Examples of the the word, poorly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( poorly ), is the 4432 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Organic compounds, they possess no functional groups. They react only very, poorly ,with ionic or other polar substances. The acid dissociation constant (PKA)
  2. Also led the NL West by 6.5 games. Despite the strong start, the team played, poorly ,in May and June and entered the Star break at 47–48,still leading the NL
  3. HgX2,where X = Cl, Br or I:: \math rm Americium (III) fluoride (AmF3) is, poorly ,soluble and precipitates upon reaction of Am3+ and fluoride ions in weak acidic
  4. Americium is only about 0.01 picocuries. Atmospheric americium compounds are, poorly ,soluble in common solvents and mostly adhere to soil particles. Soil analysis
  5. Use of fingers 1 and 5,and more space between the buttons. This system was, poorly ,traded outside native Belgium * Various free-bass systems for greater access
  6. Of the machines themselves, noting that the feathers in the Munich specimen are, poorly ,preserved. Nudes and Dyke reported a diameter of for the longest primary
  7. To the Akkadian period the progressive salinization of the soils, produced by, poorly ,drained irrigation, had been reducing yields of wheat in the southern part of
  8. And are instead made in the body. For example, ubiquinol (coenzyme Q) is, poorly ,absorbed from the gut and is made in humans through the evaluate pathway.
  9. Conditions. Oxygen-free alkaloids, such as (orange). Most alkaloids are, poorly ,soluble in water but readily dissolve in organic solvents, such as dimethyl
  10. ATP binding to the inhibitor site stabilizes the conformation that binds F6P, poorly , The P2Y receptors are metabolomic,i.e. G protein-coupled and modulate
  11. Was on the verge of outright starvation for an extended period. The marines, poorly ,disciplined themselves in many cases, were not interested in convict discipline
  12. His rhetorical abilities impressed Augustine of Hippo, who hitherto had thought, poorly ,of Christian preachers. In the confrontation with Arians, Ambrose sought to
  13. As the only 64-bit interactive media entertainment system available but it sold, poorly , By 1996,a series of successful lawsuits had left Atari with millions of
  14. Was a commercial failure due to its shortage of third party support and several, poorly ,received first party titles. In September 2009,IGN ranked the Atari Jaguar as
  15. Provides an excellent soil for vineyards. Despite their marginal quality,the, poorly ,consolidated soils of the sandy coastline of Huelva and Almería have been
  16. widely-some successfully deflected bullets and saved lives, but others were, poorly ,made and resulted in tragedy for the soldiers. In any case the vests were
  17. And some motherboards incorrectly have fully open slots. Furthermore, some, poorly , designed older 3.3 V cards incorrectly have the 1.5 V key. Inserting a card
  18. Often described as green, but this is probably a contrast effect. The orbit is, poorly ,known, with an estimated period of 878 years. Position on the ecliptic Antares
  19. With placebo and that, despite its widespread use, evidence remains limited, poorly ,reported and probably biased in favor of risperidone due to pharmaceutical
  20. Out the back to an external device even more difficult. Ribbon cables are, poorly ,shielded, and the standard relies upon the cabling to be installed inside a
  21. But it is essential for public health. Many diseases are transmitted by, poorly ,functioning sewage systems. The standard system is a tiled leach field combined
  22. Presented below is based on Paper & Funk (2002). The diamond denotes a very, poorly ,supported node (<50 % bootstrap support),the dot a poorly supported node (
  23. Evidence of healed fractures near their middle. Some fractures were, poorly ,healed and" formed pseudoarthroses. " A specimen with a fractured rib was
  24. His first solo album Brother Arab was released in 1989,although it sold, poorly , Arabian Prince continued his solo career and released his fourth album Where
  25. Agaropectin is a heterogeneous mixture of smaller acidic molecules that gel, poorly , Properties Agar exhibits hysteresis, melting at 85 °C (358 K,185 °F) and
  26. During a heavy drinking period. The term" alcoholism" is commonly used, but, poorly , defined. The WHO calls alcoholism" a term of long-standing use and variable
  27. Found that: the Sharon visit did not cause the Al-Aqsa Intifada. But it was, poorly ,timed and the provocative effect should have been foreseen; indeed, it was
  28. Irregularities surrounding the Parliamentary elections of 2008. Angola scored, poorly ,on the 2008 Ibrahim Index of African Governance. It was ranked 44 from 48
  29. Proximal usually appears as a deep-red star of 13.1v visual magnitude in a, poorly ,populated star field, requiring moderately sized telescopes to see. Listed as
  30. Ants. Like virtually all ants they are social, but their social behavior is, poorly ,developed compared to other species. Each individual hunts alone, using its
  31. Still incurably burdened by them. Reduced to an arcane philosophical system, poorly ,connected to the material world, it suffered the common fate of other esoteric
  32. That when the Vikings returned in 892 and successfully stormed a half-made, poorly ,garrisoned fortress up the Lymph estuary in Kent, the Anglo-Saxons were able
  33. Of chemicals and its supply chain communications. Apple also continues to score, poorly ,in the Greenpeace's guide for the minimal information it provides about its
  34. Chytridiomycosis. However, many of the causes of amphibian declines are still, poorly ,understood, and are a topic of ongoing discussion. A global strategy to stem
  35. Russian front On the Eastern front, things started out equally, poorly , The Austro-Hungarian Army was defeated at the Battle of Member and the great
  36. Largely because of institutional and systemic obstacles like a weak judiciary, poorly ,trained judges and lawyers, and corruption. In 1990,the Administrative
  37. Autism. Neither category is satisfactory on its own; social cognition theories, poorly ,address autism's rigid and repetitive behaviors, while the nonsocial theories
  38. Of Muslim law, was either intended for personal use, never enforced, or only, poorly ,done. While some assert the lack of broad adoption was due to an inherent flaw
  39. Then. And a solemn diploma from Christ Church, Canterbury dated 873 is so, poorly ,constructed and written that historian Nicholas Brooks posited a scribe who was
  40. Results from some studies on the efficacy of acupuncture may be as a result of, poorly ,designed studies or publication bias. Edward Ernst and Simon Singh state that (
  41. No local Loyalists attacked the town from behind. The Loyalists were too, poorly ,organized to be effective, but as late as 1781 senior officials in London
  42. British naval superiority was now contested. The Franco-American alliance began, poorly , however, with failed operations at Rhode Island in 1778 and Savannah, Georgia
  43. 2264-IR as well. This detection helped explain the physical shape of previously, poorly ,understood and related ice absorption lines. A spectrum of the disk of Jupiter
  44. Caused some major airlines to go out of business, in addition to most of the, poorly ,established new entrants. International Groups such as the International Civil
  45. Denotes a very poorly supported node (<50 % bootstrap support),the dot a, poorly ,supported node (<80 %). Characteristics Asteraceae are mostly herbaceous
  46. NSW Upper House representative, Arthur Chesterfield-Evans. The party fared, poorly , gaining only 1.8 per cent of the Legislative Council vote. A higher vote was
  47. Candidates again failed to secure any seats in the Senate. They polled very, poorly , achieving only 0.5%–0.75 % of vote in the states and 1.6 % of the vote in the
  48. Smith and Elder, and reissued under new covers in November 1848. It still sold, poorly , Family tragedies Only in their late twenties, a highly successful literary
  49. During early gestation. * Unbalanced excitatory–inhibitory networks. Or by, poorly ,regulated synthesis of synaptic proteins. Disrupted synaptic development may
  50. Ended on 30 June 2008. In November 2006,the Australian Democrats fared very, poorly ,in the Victorian state election, receiving a Legislative Council vote tally of

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