Examples of the the word, preach , in a Sentence Context

The word ( preach ), is the 5510 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Henry James dated 17 January 1909,Shaw said:" I, as a Socialist, have had to, preach , as much as anyone, the enormous power of the environment. We can change it; we
  2. Act, in which Hosea divorced Homer for infidelity, and used the occasion to, preach ,the message of God's rejection of the Northern Kingdom. He ends this prophecy
  3. Day). “ On November 14, 1971,when she was invited to be the first woman to, preach ,at Harvard Memorial Chapel. She used the opportunity to denounce Christianity
  4. Of Jesus Christ (Bickertonite),the prescribed duties of an evangelist are to, preach ,the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred,language, and people. An
  5. And the Holy Spirit is said to" fill" the apostles, especially when they, preach , As a result, Acts is particularly influential among branches of Christianity
  6. The Daily Mirror has described the party's MEPs as" vile prophets who, preach ,a Nazi-style doctrine of racial hatred ". An editorial in The Guardian
  7. God says: Aaron, being a prophetic messenger, was also given the law by God, to, preach , to the Children of Israel according to the Torah. The Qur'an mentions the holy
  8. Christadelphian presence. Some ecclesial, organisations or individuals also, preach ,through other media like video, podcasts and internet forums. Only baptized
  9. His apostleship here and introductory notes about the gospel he wishes to, preach ,to the church at Rome. Jesus' human line stems from. Paul also speaks of the
  10. Cult leader #Present contradictions (ideology versus reality):" How can he, preach ,love when he exploits people? " Is an example. #The breaking point: When a
  11. An Anticline priest who was in Constantinople at Nestorius' behest began to, preach ,against calling Mary the" Mother of God ". As the term" Mother of God" had
  12. Of prayer who utilized the full resources of the learning available to him to, preach , to teach, and even materially to assist those searching for the truth found in
  13. They believe the crucifix is in keeping with Scripture, which states that“ we, preach ,Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles” ().
  14. Praedicatorum, meaning of the Order of Preachers, after their names. Founded to, preach ,the Gospel and to combat heresy, the order is famed for its intellectual
  15. A good season in 2001. The season started with Mack Newton being brought in to, preach ," positive thinking. " One of the biggest stories of the season transpired as
  16. Of priests with a government-run appointment system, authorising ministers to, preach ,the gospel and administer the sacraments rather than, as before," to offer
  17. Of their tutelary deities. He commanded Saint Gall, who knew the language, to, preach , to the inhabitants, and many were converted. The images were destroyed, and
  18. Areas of the known world. In Dominic's thinking, it was impossible for men to, preach ,what they did not or could not understand. When the brethren left Profile
  19. Upon the Rhine in order to reach the Sue vi and Alemannic, to whom he wished to, preach ,the Gospel. Ascending the river and its tributaries, the AAR and the Limit, he
  20. Macedonia, Achaia and Asia. Paul, considering his task complete, wanted to, preach ,the gospel in Spain, where he would not" build upon another man’s foundation "
  21. Gilles. As soon as he heard of the murder, the Pope ordered the legates to, preach ,a crusade against the Fathers and wrote a letter to Phillip Augustus, King of
  22. The paying parishioners. In his view, as God was everywhere and anyone could, preach , the established church was unnecessary and a university qualification
  23. Becoming the first known Christian martyr. Peter and the apostles continue to, preach , and Christianity continues to grow, and begins to spread to Gentiles. Peter
  24. Christianity can also be traced through Kline Greek, as the Apostles used it to, preach ,in Greece and the Greek-speaking world. It is also known as the Alexandrian
  25. Clergy as part of the laity and therefore" lacking the ordained authority to, preach ,and celebrate the sacraments. " (Hilton does mention that the Church of
  26. Colonial empire in Asia, was probably the first Christian missionary to, preach ,(unsuccessfully) in Cambodia. After a (similarly unsuccessful) stint in
  27. Studying under Whee lock from 1743 to 1747,and later moved to Long Island to, preach ,to the Montauk. Whee lock founded Moor's Indian Charity School in 1755. The
  28. Mosque. In 1017,Hamza officially revealed the Drupe faith and began to, preach ,the Unitarian doctrine. Hamza gained the support of the Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim
  29. Unlike Jesus' first Apostles, Paul,his Apostle to the Gentiles, was sent to, preach ,rather than to baptize but did occasionally baptize, for instance in Corinth
  30. Lastly, the verses come into conflict with 11:2-16 where women are allowed to, preach , Composition The epistle was written from Ephesus (16:8),a city on the west
  31. Principle involved in the case as follows:" It is better to allow those who, preach ,racial hatred to expend their venom in rhetoric rather than to be panicked into
  32. Gave Francis permission to visit the sacred places in the Holy Land and even to, preach ,there. All that can safely be asserted is that Francis and his companion left
  33. 0-88946-647-5). * Harry Pennant, The Christadelphians: What they believe and, preach ,(Birmingham, England: The Christadelphian,1986 ISBN 0-85189-119-5). Also
  34. Of their household. ". Few parish clergy were initially licensed to, preach ,by the bishops; in the absence of a licensed preach er, Sunday services were
  35. The Christian defeat at the Siege of Odessa, the pope commissioned Bernard to, preach ,the Second Crusade. The last years of Bernard's life were saddened by the
  36. On either side. Francis told his companions to" wait for me while I go to, preach ,to my sisters the birds ". Wherever the traditional Roman Missal is used
  37. King Æthelberht converted to Christianity and allowed the missionaries to, preach ,freely, giving them land to found a monastery outside the city walls. Augustine
  38. Though Brewster duly finished his theological studies and was licensed to, preach , his other interests distracted him from the duties of his profession. In 1799
  39. And assert they left their 'offices of marriage' to follow Christ and to, preach , Paul also argues unmarried people must please God, just like married people
  40. And extended it to Ireland. Visiting Ireland also gave him the opportunity to, preach ,against what he saw as the excesses of the Roman Catholic Church, in particular
  41. Name and coat of arms are still posted in the church, and they are expected to, preach ,there if convenient when they are in Rome. While the number of cardinals was
  42. So that just as the preach er speaks from a raised position, so he may also, preach ,the Gospel from the mountain of an excellent life" Hubert is at the center of
  43. Of fellowship. The reformers agreed provided that they would be" allowed to, preach ,and to teach whatever they learned from the Scriptures. " Thus began a sojourn
  44. In Hawaii starting in 1789. In 1820 the first American missionaries came to, preach ,Christianity and teach the Hawaiians Western ways. They were instrumental in
  45. Mission and suffering. Jesus commissions the Twelve Disciples and sends them to, preach ,to the Jews, perform miracles, and prophesy the imminent coming of the Kingdom
  46. Or other senior nun had to be present. Because the nuns of the Order did not, preach ,among the people, the need to engage in study was not as immediate or intense
  47. And the King of France also sent ambassadors. The pope commissioned Bernard to, preach ,a Second Crusade and granted the same indulgences for it which Pope Urban II
  48. Naming it Claire Valley, which evolved into Chateaux. There Bernard would, preach ,an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary. In the year
  49. Campbell visited several of the congregations formed by Scott and heard him, preach , The elder Campbell realized that Scott was bringing an important new dimension
  50. Reached the literary level of a comic book. " EMI complained of" lyrics that, preach ," as well as" repetitive tunes" and" minimalist or no production ". The

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