Examples of the the word, cent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cent ), is the 1481 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Arthur Chesterfield-Evans. The party fared poorly, gaining only 1.8 per, cent ,of the Legislative Council vote. A higher vote was achieved in some of the
  2. Players moving from the Euro league to the NBA experience, on average, a 25 per, cent ,drop in scoring rate, an increase of 18 % in their rebound rate, a 31 %
  3. Tally of only 0.83 %, less than half of the party's result in 2002 (1.79 per, cent ,). 2007 In the New South Wales state election of March 2007,the Australian
  4. Suburban Adelaide in South Australia, where they received between 7 and 31 per, cent ,of the Lower House vote in 2001,and between 1 and 4 per cent in 2004. Three
  5. For most occurrences of human exposure to ionizing radiation; excluding 3.0 per, cent ,for medical exposure,e.g. radiological imaging and radiation therapy, and
  6. 7 and 31 per cent of the Lower House vote in 2001,and between 1 and 4 per, cent ,in 2004. Three incumbent senators were defeated—Aden Ridgeway (NSW),Brian
  7. Climate change, water use and toxic emissions. Agriculture accounts for 70 per, cent ,of withdrawals of freshwater resources. However, increasing pressure being
  8. The Old Republic. Each of the 26 state governors must achieve more than 50 per, cent ,of the vote, including a second round run-off between the top two candidates if
  9. The turnout in the independence referendum was 63.4 per cent and 99.7 per, cent ,of voters voted for independence. Bosnia and Herzegovina declared independence
  10. Majority of the Serbs. The turnout in the independence referendum was 63.4 per, cent ,and 99.7 per cent of voters voted for independence. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  11. To light or air, but these plastics are still primarily (as much as 98 per, cent ,) oil-based and are not currently certified as 'biodegradable' under the
  12. In their assist rate, a drop of 12 per cent in shooting per cent age and a 30 per, cent ,drop in Player Efficiency Rating. In the Philippines, the Philippine Basketball
  13. In their rebound rate, a 31 % increase in their assist rate, a drop of 12 per, cent ,in shooting per cent age and a 30 per cent drop in Player Efficiency Rating. In
  14. School of Philadelphia, which does grant bachelor's degrees to the top ten per, cent ,of graduating seniors. British secondary schools occasionally have the word "
  15. Reid Public Opinion in June 2010 found that 61 per cent of Britons and 70 per, cent ,of Northern Irish agreed with Cameron’s apology for the Bloody Sunday events.
  16. For the Democrats historically tended to fluctuate between about 5 and 10 per, cent ,of the population and was geographically con cent rated around the wealthy dense
  17. Terrible and conflicting things are told. He is said by CBN Millikan (12th, cent , Biographer) to have been seized by an invisible monster in broad daylight and
  18. Federal election, the Democrats' candidate John Schumann came within 3 per, cent ,of taking Liberal Foreign Minister Alexander Downer's seat of Mayo in the
  19. The past 10 years employment has grown by 16.4 per cent , compared with 9.2 per, cent ,for the UK as a whole. Northern Ireland's peace dividend has led to soaring
  20. Of 390 and 130 out of 262). He eclipsed the long-standing record of 51.88 per, cent ,by the South African J. H. Sinclair (106 out of 177 and 4 out of 35) against
  21. On a losing side in a Test. * He scored the largest proportion (53.83 per, cent ,) of his team's runs in a Test (221 out of 390 and 130 out of 262). He
  22. Landmark of Berlin and Germany. It also appears on German euro coins (10, cent , 20 cent , and 50 cent ). The Reichstag building is the traditional seat of the
  23. Total population in rural AP and expenditure on consumption is around 13.5 per, cent ,of the total consumption expenditure. The female literacy rate is 0.66 compared
  24. An English-speaking South African. Modern Dutch and Afrikaans share 85-plus per, cent ,of their vocabulary. Afrikaans speakers are able to learn Dutch within a
  25. In 2007,mining and hydrocarbon industries accounted for well over 95 per, cent ,of the Azerbaijani economy. Diversification of the economy into manufacturing
