Examples of the the word, eg , in a Sentence Context

The word ( eg ), is the 5665 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Preserving monuments because the authorities have let them decay *5 Political -, eg , activists squatting buildings as protests or to make social centers In many
  2. RM). Their duties consist mainly of assisting the RM in routine events, for,e.g., Cordoning off crime scene areas, crowd control, participating in community
  3. The current policy and led to a re-examination of the current approach; for, eg , Ban of all sales of cannabis to tourists in coffee shops from end of 2011 was
  4. Ephedrine, caffeine,or even substituted piperidines or phenethylamines (, eg , BZP, TMFPP,2C-I,etc.),all of which may be comparatively cheap to produce (
  5. Only Pope to voluntarily resign. In fact other popes have abdicated voluntarily, eg , John XVIII in 1009,and Benedict IX in May 1045,although he r eg retted it and
  6. It from other generic kinds of vacuum tubes with more or fewer elements (, eg , diodes,erodes, pentodes etc.). The Audion tubes deliberately contained some
  7. Fri sell and Stanley Jordan. The telecaster in particular has a jazz following, eg , Ed Bicker and Ted Greene. * Synthesizer guitars in jazz-rock and avant-garde
  8. It is assumed that a typical opening hand by partner contains 7 losers, eg , .,has 7 losers (1 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 7). Example To determine how high to bid
  9. Phonetic changes are:::: * velar → labial before alveolar consonants and (, eg , Ngu → MB):::::: * Alveolars palatalized to when before short or long:: On the
  10. Chemical reactions within a cell * Signalling pathway, a series of interactions, eg , from cell receptors to affect gene expression. * Neural pathway, a neural tract
  11. Users of sets with analog-only tuners may use other sources of programming (, eg , cable,recorders) or may purchase set-top convertor boxes to tune in the
  12. Of an expert who has no idea of the solution and investigates progressively (, eg , fault diagnosis). In backward chaining, the engine has an idea of the target (
  13. Fault diagnosis). In backward chaining, the engine has an idea of the target (, eg , is it okay or not? Or: there is danger, but what is the level? ). It starts from
  14. Or curries, or ground into a paste that forms a base of sauces for curries (, eg , Korma),or some sweets. It is also used in powdered form in the preparation
  15. In April 2004,but reversed the ban in December 2004. Some countries, eg , South Korea and Japan, require all camera phones sold in their country to make
  16. Leading Hand, Laborers ). Specialists from other areas of the Art Dept. (, eg , Fabricators, Sculptors,Painters/Scenic) may also be drafted to work
  17. Situations where r eg ular members might be overwhelmed with their duties (, eg , Keep watch of a backseat detainee while RM interviews a victim). They are
  18. Patens, C. Lanuginosa and C. varicella. Early-season, large-flowering forms (, eg , " Nelly Moses" ) tend towards the natural flowering habit of C. patent or C.
  19. In the English-speaking world," F" is now used to indicate a fighter (, eg ,F-35) or Spitfire F.22 though when the pursuit designation was used in the US
  20. The Neonatal enumerates eighteen charms (songs, ljóð),prefaced with: Low, eg , au Kane / er annual joins Kong / OG mannikin mogul:" The songs I know / that
  21. Of what unit is used to measure a circle's circumference and diameter (, eg , Centimetres, miles,light-years, etc),as long as the same unit is used for
  22. 35,000 per month suffered in periods when there was no major offensive, eg , The first thirty days of July or the latter part of December. Two poets
  23. Such as ectopic pr eg nancy, miscarriage,and abnormal plantation (, eg , Placenta prefix and placenta accrete). Excessive dilatation may also lead to
  24. Government. Phonetic transliterations of non-Japanese names using katakana (, eg , スミス" Sums" to mean" Smith" ) are also l eg ally acceptable. However, some
  25. Direct action (as discussed in the preceding paragraph) *3 Entrepreneurial -, eg , people breaking buildings to service the need of a community for cheap bars
  26. With its own team - often of a size numbering double figures - and hierarchy (, eg , Greens master, Greens Supervisor, Foreperson,Leading Hand, Laborers ).
  27. An A, K or Q have a maximum of 12 losers but may have fewer depending on shape, eg , Has 12 losers (3 in each suit),whereas has only 9 losers (3 in all suits
  28. Contract which enlarges, diminishes or excludes his duty to take care (, eg , by a condition that the passenger travels" at his own risk against all
  29. Flowering habit of C. patent or C. lanuginosa while later-flowering forms (, eg , X Jackman) are nearer in habit to C. varicella. Placer County (, PLASS-er)
  30. Taken, Clash of the Titans, The A-Team, Unknown ) to smaller art house films (, eg , Deception, Breakfast on Pluto, Chloe ). He was born in Ballerina, County
  31. Up the motif of Odin hanging on the tree and its association with runes, : so, eg , ríst / OG í run FA'g:" So do I write / and color the runes" Nevertheless
  32. Starred in several other notable films, from major Hollywood studio releases (, eg , Excalibur, The Dead Pool, Nell,Rob Roy, The Haunting, Love Actually, Kingdom
  33. Of what has become a nation through various forms of public education (, eg , museums of several kinds). In this scheme, Russia occupied a middle position.
  34. Groups. These organizations can range from being permanent minority networks (, eg , : specific networks of libertarian workers) to the expression of heightened
  35. Or overflows, as the receiver gets more of one stream than it can store (, eg , Audio),before it gets enough data to decode the other simultaneous stream (
  36. The same way as" will ". This" tense" is used extensively in news reports, eg , – * The Prime Minister is to visit the West Bank (active) This" future
  37. And gemstones. These include: casting, faceting,carving, jewellery, mosaics (, eg , Little slices of opal on pitch, obsidian or another black stone and with a
  38. To boot a computer system. The CD can contain an operating system installer (, eg , Windows 2000,Windows XP),or even a full usable operating system, very
  39. Or adjustable-angle head wrench. Forms and names In many European countries (, eg , France,Germany, Portugal,Spain and Italy) the adjustable spanner is called
  40. And involves smaller changes than those occurring in primary socialization., eg , Entering a new profession, relocating to a new environment or society.
  41. But the clue can also be broken down: e.g., loses its full stops to give, eg , .,followed by the first letter (i.e., the " origin" ) of the word
  42. To mark text that is sung either by a character or heard in background music., eg , # For he's a jolly good fellow # On keyboards On standard US keyboard layouts
  43. An instrument, may be r eg arded as the beneficiary of contact with the spirits (, eg , Shanty people). Ecological aspect Resources for human consumption are easily
  44. Homeless people squatting for housing need *2 An alternative housing strat eg y -, eg , people unprepared to wait on municipal lists to be housed take direct action (
  45. But a status where the local rulers were British clients. Similarly, in Africa, eg , Northern Nigeria under Lord Lugar, and Malaya with the Federated Malay States
  46. Workers) to the expression of heightened levels of class struggle itself (, eg , : strike committees, workers councils ', revolutionary unions). Through the
  47. Bears some resemblance to mammalian milk. Relates to milk and milk production, eg , Dairy products. Evolution of lactation The mammary gland is thought to have
  48. e.g. Silly - Strong, Śliski - Slippery) or sound like an adjective (, eg , Skłodowski, Mącki) have feminine versions, according to behavior of real
  49. Audio),before it gets enough data to decode the other simultaneous stream (, eg , Video). The MPEG Video Buffering Verifier (VBV) assists in determining if a
  50. e.g. man, book,mobile) and BARDA 'STA qua" look at this one (feminine, eg , Woman, pen,hand); along the same line a distinction is made between l'è

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