Examples of the the word, papers , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In the sea. Grand catches the plague and instructs Room to burn all his, papers , But Grand makes an unexpected recovery, and deaths from the plague start to
  2. Hundreds of books and articles. Angus Mirabilis papers The Angus Mirabilis, papers ,are four articles pertaining to the photoelectric effect (which gave rise to
  3. Not receive payment, could not participate in meetings, and could not submit, papers , Still Cauchy refused to take any oaths; however, he did feel loyal enough to
  4. Husband named her" Matey Salazar" Publications He wrote a number of books and, papers ,two of which are of immense importance namely (1). India in Transition, about
  5. Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. " At his death, Doubleday left many letters and, papers , none of which describe baseball, or give any suggestion that he considered
  6. Complex variable in another textbook. In spite of these,Cauchy's own research, papers ,often used intuitive, not rigorous, methods; thus one of his theorems was
  7. They gave up on the memoir project and Louisa burned many of her mother's, papers , On January 19, 1879,Alcott and Franklin Benjamin San born wrote a prospectus
  8. A doyen of neuropsychology. Jakob published five monographs and more than 75, papers , His neuropsychological studies contributed greatly to the delineation of
  9. Opacity and below average bulk paper. This is suitable in lightweight offset, papers ,used for bibles and dictionaries. It is also used in paper tissue where it
  10. His life, Einstein published hundreds of books and articles. Angus Mirabilis, papers ,The Angus Mirabilis papers are four articles pertaining to the photoelectric
  11. Which was translated as" Conclusions from the capillarity phenomena ". Two, papers ,he published in 1902–1903 (thermodynamics) attempted to interpret atomic
  12. Other prominent British natural scientists. However, the joint reading of their, papers ,on natural selection associated Wallace with the more famous Darwin. This
  13. Of people in Australasia are to excise the u, and one of the Sydney morning, papers ,habitually does this, while the other generally follows the older form. " This
  14. A writer, he became a non-person, and,by 1965,the KGB had seized some of his, papers , including the manuscript of The First Circle. Meanwhile, Solzhenitsyn continued
  15. And adopted stepdaughters Margot and Else. The letters were included in the, papers ,bequeathed to The Hebrew University. Margot Einstein permitted the personal
  16. Modern notation of the residue. In 1831,while in Turin, Cauchy submitted two, papers ,to the Academy of Sciences of Turin. In the first he proposed the formula now
  17. High School in Houston, Texas,is named after him Andrew Carnegie's personal, papers ,reside at the Library of Congress Manuscript Division. The
  18. Jersey, until his death in 1955. Einstein published more than 300 scientific, papers ,along with over 150 non-scientific works. His great intelligence and
  19. The most important points of a long legal document or of several related legal, papers , Abstract of title The Abstract of Title, used in real estate transactions, is
  20. Equations which are central to the field of pattern formation. Later, papers ,went unpublished until 1992 when Collected Works of A. M. Turing was published.
  21. Seminars about Rand and her ideas. Smith has written several academic books and, papers ,on Rand's ideas, including Ayn Rand's Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist
  22. Financially solvent, Wallace worked grading government examinations, wrote 25, papers , for publication between 1872 and 1876 for various modest sums, and was paid by
  23. The not de plumes Stephen Brendon, Kenyon Holmes and Tally Mason. Derleth's, papers ,and comic book collection (valued at a considerable sum upon his death) were
  24. S annus mirabilis or" miracle year ", he published four groundbreaking, papers , on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity, and the
  25. Roger Sherman (Connecticut) was the only person to sign all four great state, papers ,of the United States: the Continental Association, the United States
  26. And practical engineering. Output Cauchy was very productive, in number of, papers ,second only to Leonard Euler. It took almost a century to collect all his
  27. Whose aegis the antisemitism initiative was run, said that it had not had many, papers ,published in the relevant leading journals or attracted many students. As with
  28. To live there. He and Louisa May collaborated on a memoir and went over her, papers , letters, and journals. " My heart bleeds with the memories of those days ", he
  29. The Roman Empire and by the anonymous contributor of notes assembled from the, papers ,of Nicolas Free, published in 1753,who noted that it was the name used by
  30. Is a free paper published fortnightly, and other independent magazine-style, papers ,are published, but are not as widely available. Television All the five
  31. And environmental significance of agriculture and a number of volumes and, papers ,on the philosophical significance of farming, notably The Spirit of the Soil:
  32. Have been claims that Magic collaborated with Einstein on his celebrated 1905, papers , but historians of physics who have studied the issue find no evidence that she
  33. Would-be executioner to" make it look biblical ". In February 2011,Turing's, papers ,from the Second World War were bought for the nation with an 11th-hour bid by
  34. Weakness in the AES algorithm due to its simple description. Since then, other, papers , have shown that the attack as originally presented is unworkable; see XSL
  35. Full-length books and at least 747 shorter pieces,508 of which were scientific, papers ,(191 of them published in Nature). He further broke down the 747 short pieces
  36. His lifetime for his labors in the cause of optical science. Some of his, papers ,were not printed by the Academic DES Sciences until many years after his death.
  37. Conferences in 1878 and 1888,and thereafter at ten-year intervals. The various, papers ,and declarations of successive Lambert Conferences, have served to frame the
  38. With both Charles Lyell and Herbert Spencer. During the 1860s,Wallace wrote, papers ,and gave lectures defending natural selection. He also corresponded with Darwin
  39. 1917. Many Bell's writings, personal correspondence, notebooks, papers , and other documents reside at both the United States Library of Congress
  40. Attempted to interpret atomic phenomena from a statistical point of view. These, papers ,were the foundation for the 1905 paper on Brownian motion. These published
  41. Of London in 1807 and was its honorary secretary in 1812-1817. He contributed, papers ,on the Resin and the Shropshire coalfield, among others, to the transactions
  42. Delusion (Vacinação UMA Desilusão). Swan Sonnenschein & Co. editor * Selected, papers ,* 1853: http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/wallace/S008. Htm On the Monkeys of the
  43. Was the only person besides Sherman to sign three of the great state, papers ,of the United States: the United States Declaration of Independence, the
  44. Then extended Bose's ideas to material particles (or matter) in two other, papers , Seventy years later, the first gaseous condensate was produced by Eric Cornell
  45. To direct his research to celestial mechanics. In 1840,he presented a dozen, papers ,on this topic to the Academy. The confounded membership of the Bureau lasted
  46. Treatments. They assert that a PubMed search revealed over 370,000 research, papers ,classified as alternative medicine published in Medline-recognized journals
  47. Indian courts for false claims after a previous incident of submission of legal, papers ,by him, stating that he is a farmer. A 15-year press ban against Bachchan was
  48. 1966,revised in December 1968 and cites both Solomonoff 's and Kolmogorov's, papers , The theorem says that among algorithms that decode strings from their
  49. all the notes from his South American expedition, he wrote six academic, papers ,(which included" On the Monkeys of the Amazon" ) and two books; Palm Trees
  50. Of modern physics and changed views on space, time,and matter. The four, papers ,are: Thermodynamic fluctuations and statistical physics Albert Einstein's

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