  26. Taxes, but the holders were eventually paid off in 1791 at the rate of one, cent ,on the dollar. By 1780,the paper money was" not worth a Continental ", as
  27. A survey conducted by Angus Reid Public Opinion in June 2010 found that 61 per, cent ,of Britons and 70 per cent of Northern Irish agreed with Cameron’s apology for
  28. Households earned less than $15,000 in 1999,as compared to 15 per, cent ,of white households. " In addition, the United States Census department also
  29. Democrats stood candidate Paul Kavanaugh, who polled a respectable 5.75 per, cent ,of the primary vote, despite many candidates, and all media
  30. Of Berlin and Germany. It also appears on German euro coins (10 cent ,20, cent , and 50 cent ). The Reichstag building is the traditional seat of the German
  31. To Eurostat data, Bosnia and Hercegovina's PPS GDP per capita stood at 30 per, cent ,of the EU average in 2008. Overall value of foreign direct investment (
  32. Ballot paper. At the October 1980 election, the Democrats polled 9.25 per, cent ,of the Senate vote, electing Janine Haines (SA) and two new senators Michael
  33. Significantly at the 2004 federal election in which they achieved only 1.24 per, cent ,of the national vote. Nowhere was this more noticeable than in their key
  34. Stated" the report cited figures from western New York state, where 40 per, cent ,of black, Hispanic and ethnically-mixed households earned less than $15,000 in
  35. In many volumes from the oldest epoch of Arabic literature down to the 9th, cent , The poems were put to music, but the musical signs are no longer readable.
  36. Australian state election, the Australian Democrats were reduced to 1.7 per, cent ,of the Legislative Council (upper house) vote. Their sole councillor up for
  37. Canadian Interuniversity Sport by maintaining a minimum average of 80 per, cent , Expansion and modernization of Raymond Field was completed in the fall of 2007
  38. Appear in particularly complex or difficult cases. They make up about 14 per, cent ,of the bar in New South Wales. Canada In Canada (except Quebec),the
  39. Sent to Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon from other Arab countries are 40 to 190 per, cent ,higher than trade revenues between these and other Arab countries. Central Asia
  40. UK average of 5.5 %. Over the past 10 years employment has grown by 16.4 per, cent , compared with 9.2 per cent for the UK as a whole. Northern Ireland's peace
  41. Is the second-largest employer in SA (2009–10),with 91,900 jobs, and 12 per, cent ,of the state workforce. Adelaide has over 40 % of Australia's high-tech
  42. In 1993,the party's deputy leader Richard Edmonds said," We are 100 per, cent ,racist ". Scholars of political science have noted of this change in racial
  43. Company. The paper was published as a single two-sided sheet, selling for one, cent , Its first editor, William O. Eaton, just 22 years old, said " The Herald will
  44. Pipelines. * Alberta exports over of oil to US markets accounting for 10 per, cent ,of US oil imports. * The conventional oil resource is estimated to have
  45. Round. Eight House of Assembly seats were also contested, averaging 2.24 per, cent ,of the vote in those seats. At the 2010 federal election, Democrat candidates
  46. And Germany. It also appears on German euro coins (10 cent ,20 cent , and 50, cent , ). The Reichstag building is the traditional seat of the German Parliament
  47. Gas. * The average Albertan household uses of natural gas a year. * Over 80 per, cent ,of Canada’s natural gas production is from Alberta. * In 2006,Alberta consumed
  48. Length and base diameter, usually ranging from ½ to 1. Asymmetry Up to 90 per, cent ,of women's breasts are asymmetrical or position to some degree. Up to
  49. In ascending order in rural AP. The data show that the poor makeup 16.3 per, cent ,of the total population in rural AP and expenditure on consumption is around
  50. Position by means of a scale of 1 to 7. On this scale,1 indicates" 100 per, cent ,probability of God. " A person ranking at 7 on the scale would be a person who

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