Examples of the the word, overwhelming , in a Sentence Context

The word ( overwhelming ), is the 4431 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Least 95 percent of African-American voters voted for Obama. He also received, overwhelming ,support from young and educated whites, a majority of Asians, Hispanics,and
  2. Alternative to 183 through the cities of Leander and Cedar Park. Despite the, overwhelming ,initial opposition to the toll road concept when it was first announced, all
  3. To Edward Gibbon and Edward Crease, because he feared the consequences of an, overwhelming ,Visigothic triumph as much as he did a defeat. From Genius' point of view, the
  4. Schools, quickly alienated many tribal and religious leaders. Faced with, overwhelming ,armed opposition, Amanullah Khan was forced to abdicate in January 1929 after
  5. Ancestry. Indigenous Amerindians comprise only 1 % of the population. The, overwhelming ,the majority of Colombians speak Spanish (see also Colombian Spanish),but in
  6. Commanding the Legion IX Hispano, attempted to relieve the city, but suffered an, overwhelming ,defeat. His infantry was wiped out; only the commander and some of his cavalry
  7. Questions remain to this day whether he was yet that old). Having less than, overwhelming ,support as well did not help his candidacy. According to recent academics
  8. To join them in secession. North and South the response to Ft. Sumter was an, overwhelming ,demand for war to uphold national honor. Only Kentucky tried to remain neutral.
  9. Party vindicated the faith placed in it 4 years ago, and thus retained its, overwhelming ,majority. Having presided over relatively serene political, economic and social
  10. Was to stage uprisings within a short time in southern and western England, overwhelming ,Richard's forces. Buckingham would support the rebels by invading from Wales
  11. The fear of ambush while anchored off the Egyptian coast. In spite of the, overwhelming ,British victory in the climactic battle, the campaign has sometimes been
  12. Pork insulin. Yet in its position statement, the IDF writes that" there is no, overwhelming ,evidence to prefer one species of insulin over another" and" modern, highly
  13. Of Boycott,Brearley's men won the 1977 series 3–0 and then completed an, overwhelming ,5–1 series win against an Australian side missing its WSC players in 1978–79.
  14. He was wounded and forced to withdraw to his tent. His chief fault was his, overwhelming ,haughtiness; an over-exalted opinion of his position that led him to insult
  15. The doctrine of original sin on grounds of moral accountability; but the, overwhelming ,the majority of Protestant, evangelical pastors and theologians hold to one of
  16. The U. S. over Cold War policy, warned at a press conference in 1971 that the, overwhelming ,American presence posed" a danger to our national identity from a cultural
  17. Barred from seeking re-election in 2010. The Colombian Congress, with, overwhelming , support of the Colombian people, had attempted to hold a referendum allowing a
  18. The physical valor necessary for success in war, he was a dangerous force,", overwhelming , insatiable in battle, destructive,and man-slaughtering. " Fear (Phobos) and
  19. Nixon to resign when evidence of a cover-up in the Watergate scandal became, overwhelming ,and impeachment was imminent. By the 1980s,the increasing influence of the
  20. Being 63 or older. Life expectancy is 66 years for both males and females. The, overwhelming ,the majority of Bangladeshis are ethnic Bengali, comprising 98 % of the population.
