Examples of the the word, genetics , in a Sentence Context

The word ( genetics ), is the 5671 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To cockroaches and mantids. Termites are social but differ greatly in the, genetics ,of reproduction. The similar social structure is attributed to convergent
  2. Of dominance varies among loci. For a further discussion see Dominance (, genetics ,). This type of interaction was first formally described by Gregor Mendel.
  3. Biotechnology In animals, biotechnology techniques are being used to improve, genetics ,and for pharmaceutical or industrial applications. Molecular biology techniques
  4. Headed by Bush, to develop similar mathematical relationships for Mendelian, genetics , which resulted in Shannon's 1940 PhD thesis at MIT, An Algebra for
  5. That focuses on students' thinking and solution strategies * CPG islands, in, genetics , genomic regions that contain a high frequency of CG dinucleotides * Cape
  6. Known for any animal, making it an interesting subject for studies in the, genetics ,and developmental biology of social insects. Development and reproduction The
  7. Helped him to understand flight; and the sheep which he studied to understand, genetics , Additionally, the Government of Canada honored Bell in 1997 with a C$100 gold
  8. Throughout the use of agriculture, farmers have inadvertently altered the, genetics ,of their crops through introducing them to new environments and breeding them
  9. Understanding of how to use test results, given the complexity of autism's, genetics , Metabolic and neuroimaging tests are sometimes helpful, but are not routine.
  10. To other cell types. Therefore, research in cell biology is closely related to, genetics , biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology,and developmental biology.
  11. Cultures) They use many methods of study, but modern population, genetics , participant observation and other techniques often take anthropologists" into
  12. Elegans, like Drosophila, has been studied largely because of its importance in, genetics , In the early 1970s,Sydney Brenner chose it as a model system for studying the
  13. From drying out can also be problematic for commercial agriculture. Molecular, genetics ,In 2008,it was discovered that the inactivation of only two genes in one
  14. Into a single animal. Johan van Brendon, a professor of animal-breeding and, genetics ,at Wageningen University is quoted as saying," It's still a very open
  15. Developmental biology, oncology,toxicology, reproductive studies, teratology, genetics , neurobiology, environmental sciences, stem cell and regenerative medicine, and
  16. The things he said or doing the things he did. Skinner's environment and, genetics ,both allowed and compelled him to write his book. Similarly, the environment
  17. Half of the 20th century, developments in chemistry, electron microscopy, genetics , computer science, functional brain imaging, and other fields progressively
  18. Is biotechnology. Biotechnology draws on the pure biological sciences (, genetics , microbiology, animal cell culture, molecular biology, biochemistry,embryology
  19. Primatology, antiquity dealings and curator ship, philology,etymology, genetics , regional analysis, ethnology,history, philosophy,and religious studies, it
  20. Systems. Its primary use since at least the late 1980s has been in genomics and, genetics , particularly in those areas of genomics involving large-scale DNA sequencing.
  21. Of chemistry, Materials science, Medical science, Molecular Biology, Molecular, genetics , Nanotechnology, Nuclear chemistry, Oenology,Organometallic chemistry
  22. Attack the enemy. Recent Developments in Biological Warfare Recent research in, genetics , specifically, expanding the set of bases found in DNA (A, C,G, T ) and RNA (
  23. Augustinian priest and scientist, and is often called the father of, genetics ,for his study of the inheritance of traits in pea plants. *Charles Prague
  24. To diagnose coexisting psychiatric disorders such as depression. Clinical, genetics ,evaluations are often done once ASD is diagnosed, particularly when other
  25. Seawall G. Wright used statistics in the development of modern population, genetics ,* J. B. S Haldane's book, The Causes of Evolution, reestablished natural
  26. Roughly 70 %" Near Eastern" in the Balkans. Before the development of modern, genetics ,based on DNA sequencing, Basques were noted as having the highest global
  27. Later sources: Works attributed to Bodhidharma In molecular biology and, genetics , the linking between two nitrogenous bases on opposite complementary DNA or
  28. Century, developed a comprehensive synthesis of plant evolution incorporating, genetics , *Theophrastus (c. 371 – c. 287 BC),father of botany, established botanical
  29. Mexican cave tetras among creationists. Darwin said of sightless fish - Modern, genetics ,has made clear that the lack of use does not, in itself, necessitate a feature
  30. Form of allelomorph ('other form' ), which was used in the early days of, genetics ,to describe variant forms of a gene detected as different phenotypes. It
  31. Chemical issues in the brain that result in anxiety (especially resulting from, genetics ,) are well documented, this study highlights an additional environmental factor
  32. The rediscovery of Mendel's work, the conceptual gaps in understanding between, genetics ,and evolutionary Darwinism led to vigorous debate between cliometricians such as
  33. And Metabolism for their research into the interaction between nutrition and, genetics , In January 2009,Amway announced a voluntary recall of Nutritive and XS Energy
  34. Resulted in language changes. Anthropologists view ethnicity as being more than, genetics , Like language, ethnicity implies a shared heritage, partly economic, where
  35. Differences in learning, especially the influences of culture, development,and, genetics ,on intelligence and learning. He received tenure at Berkeley in 1962 and was
  36. Tested British aurochs were not a good model of the diversity of aurochs, genetics ,and suggesting possible North African and European aurochs input to domestic
  37. Is over 8 t/ha. Variations in yields are due mainly to variation in climate, genetics , and the level of intensive farming techniques (use of fertilizers, chemical
  38. Position in the nature versus nurture debate, the position that concludes, genetics ,play a significant role in behavioral traits, such as intelligence and
  39. On dominant and recessive alleles gave plant breeders a better understanding of, genetics ,and brought great insights to the techniques utilized by plant breeders. Crop
  40. Health * Design and analysis of clinical trials in medicine * Population, genetics , and statistical genetics in order to link variation in genotype with a
  41. Inclined geneticists helped bring together evolutionary biology and, genetics ,into a consistent, coherent whole that could begin to be quantitatively modeled
  42. Point mutation — crossover — recombination — plasmid — transpose **molecular, genetics ,: DNA fingerprinting — genetic fingerprint — microsatellite — gene knockout —
  43. Authorities decided not to agree to DNA testing. Bryan Sykes, professor of, genetics ,at Oxford University, understands this decision:" The Confucius family tree
  44. By explaining it in terms of the mathematical consequences of Mendelian, genetics , These individuals and the work of other biostatisticians, mathematical
  45. Or neurochemistry. Biochemistry is also associated with molecular biology and, genetics , * Inorganic chemistry is the study of the properties and reactions of
  46. In humans, name " name "/NP"> OnlineMendelianInheritanceinMan"/> classical, genetics ,recognizes three alleles, IA,IB, and IO, that determines compatibility of
  47. Analysis of clinical trials in medicine * Population genetics , and statistical, genetics ,in order to link variation in genotype with a variation in phenotype. This has
  48. The fin from being damaged again. Genetics Gene expression A common reverse, genetics ,technique is to reduce gene expression or modify splicing using Morphology
  49. To biochemistry, but increasingly combine these with techniques and ideas from, genetics , molecular biology and biophysics. There has never been a hard-line between
  50. For gene alleles that can cause or influence predisposition to disease in human, genetics ,* Analysis of genomics data, for example from microarray or proteomics

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