Examples of the the word, presently , in a Sentence Context

The word ( presently ), is the 5670 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Including the Liberals themselves from 1952 to 1975),but there are, presently ,none. Prior to the rise of the Liberal Party, British Columbia's main
  2. Discoverer connected with it, began to arouse a curiosity which was destined, presently ,to spread far outside the narrow circle of scholars. As soon as Schliemann came
  3. On highly polluting low-grade brown coal as a source of energy. Nuclear power, presently ,provides about 30 % of total power needs, and its share is projected to
  4. To be even bigger than those of Sarcheshmeh in Iran and Escondido in Chile (, presently , the second and the third-largest proven deposits of copper in the world). BHP
  5. About 11 BC, the Roman Army appears to have stationed a small unit in what is, presently ,the historical center of the town. Even earlier, the Army had resettled members
  6. Extensions. It is one of four commercial operating systems that are, presently ,certified to The Open Group's UNIX 03 standard. (The others are Mac OS X
  7. Electrolysis of water into oxygen + hydrogen and other alternatives which are, presently ,impractical for large scale. At one time, most of Europe's ammonia was
  8. Of the country until their work permit has been approved. The Cayman Islands, presently ,imposes a controversial" rollover" in relation to expatriate workers who
  9. Of this decay was initially determined at 17 hours, which was close to the, presently ,accepted value of 16.02 h. After the discovery of americium isotopes 241Am and
  10. Nobility which frequented this spa resort in the late 19th century, and is, presently ,used as a restaurant. The Catalina Casino, a famous landmark overlooking Avalon
  11. Chechnya, mostly Park Cossacks, are predominately Russian Orthodox, although, presently , only one church exists in Grozny. The Armenian community, which used to number
  12. In 2000. Although the neutral ground-state chemical compounds of argon are, presently ,limited to Half, argon can form classmates with water when atoms of it are
  13. However, two of its three congressional districts (the 10th and the 21st) are, presently ,held by Republicans, with only the 25th held by a Democrat. This is largely due
  14. To our understanding of what comets are made of. The European Rosetta probe is, presently ,en route to Comet Churyumov–Gerasimenko; in 2014 it will go into orbit around
  15. The center than early HDZ was. Accession to membership of the European Union is, presently ,a stated national goal for most mainstream parties, although they vary in the
  16. Horizon expands much more rapidly than previously assumed, so that regions, presently ,on opposite sides of the observable Universe are well inside each other's
  17. In Scotland. In the meantime, James declared that Great Britain be viewed 'as, presently ,united, and as one realm and kingdom, and the subjects of both realms as one
  18. The SIG is headquartered in Kirkland, Washington with Michael W. Foley (Mike), presently , its executive director. The SIG has local offices in Hong Kong, Taiwan and
  19. We could not have survived in the primeval world in the same manner we do, presently , Even though he had no theory of natural selection, some people consider him as
  20. Moved into eastern North America. Livestock and pet predation Coyotes are, presently ,the most abundant livestock predators in western North America, causing the
  21. It is a mainly rural landscape. It is one of four counties of Northern Ireland, presently ,to have a majority of the population from a Catholic background, according to
  22. Information on their status in the wild is lacking, lowland bongos are not, presently ,considered endangered. Bongos are susceptible to diseases such as rinderpest
  23. Southern side of the hill, it may have extended downwards as far as the site, presently ,occupied by Facetted University. It was thus a sizeable city by any standards
  24. Raions (administrative districts) and 5 settlements of city type. The mayor, presently ,Handball Abutalybov, embodies the executive power of the city. Demographics
  25. However, the roles and importance of the various forms of vitamin E are, presently ,unclear, and it has even been suggested that the most important function of
  26. And for their significant contributions to the mission of the ACM. " There are, presently ,about 500 Fellows out of about 60,000 professional members. Other membership
  27. Administration's domestic spying program In addition to justifying the use of, presently ,illegal torture techniques, the Bush administration used Abu Zubaydah’s capture
  28. Broadcasting stations, Class A stations, and TV translator stations. There is, presently ,no deadline for these stations, about 7100 in number, to convert to digital
  29. Canyons, much like the high plains in New Mexico as well. Eastern Colorado is, presently ,mainly covered in farmland, along with small farming villages and towns.
  30. Water slides, play sand area, and a concession area. Tennis Aberdeen is, presently ,home to 24 public tennis courts throughout the city – Regard Park (4)
  31. To violence will acquire a weapon, traditionally a sword or dagger, but, presently , a variety of weapons are used, and,in a sudden frenzy, will attempt to kill or
  32. And beeswax. Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the super family Avoided, presently ,classified by the unranked taxon name Anglophile. There are nearly 20,000 knowns
  33. Several rows (called 'periods' ), numbered starting with 1 at the top. The, presently ,known elements occupy seven periods. If a certain period has number i, it
  34. By H. W. Fowler),baggage, hit (a place),and the adverbs overly and, presently ,(" currently" ). Some of these, for example monkey wrench and wastebasket
  35. More likely that Obadiah and Jeremiah together were drawing on a common source, presently ,unknown to us than Jeremiah drawing on previous writings of Obadiah as his
  36. On available water and available path: * A canal can be created where no stream, presently ,exists. Either the body of the canal is dug or the sides of the canal are
  37. Baldric is the name of one of the ravens, presently ,residing at The Tower of London * Richard Rail carries The Sword of Truth on a
  38. Of +15.53,which is considerably less than the Sun. By mass, Proxima is, presently ,calculated as 0.123±0.06 ME (rounded to 0.12 ME) or about one-eighth that of
  39. Of manners," though not to establish doctrine. (making most of the, presently ,accepted canon, both Jewish and Christian, apocryphal in their eyes). Certain
  40. Was planned and directed here as recorded in various photographs and items, presently ,on exhibition. In another display, wax figures of former presidents of the
  41. Administered by the Australian Government Minister responsible for Territories, presently ,the Minister for Home Affairs (Australia). The ACT retains a small area of
  42. Of the Sultanate of Sulu's leasing agreement with the North Borneo Company, is, presently , an unresolved claim against Malaysia. Several other territorial claims such as
  43. Ideal clocks to within present measurement tolerances and in relation to all, presently ,known physical processes. However, they are not so designated by fiat. Rather
  44. To re-establish control over the rebellious islands by force failed, and, presently , the African Union is brokering negotiations to effect a reconciliation. This
  45. A significant Irish population settled in the north along Heighten Street (, presently ,Nationwide Boulevard),while the Germans took advantage of the cheap land to
  46. Family moved into a hotel, which was either previously owned by his father or, presently ,owned by his father's estate, in Center City, Philadelphia. The Bells then
  47. For several multi-million dollar commercial projects. The European Union is, presently ,assisting Barbados with a €10 million program of modernization of the country
  48. On highly polluting low-grade brown coal as a source of energy. Nuclear power, presently ,provides about 30 % of the total power needs, its share is projected to
  49. Museum, was once the residence of Prince Salem, son of the Emperor Akbar, and, presently , houses a collection of the Mughal and Rapt armor and sculpture. This
  50. Of the Group of African, Caribbean,and Pacific states (ACP). CARIBOU, presently ,the only part of the wider ACP-bloc that has concluded the full regional

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