February 1788 – 21 September 1860) was a German, philosopher ,known for his pessimism and philosophical clarity. At age 25,he published his
  25. Contradistinction to Godwin's claim that Buddhism inspired Schopenhauer,the, philosopher ,himself made the following statement in his discussion of religions: If I
  26. Were first published in 60 BC by the grammarian Tyrannies of Amiss and then by, philosopher ,Androids of Rhodes. Barnes Lord attributes the popular belief in this story
  27. The Clash Religious figures * Heidi Betas Veil, Islamic mystic, humanist and, philosopher ,* St. Herodotus of Ankara, Christian martyr and saint * Clement of Ankara
  28. Poet, naturalist,tax resister, development critic, surveyor,historian, philosopher , and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his books Walden, a
  29. Her voice while standing right outside his door. Marque alleged that the, philosopher ,had assaulted and battered her after she refused to leave his doorway. Her
  30. Of an accomplished theoretical or speculative thinker, or in other words,a, philosopher , Politics In addition to his works on ethics, which address the individual
  31. With the Greek theorists, the Muslims considered Aristotle to be a dogmatic, philosopher , the author of a closed system, and believed that Aristotle shared with Plato
  32. God rationally. Camus regretted the continued reference to himself as a ", philosopher ,of the absurd ". He showed less interest in the Absurd shortly after publishing
  33. Of Berlin. He scheduled his lectures to coincide with those of the famous, philosopher ,G. W. F. Hegel, whom Schopenhauer described as a" clumsy charlatan ". However
  34. Main character. Only a few fragments survive. Achilles in Greek philosophy The, philosopher ,Zeno of Elena centered one of his paradoxes on an imaginary footrace between "
  35. From 1811 to 1812,he had attended lectures by the prominent post-Kantian, philosopher ,Johann Gottlieb Fichte and the theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher. In 1814
  36. Of all time. Born in Ella in 356 BC, Alexander was tutored by the famed, philosopher ,Aristotle. In 336 BC he succeeded his father Philip II of Macedon to the throne
  37. First to describe himself as an anarchist was Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a French, philosopher ,and politician, which led some to call him the founder of modern anarchist
  38. Started Korzybski () (July 3,1879 – March 1,1950) was a Polish-American, philosopher ,and scientist. He is remembered most for developing the theory of general
  39. Term was originally coined in the 19th century by the founding sociologist and, philosopher ,of science, Auguste Comte, and has become a major topic for psychologists (
  40. Dedicated to spreading Rand's ideas and promoting her works. In 1990, philosopher , David Kelley founded the Institute for Objectives Studies, now known as The
  41. However, in the hermetic view, these two goals were not unconnected, and the, philosopher ,'s stone was often equated with the universal panacea; therefore, the two
  42. There was to be found in Europe only a very few accounts of Buddhism. Buddhist, philosopher ,Visitant Meiji, however,sought to distance Buddhism from Schopenhauer. While
  43. Of Philosophy at Patrick Henry University and is considered the leading, philosopher ,of the age. He believes that man is nothing but a collection of chemicals
  44. Karl Christian Friedrich Krause. Krause was then a minor and rather unorthodox, philosopher ,who attempted to mix his own ideas with that of ancient Indian wisdom. Krause
  45. Have grown sharply. Aristotle (, Aristotélēs) (384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek, philosopher ,and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. His
  46. And his entire interest in the subject revolved around the pursuit of the, philosopher ,'s stone, which he is reputed to have found; his work spends a great deal of
  47. Identified as" One of the last great advocates of reason. " He was a renowned, philosopher ,and the head of the Department of Philosophy at Patrick Henry University, where
  48. Into noble ones, Chinese alchemy had a more obvious connection to medicine. The, philosopher ,'s stone of European alchemists can be compared to the Grand Elixir of
  49. Agnostic points of view. They include Protagoras, a 5th-century BCE Greek, philosopher , and the Pasadena Suit creation myth in the Rig Veda, an ancient Sanskrit text
  50. State towards a perfect, healthy,incorruptible, and everlasting state; and the, philosopher ,'s stone then represented a mystic key that would make this evolution possible.

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