Examples of the the word, premiss , in a Sentence Context

The word ( premiss ), is the 3098 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The good man will be guided at every moment by the Holy Spirit ... from this, premiss , they arrive at communism ...." Prior to Leo Tolstoy, Christian anarchism found
  2. If it neither is nor will be true. Chrysippus, by contrast, denied the second, premiss , and said that the impossible could follow from the possible. * Conditional
  3. Light escapes. That is what we're made of, that never-ending light ". With the, premiss , of the album's content starting to unfold, Victor deemed it important to make
  4. Days in the violence of death. There is a violence inherent in all striving, premiss , to all growing and expanding. No molding of new forms without destroying the
  5. Bonneville. As the school became larger, the school relocated to a much larger, premiss , in Mount Outlet. The school buildings are currently undergoing extensive
  6. Book In 2008 Belgian author Bart Van Laird wrote the crime novel 0110: the, premiss , is a terrorist act during the 0110 concerts in Antwerp. The main question is
  7. Days in the violence of death. There is a violence inherent in all striving, premiss , to all growing and expanding. No molding of new forms without destroying the
  8. Seme, pheme, delome, He does this by rearranging the rule (Barbara's major, premiss , ),the case (Barbara's minor premises),and the result (Barbara's
  9. Rearranging the rule (Barbara's major premises),the case (Barbara's minor, premiss , ),and the result (Barbara's conclusion): Deduction. Rule: All the beans
  10. In which it is necessary to experiment in the imagination upon the image of the, premiss , in order from the result of such experiment to make corolla rial deductions to
  11. Explanation an as a conclusion from a noticed curious circumstance b as a, premiss , is to surmise that a may be true because then b would be a matter of course.
  12. Light escapes. That is what we're made of, that never-ending light ". With the, premiss , of the album's content starting to unfold, Victor deemed it important to make
  13. 73,3/2002,p. 233-240 -’ Same Burke – NY holding? Om gjensidig ANVAR some, premiss , for a NY opening for Den Norse Kyra. ’ in Kirk OG culture 107,4/2002 p.
  14. The fourth figure, in which the middle term is the predicate in the major, premiss , and the subject in the minor, was added by Aristotle's pupil Theophrastus and

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