Examples of the the word, harsh , in a Sentence Context

The word ( harsh ), is the 5049 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 49),were the poet praises his achievements but has the muses frown upon the, harsh ,rule towards his own men, of whom Canoes was almost a contemporary fellow. In
  2. Went back to war in 1992. Later, consequences for UNITS members in Luanda were, harsh ,with FA PLA veterans persecuting their erstwhile opponents in certain areas and
  3. Of those from eastern India and is incomplete). Many more died of, harsh ,treatment, as well as through the harsh living and working conditions, in this
  4. A loose narrative. The singer voiced his or her" personal woes in a world of, harsh ,reality: a lost love, the cruelty of police officers, oppression at the hands
  5. To never allow Jews to re-enter the city ever again. Jews, incensed at this, harsh ,decree as well as by Hadrian's law forbidding circumcision, secretly started
  6. Base has a very insular character, necessary to protect its population from a, harsh ,environment. It is also isolated from conventional support networks, and must
  7. Had been broken, that a human voice and body had been hurled against the, harsh ,wall of America and its supporting armies and navies and academies and
  8. Year. Legacy Abbot was a conscientious prelate, though narrow in view and often, harsh ,towards both separatists and Roman Catholics. He wrote many works
  9. Freeman Clarke was one of Alcott's few supporters and defended him against the, harsh ,response from Boston periodicals. Alcott was rejected by most public opinion
  10. Anime (albeit still modified) to North American television audiences without, harsh ,censoring for violence and mature themes. With the advent of DVD, it became
  11. Of the intelligence community. The purpose of the memo was to gain approval for, harsh ,interrogation tactics to be used on Abu Zubaydah. And was used to provide
  12. Cauchy to take the place of one of them. The reaction by Cauchy's peers was, harsh ,; they considered his acceptance of membership of the Academy an outrage, and
  13. Is discouraged, as it accelerates lead corrosion. Corrosion-resistant brass for, harsh ,environments systems. This brass alloy must be produced with great care, with
  14. Rarely done commercially. If a normally biennial plant is grown in extremely, harsh ,conditions, it is likely to be treated as an annual because it will not survive
  15. To retain Loyalist allegiance also meant that the British could not use the, harsh ,methods of suppressing rebellion they employed in Ireland and Scotland. Even
  16. Repression of the dictatorship's opponents, including urban guerrillas, was, harsh , but not as brutal as in other Latin American countries. Due to the
  17. Were difficult, with 300 men turning back, and another 200 perishing due to the, harsh ,conditions. By the time Arnold reached Quebec City in early November, he had
  18. Two couplets:: But satire needs not those, and wit will shine: Through the, harsh ,cadence of a rugged line:: A noble error,and seldom made, : When poets are
  19. Torvald exults that he is saved as he burns the papers. He takes back his, harsh ,words to his wife and tells her that he forgives her. Nora realizes that her
  20. Passed by Congress; the only important one was the Wade-Davis Bill with its, harsh ,program of Reconstruction. He signed the Homestead Act in 1862,making millions
  21. Of the earth mixed with a certain melancholy linked to the imminent arrival of, harsh ,weather. This view is presented in English poet John Keats' poem To Autumn
  22. And other radical congressmen are determined to punish the South, using, harsh , measures that Griffith depicts as typical of the Reconstruction era. Part 2:
  23. The spacecraft's camera prior to launch and survived dormant in this, harsh ,environment for two and a half years. However, this finding has since been
  24. The country. Shooting began in May 1974 in Siberia, with filming in exceedingly, harsh ,natural conditions proving very difficult and demanding. The picture wrapped in
  25. In general and there are Jain farmers. Additionally, because they consider, harsh ,words to be a form of violence, they often keep a cloth to ritually cover their
  26. Is viewed as a form of sinful idolatry. The First International In Europe, harsh ,reaction followed the revolutions of 1848,during which ten countries had
  27. Endangered, and even extinct, when and where abiotic stress is especially, harsh , The accusative case (abbreviated) of a noun is the grammatical case used to
  28. Of the priesthood, his puritan instincts frequently led him not only into, harsh ,treatment of Roman Catholics, but also into courageous resistance to the royal
  29. And is incomplete). Many more died of harsh treatment, as well as through the, harsh ,living and working conditions, in this camp. The Viper Chain Gang Jail on Viper
  30. 7,485 m (24,557 ft) above sea level. It has a continental climate with very, harsh ,winters in the central highlands, the glaciated northeast (around Kurdistan)
  31. To protect their property in slaves. " In practice, Johnson was seemingly not, harsh ,toward the Confederate leaders. He allowed the Southern states to hold
  32. Are consumed in Belarus, but rye is more plentiful because conditions are too, harsh ,for growing wheat. To show hospitality, a host traditionally presents an
  33. One brown) revealed a dewy, feminine quality. He had a high complexion and a, harsh ,voice. Hippos had often used the Contrapposto sculptural scheme to portray
  34. S Hall in London. These records did not satisfy him, the instrument being too, harsh , In mid-December 1935 he began to record for Columbia Records on the organ of
  35. But also mental states like evil thoughts and hatred, unkind behavior such as, harsh ,words, dishonesty and lying, all of which he saw as manifestations of violence
  36. As an individual, have also been subject to considerable criticism, much of it, harsh , Below are summarized some of the more common criticisms of the director, both
  37. Of Lincoln and the immense human cost of the war led to demands for, harsh ,policies. Vice President Andrew Johnson had taken a hard line and had spoken of
  38. To attract the allegiance of the Muslim population, who had suffered under the, harsh ,rule of Abdullah. On the internal front the discontented Multi families (
  39. Used on Abu Zubaydah. And was used to provide after-the-fact legal support for, harsh ,interrogation techniques. John Kyriakos stated in July 2009,that Abu Zubaydah
  40. The Red Cross. The CIA subjected Abu Zubaydah to various forms of increasingly, harsh ,interrogation techniques including temperature extremes, music played at
  41. Except on Sundays, which were reserved for cleaning and showering. The, harsh ,work requirements, combined with poor nutrition and hygiene, led to high death
  42. That: Likewise, what I have learned is that as the administration authorized, harsh ,interrogation in April and May of 2002--well before the Justice Department had
  43. States) arrived in 1619 in Jamestown, Virginia. As English settlers died from, harsh ,conditions, more and more Africans were brought to work as laborers. The
  44. Lancet as the leading English medical journal of the time being particularly, harsh , The controversy affected the public perception of Wallace’s work for the rest
  45. Commit other vile things will be sent there to be among their kind to suffer, harsh ,punishments. Abrahamic religions Judaism Resurrection Writing that would later
  46. He is the heroic person behind Haggard Transcontinental. Cherry is at first, harsh ,towards Deign, having believed Jim Taggart's descriptions of his sister, until
  47. Time to preserve the Continental Army by safely leading his troops to, harsh ,winter quarters at Valley Forge. American alliances after 1778 The capture of a
  48. Many formulations can bond dissimilar substrates (materials) and withstand, harsh ,temperatures. These qualities make UV curing adhesives essential to the
  49. The losses incurred in 1171. His short reign was characterized by strong and, harsh ,measures. He resolved to suppress many abuses, but above all things, to check
  50. Was announced to be aimed against ICBMs from Iran and North Korea. This caused, harsh ,comments by then-Russia's President Vladimir Putin at the OSCE security

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