Examples of the the word, pleasant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pleasant ), is the 4424 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By bus. Almost all buses on national routes are air-conditioned and offer, pleasant ,traveling comfort. The Croatian parliament has passed a law that no bus should
  2. In the tone of the guitar. Solid backs and sides can also contribute to a, pleasant ,sound, although laminated sides and backs are acceptable alternatives, commonly
  3. My Sword sleep in my hand: Till we have built Jerusalem, In England's green &, pleasant ,Land Beneath this poem Blake inscribed an excerpt from the Bible: '"Would to
  4. Though this view may be subsumed in the one below in that a listener's idea of, pleasant ,sounds may be considered socially constructed. A subjective definition of music
  5. Walk upon England's mountains green: And was the holy Lamb of God, On England's, pleasant ,pastures seen! And did the Countenance Divine, Shine forth upon our clouded
  6. Useful as a way to contemplate the gods and to use them as an example of the, pleasant ,life. Epicurus participated in the activities of traditional Greek religion
  7. Writings are funerary texts designed to ensure that deceased souls reached a, pleasant ,afterlife. The earliest of these are the Pyramid Texts. They are a loose
  8. 1941. He was greatly impressed by the" lightness of the controls and generally, pleasant ,handling characteristics ". Cunningham concluded that when the type was fitted
  9. For change and building a better society 'in England's green and, pleasant ,land. '" was included in the patriotic anthology of verse The Spirit of Man
  10. As 'The Green Mile' by Fulham fans (as it is roughly a mile walk through, pleasant ,greenery). Plans Craven Cottage is where most Fulham fans would like to be
  11. Membranes are collected in mucus and swallowed (this" drip" is considered, pleasant ,by some and un pleasant by others). In a study of cocaine users, the average
  12. Produced from cocaine base is usually described as having a very distinctive, pleasant ,taste. In contrast, cocaine hydrochloride does not vaporize until heated to a
  13. Farms, greenhouses,restaurants, a dairy farm and a brewery. It is a, pleasant ,place to spend a day with family, be it for having picnics, hiking,biking or
  14. I intend to finish the next volume before I begin to print, for it is not, pleasant ,to have the Devil coming for the conclusion of a sheet fore it is written. "
  15. Depicting their destinations, airlines,and other services in a favorable and, pleasant ,light, countries market themselves to populations abroad in a manner that could
  16. Harm and maximizing happiness of oneself and others: It is impossible to live a, pleasant ,life without living wisely and well and justly (agreeing" neither to harm nor
  17. Were made to the town, which became, despite its neighboring collieries,a, pleasant ,place to live. Its institutions included a post-graduate theological college (
  18. System, the neurobiological explanation of human emotion is that emotion is a, pleasant ,or un pleasant mental state organized in the limbic system of the mammalian
  19. After the end of the armistice, the family was forced to relocate from their, pleasant ,house in the suburbs into the town, and during the next few days the Battle of
  20. Green bicycle routes, greenways, the aim being to facilitate fast, safe,and, pleasant ,bicycle transport from one end of the city to the other. The network will cover
  21. S" evident pleasure" in the Fulham countryside. The phrase" green and, pleasant ,land" has become a collocation for identifiable English landscape or society.
  22. And it is impossible to live wisely and well and justly without living a, pleasant ,life. Legacy Elements of Epicurean philosophy have resonated and resurfaced in
  23. The Initial Handling Report 767 issued by the AGREE stated" The airplane is, pleasant ,to fly .... Aileron control light and effective ..." The maximum speed reached
  24. That of the archetypal 1950s American Dream. At first, they lived in a tiny, if, pleasant , brownstone apartment. Later, Ricardo got his big chance and moved, temporarily
  25. And so second-order, which some consider to be" warmer" and more, pleasant , * For those who prefer low distortion figures, the use of tubes with class A (
  26. Job. If particular people get to do the un pleasant jobs and others the, pleasant ,jobs, this cannot be explained by technical necessity; it is a socially made
  27. It may be, for example, that it is technically necessary that both, pleasant ,and un pleasant jobs must be done by a group of people. But from that fact alone
  28. High in spring and summer, with frequent afternoon thunderstorms. Fall brings, pleasant ,temperatures and colorful fall foliage. Winters vary from moderately cold to
  29. By severe class inequity; the higher-income population resides inside the more, pleasant ,geodesic domes, with the remainder left in tenements outside. Androids coexist
  30. Picture of the poet living with his children in a house surrounded by, pleasant ,gardens near the emperor's palace. The reference to Bertha, however,is
  31. Come from Presley himself over the next half-decade, the album is largely" a, pleasant , threatening pastiche of the music that had once been Elvis's birthright. "
  32. Alone, it does not follow that any particular person must do any particular (, pleasant ,or un pleasant ) job. If particular people get to do the un pleasant jobs and
  33. Rancid butter). On the other hand, esters of carboxylic acids tend to have, pleasant ,odors and many are used in perfumes. Characterization Carboxylic acids are most
  34. Or contrasts | \_/ | **************************** / @ @ \ *" Perfectly, pleasant ," * (> º <) * Poppy Print * ` »»x««´ * (Prince ...) * / O \
  35. From the Conan lore of Robert E. Howard. In this adaptation, Conan is a, pleasant ,and jovial person. Also in this version, Conan is not a loner but one member in
  36. Consciousness. Thus, it is found that the action of the heart is accelerated by, pleasant , and retarded by un pleasant , stimuli; again, changes of weight and volume are
  37. Mashed up in water, after the manner of lemon squash," these ants form a, pleasant ,acid drink which is held in high favor by the natives of North Queensland, and
  38. Of music need not, however,be limited to traditional ideas of music as, pleasant ,or melodious. This approach to the definition focuses not on the construction
  39. Of and thickly covered with coconut palms and other vegetation. The climate is, pleasant , moderated by the southeast trade winds for about nine months of the year and
  40. And Aristotle explains the idea in full length: But if life itself is good and, pleasant ,(...) and if one who sees is conscious that he sees, one who hears that he
  41. Victory over the Chicago White Sox. The remainder of the season would not be as, pleasant , with the team enduring 100 losses while avoiding the AL cellar by only three
  42. Or significantly reduced for the cello to play the nearby notes with a, pleasant ,tone. This can be accomplished by modifying the cello front plate, attaching a
  43. Or lower case. But there are some aspects of EBCDIC which make it much less, pleasant ,to work with than ASCII, such as a non-contiguous alphabet. As with single-byte
  44. In organic chemistry and biological materials, and often have a characteristic, pleasant , fruity odor. This leads to their extensive use in the fragrance and flavor
  45. Often the dead were said to dwell in the realm of Osiris, a lush and, pleasant ,land in the underworld. The solar vision of the afterlife, in which the
  46. The city's rainfall is near the country average, and the overall climate is, pleasant , In summer, temperatures in the southeast Bulgaria often exceed but remain
  47. And his friend): Estes new held new arable (it was neither clear sunny nor, pleasant ,): Cu pro apricot, ĉu pro natural lingvo-evoluo (whether by whim, or by natural
  48. The poem," Bring me my Chariot of fire! " Draws on the story of. Green and, pleasant ,Land Blake lived in London for most of his life, but wrote much of Milton when
  49. The spirit of mainstream pop quite effectively... an immensely enjoyable and, pleasant ,project ", while Creek characterized it as" a perfect blend of exceptional
  50. The resulting 'music' can be more like noise, or can sound quite familiar and, pleasant , As with much algorithmic music, and algorithmic art in general, more depends on

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