Examples of the the word, soul , in a Sentence Context

The word ( soul ), is the 1893 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be called a democratization of the afterlife, in which all people possessed a, soul ,and could be welcomed into the company of the gods after death. Middle Kingdom
  2. Influential in medieval Europe, particular his doctrines on the nature of the, soul ,and his existence-essence distinction, along with the debates and censure that
  3. Within himself after the fall of Adam. By purifying the two parts of man's, soul , man could be reunited with God. In the 14th century, these views underwent a
  4. That this function must be an activity of the psyche (normally translated as, soul ,) in accordance with reason (logos). Aristotle identified such an optimum
  5. Is unnecessary; in relation to it, the soul is its perfection. In itself,the, soul ,is an immaterial substance. Other contributions Astronomy and astrology The
  6. Title De Anima),posits three soul s (" psyches" ) in humans: the vegetative, soul , the sensitive soul , and the rational soul . Humans share the vegetative soul
  7. With reason (logos). Aristotle identified such an optimum activity of the, soul ,as the aim of all human deliberate action, eudaimonia,generally translated as
  8. Example, many alchemists during this period interpreted the purification of the, soul ,to mean the transmutation of lead into gold (in which they believed elemental
  9. Of non-violence seeks to minimize karma which limit the capabilities of the, soul , Jainism views every soul as worthy of respect because it has the potential to
  10. Human self-awareness and the substantiality and immateriality of the, soul , Avicenna believed his" Floating Man" thought experiment demonstrated that
  11. Immaterial soul may only receive the immaterial, universal forms. The way the, soul ,and body interact in the final abstraction of the universal from the concrete
  12. Concept of" spontaneous prose ". He believed literature should come from the, soul ,without conscious restrictions. Ginsberg was much more prone to revise than
  13. Possibility of knowledge, even of metaphysical realities such as God and the, soul , because human intelligence, they assert, has a non-material, spiritual element
  14. Soul, the sensitive soul , and the rational soul . Humans share the vegetative, soul ,with all living things, and the sensitive soul with all animals, but only
  15. These were known in Latin under the title De Anima (treatises" on the, soul ,"). The main thesis of these tracts is represented in his so-called" flying
  16. For the material body may only perceive material objects, while the immaterial, soul ,may only receive the immaterial, universal forms. The way the soul and body
  17. Satisfying it afterwards. " *" Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's, soul ,remains unawakened. " *" Stupidity is far more dangerous than evil, for evil
  18. Respect because it has the potential to become Buddha (Parramatta –" highest, soul ,"). Because all living beings possess a soul , great care and awareness is
  19. Three soul s (" psyches" ) in humans: the vegetative soul , the sensitive, soul , and the rational soul . Humans share the vegetative soul with all living things
  20. Mobility and sensation, and humans a vegetative, a sensitive, and a rational, soul , capable of thought and reflection. Aristotle, in contrast to earlier
  21. Earlier philosophers, but in accordance with the Egyptians, placed the rational, soul ,in the heart, rather than the brain. Notable is Aristotle's division of
  22. For Aristophanes, reputedly written by Plato, in which the playwright's, soul ,is compared to an eternal shrine for the Graces). Plato was only a boy when
  23. Who viewed the process of transmutation as occurring within the alchemist's, soul , There is evidence to support that some classical alchemical sources were
  24. Because of this, intensified as it was by the environment of the self-torturing, soul ,of Russia, that I became inspired to create by the next six weeks. " While in
  25. Experience. This process of perception and abstraction is the nexus of the, soul ,and body, for the material body may only perceive material objects, while the
  26. Its abilities of perception. Thus, the philosopher's connection between the, soul ,and body is explained almost entirely by his understanding of perception; in
  27. Addition to the body, each person had a SWT (shadow),a BA (personality or, soul ,), a key (life-force),and a name. The heart, rather than the brain, was
  28. Avicenna grounds his psychology on physiology, which means his account of the, soul ,is one that deals almost entirely with the natural science of the body and its
  29. s) of soul an organism possessed, asserting that plants possess a vegetative, soul , responsible for reproduction and growth, animals a vegetative and a sensitive
  30. The wilderness.: America! America!: God mend thine eV'Ry flaw, : Confirm thy, soul ,in self-control, : Thy liberty in law.: O beautiful for heroes prov'd: In
  31. Responsible for reproduction and growth, animals a vegetative and a sensitive, soul , responsible for mobility and sensation, and humans a vegetative, a sensitive
  32. Minimize karma which limit the capabilities of the soul . Jainism views every, soul ,as worthy of respect because it has the potential to become Buddha (Parramatta
  33. The secret of purifying gold, one could use the technique to purify the human, soul ,). They believed in the four elements and the four qualities as described above
  34. As science at all in modern times. He placed emphasis on the type (s) of, soul ,an organism possessed, asserting that plants possess a vegetative soul
  35. In humans: the vegetative soul , the sensitive soul , and the rational, soul , Humans share the vegetative soul with all living things, and the sensitive
  36. Interpreting every phenomenon as a particular dealing of" God" with his, soul , He began to see various women he met as officers in his ongoing initiation
  37. Avicenna believed his" Floating Man" thought experiment demonstrated that the, soul ,is a substance, and claimed humans cannot doubt their own consciousness, even
  38. Of the alchemical quest, symbolic of a religious regeneration of the human, soul , This approach continued in the Middle Ages, as metaphysical aspects
  39. Buddha (Parramatta –" the highest soul " ). Because all living beings possess a, soul , great care and awareness is essential in one's actions. Jainism emphasizes
  40. With all animals, but only humans of all beings in the world have a rational, soul , For Aristotle, the soul (psyche) was a simpler concept than it is for us
  41. Their relationship and interaction, which takes place in the physical body. The, soul ,completes the action of intellection by accepting forms that have been
  42. Only humans of all beings in the world have a rational soul . For Aristotle,the, soul ,(psyche) was a simpler concept than it is for us today. By soul , he simply
  43. Urania figures as the celestial Aphrodite, representing the love of body and, soul , while Aphrodite Pan demos is associated with mere physical love. The
  44. Operated. Their entire philosophy revolved around their belief that man's, soul ,was divided within himself after the fall of Adam. By purifying the two parts
  45. In the air, isolated from all. The body is unnecessary; in relation to it,the, soul ,is its perfection. In itself, the soul is an immaterial substance. Other
  46. The soul (psyche) was a simpler concept than it is for us today. By, soul ,he simply meant the form of the living being. Since all beings are composites
  47. 1942 – David Steinberg, Canadian comedian * 1947 – Barbara Mason, American, soul , singer *1948 – Bill Campbell, American baseball player * 1949 – Ted Simmons
  48. Humans share the vegetative soul with all living things, and the sensitive, soul ,with all animals, but only humans of all beings in the world have a rational
  49. Epoche" ). Avicenna’s psychology requires that connection between the body and, soul ,be strong enough to ensure the soul ’s individuation, but weak enough to allow
  50. All living things. Jainism prescribes a path of non-violence to progress the, soul ,to this ultimate goal. Jains believe that to attain enlightenment and

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