  21. The B-36 Peacemaker bomber. The admirals of the Navy disagreed. Pointing to the, overwhelming ,dominance of the aircraft carrier in the Pacific Theater, they asked the United
  22. Angiopathy has been commissioned. According to The Alzheimer's Society,the, overwhelming ,medical and scientific opinion is that studies have not convincingly
  23. Parallels, compare Obadiah 1:1-8 with Jeremiah 49:7-16. Christian View The, overwhelming ,theme found in Obadiah is the destruction of enemies of God’s people. Unlike
  24. Which contradicts the laws of nature. He argues that the laws of nature have an, overwhelming ,body of evidence behind them, and are so well demonstrated to everyone's
  25. European allies. Widening of the naval war When the war began, the British had, overwhelming ,naval superiority over the American colonists. The Royal Navy had over 100
  26. The emancipation law was signed and published. Other reforms In response to the, overwhelming ,defeat (1856) suffered by Russia in the Crimean War, and to an awareness of
  27. Premise of their argument was that the South was doomed because of the, overwhelming ,advantage in manpower and industrial might possess by the North. However
  28. Had serious consequences for the British, costing them what would have been an, overwhelming ,advantage in ships and firepower during the first half-hour of the coming
  29. McDonald crippled the English batting on a regular basis. Australia recorded, overwhelming ,victories both in England and on home soil. They won the first eight matches in
  30. Duke Clef the new king, and Helices, rather than going to war against, overwhelming ,odds, escaped to Ravenna with Longings' assistance, taking with him his wife
  31. Children's Charity. The original target was £500,000 but thanks to the, overwhelming ,support from fans, players,directors and staff. They were able to smash the
  32. Years later, in 1981,IBM introduced the first DOS based IBM PC, and due to the, overwhelming ,popularity of PCs and their clones, DOS soon became the operating system on
  33. Which model could best describe the cosmological observations. With the, overwhelming ,consensus in the community today supporting the Big Bang model, many of these
  34. Death. A person will drink to feel normal, they block out the feelings of, overwhelming ,guilt, remorse,anxiety and shame they experience when sober. Other theorists
  35. The Bengali broadcast and print media went out of its way to lend, overwhelming ,support. Visa services are provided by Bangladesh's consulate at Kolkata's
  36. The south. His campaigns were successful and, on 25 July 1139,he obtained an, overwhelming ,victory in the Battle of Unique, and straight after was unanimously proclaimed
  37. During the first decade of the 21st century. Although Democrats have an, overwhelming ,the majority of registered voters, Arkansas Democrats tend to be slightly more
  38. This agitation, including the fear of annexation to the United States,the, overwhelming ,debt created by rapid population growth, the need for government-funded
  39. Central domes, which create a vertical emphasis that is intended to be more, overwhelming ,; in order to convey the divine power of Allah, the majesty of the Ottoman
  40. Successfully repelled Ney's initial attacks, but was gradually driven back by, overwhelming ,numbers of French troops. First reinforcements and then Wellington himself
  41. Groups who were not affiliated with the Branch, but also to no avail. Due to, overwhelming ,evidence that Koresh's teachings and practices were grossly divergent from
  42. Effort by tanks, mobilized infantry, artillery and aircraft, to create an, overwhelming ,local superiority in combat power, to overwhelm an enemy and break through its
  43. Over, when the depth of the feelings of exile and deprivation is clear from the, overwhelming ,joy with which long parted lovers and family members greet each other. For some
  44. The last time the electorate was practically all white. In all, Johnson won an, overwhelming ,486 electoral votes, to Goldwater's 52. Goldwater, with his customary
  45. That Minus' work was intended for public recitation for two reasons: the, overwhelming ,presence of accentual clause, which implies that it was intended to be read
  46. For a date shortly before the death of Antioch us IV Epiphanies in 164 are, overwhelming , " The earliest manuscripts discovered, like the traditional Jewish version
  47. Her to lose control and run onto the sandbar. In the aftermath of Teach's, overwhelming ,attack, Jane and Ranger may also have been grounded; the battle thenceforth
  48. The city expanded to the natural barrier of the hills that surround it, overwhelming ,other settlements. Consequently, the arterial roads along which this expansion
  49. Trade in energy is the largest U. S. energy trading relationship, with the, overwhelming ,majority ($66.7 billion) being exports from Canada. The primary components of
  50. To sexual relations between half-brothers and sisters, ( ) Anon had an, overwhelming ,desire for her. He took advice from his cousin, Jonadab the son of Shield

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