Examples of the the word, regulator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( regulator ), is the 5508 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ten percent or more of the firm's equity securities) must be reported to the, regulator ,or publicly disclosed, usually within a few business days of the trade. Many
  2. Support for the 3.3V CPUs can sometimes make use of them using a voltage, regulator ,(VRM) that fits between the socket and the CPU. IntelDX3 The IntelDX3 was
  3. Carbon monoxide has received a great deal of clinical attention as a biological, regulator , In many tissues, all three gases are known to act as anti-inflammatories
  4. A cake. Agar-agar is approximately 80 % fiber, so it can serve as an intestinal, regulator , Its bulk quality is behind one of the latest fad diets in Asia, the wanted (
  5. Competition within the single market. The Commission as the competition, regulator ,for the single market is responsible for antitrust issues, approving mergers
  6. Other, suitably smooth, regulator s may be used as well. The zeta function, regulator ,: \angle E (s) \range = \franc \sum_n \hear | \omega_n | | \omega_n|^ is
  7. Apparatus so he improved it to extend underwater duration by adding a demand, regulator , invented in 1942 by Émile Gagnon. In 1943 Cousteau tried out the first
  8. Part of the sum is the finite part, which is shape-dependent. The Gaussian, regulator ,: \angle E (t) \range = \franc \sum_n \hear | \omega_n | \exp (
  9. Has third-highest number of Internet users as of December 2010. The primary, regulator ,of communications in India are the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. It
  10. Of time governed by the laws of nature with no necessity of a coordinator or, regulator , Jains believe that there is life in parts of the universe other than the Earth
  11. Rise of absolutism, the state superseded the local guilds as the, regulator ,of the economy. During that time the guilds essentially functioned like cartels
  12. Infinite, and to proceed with the calculation, it is convenient to introduce a, regulator ,(discussed in greater detail below). The regulator will serve to make the
  13. Which, following the Railways Act 2005,is the combined economic and safety, regulator , It replaced the Rail Regulator on 5 July 2004. The Rail Safety and Standards
  14. Of death and lack (manqué) connive to make of the pleasure principle the, regulator ,of the distance from the Thing (" was Ding a such" ) and the death drive
  15. Of fructose-6-phosphate,a molecule made later from glucose-6-phosphate,a, regulator ,protein removes hexokinase to the nucleus, where it forms a transcriptional
  16. Regards to any given life system parameter, an organism may be a conformer or a, regulator , On one hand, regulator s try to maintain the parameter at a constant level over
  17. Policy Committee held its first meeting in June 2011 as a macro prudential, regulator ,to oversee regulation of the UK's financial sector. The Bank's headquarters
  18. A future tense is a skepticism and is recommended against by the language, regulator , Official Finnish has no future tense, and even the use of this
  19. As being an operator through its role in Telecom, is both a policy-maker and, regulator , Public pay phones are available for local calls and require the purchase of a
  20. As in most English-speaking countries, there is no official governmental, regulator ,or overseer of correct spelling and grammar. The Macquarie Dictionary is used
  21. Power supplies. The inductor is energized for a specific fraction of the, regulator ,'s switching frequency, and de-energized for the remainder of the cycle. This
  22. Model, the genetic deficiency in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance, regulator ,channel proteins interferes with bacteria binding to the gastrointestinal
  23. Feedback, or " closed-loop" automatic control devices, include the temperature, regulator ,of a furnace attributed to Rebel, circa 1620,and the centrifugal fly ball
  24. Of the market economy is the consequence of the exclusion of the most important, regulator ,of the market mechanism, money,from itself being regulated by the market
  25. During aerobic exertion. Though even moderate exertion while breathing from the, regulator ,is a relatively uncommon occurrence in scuba, as divers usually try to minimize
  26. By the CRTC, which goes against government official policy direction that the, regulator ,only intervene in markets after a competitive problem has been proven. In
  27. Complaints in show history: the BBC received about 8,500 complaints, and media, regulator ,Ofcom received 374. Despite the controversy however, Eastenders pulled in
  28. About the future framework of public service broadcasting ". The broadcasting, regulator ,Ofcom released their review in January 2009 in which they suggested that
  29. Score. Just like the Pentium MMX the 6x86L required a split power plane voltage, regulator ,with separate voltages for I/O and CPU core. Another release of the 6x86,the
  30. Who took over as Chief Designer for Super marine * Joseph Smith (banking, regulator ,), nominated by President Obama to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency in
  31. A switch-off of analog transmission by September 2015. The telecommunications, regulator ,in the country is INTEL (Institute Dominican ode Telecomunicaciones). The
  32. He thus became to some extent the protector of the arts as well as their, regulator , In this, he had the support of Hitler, a passionate devotee of Richard Wagner.
  33. Act,2003 which came into force on 25 July 2003 introduced a new industry, regulator , the Office of Communications (Ofcom),to replace the Office of
  34. For use in welding and cutting, the working pressures must be controlled by a, regulator , since above 15 psi acetylene will decompose explosively. Niche and
  35. To perform calculations in the general case, it is convenient to introduce a, regulator ,in the summations. This is an artificial device, used to make the sums finite
  36. Convenient to introduce a regulator (discussed in greater detail below). The, regulator ,will serve to make the expression finite, and in the end will be removed. The
  37. In the UK with special tax rules * Israel Securities Authority, the Israeli, regulator ,of financial and stock market Other * Intelligence Support Activity, a special
  38. Kinase and it does not actively transfer the phosphorus group. The response, regulator ,Chen takes the phosphorus group from Cheap. This mechanism of signal
  39. Aragonite government passed a decree for the establishment of a new language, regulator ,of Catalan in La France (the so-called Catalan-speaking areas of Aragon). The
  40. Max (Jake Wood) alive, attracted many complaints. The UK communications, regulator ,Ofcom later found that the episodes depicting the storyline were in breach of
  41. Effector whose concentration changes less than 10 %. Calcium is used as a, regulator , It activates pyruvate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase and
  42. Tissues, hemoglobin has a non-oxygen-carrying function as an antioxidant and a, regulator ,of iron metabolism. Hemoglobin and hemoglobin-like molecules are also found in
  43. GH Regulation: The National Communications Authority (NCA),an independent, regulator , was created in 1997,deriving its statutory framework from the NCA Act 1996.
  44. Frequency-dependent cutoff as well. This frequency dependence acts as a natural, regulator , There are a variety of bulk effects in solid state physics, mathematically
  45. Whether regulated or self-regulating an isomorphism is required between, regulator ,part and the processing part of the system. Relation with equality In certain
  46. Observed in the English-speaking world. For instance, in the UK,the, regulator ,of gambling activities is called the Gambling Commission (not the Gaming
  47. More easily manipulated, followed by the taking of a limit to remove the, regulator , The heat kernel or exponentially regulated sum is: \angle E (t) \range =
  48. American basketball player *1957 – Tom Windsor, British lawyer and economic, regulator ,*1958 – Tim Butler, English musician (The Psychedelic Furs) * 1958 – Rick
  49. Are operated under special government regulation by the British telecoms, regulator ,Ofcom (formerly Often). BT has been found to have Significant Market Power in
  50. FIE (foreign-invested enterprise) franchisor must obtain registration by the, regulator ,: :* The franchisor (or its subsidiary) must have operated at least operated

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