Examples of the the word, stance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stance ), is the 5503 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Reasons for opposition are varied, although conservatives often view the ACLU, stance ,of separation of church and state as anti-religious, and their defense of both
  2. In the wake of these actions because of their pro-multicultural society, stance ,in their music. Advanced Chemistry's attitudes revolve around their attempts
  3. Most controversial laws ever enacted in Bavaria. As result, the CSU changed its, stance ,and weakened the anti-smoking law to allow some more loopholes. However, the
  4. Bipedally if transporting wood for their dams). Bears will fight in a bipedal, stance ,to use their forelegs as weapons. Ground squirrels and meerkats will stand on
  5. Primates that live in tropical areas often wade through water in a bipedal, stance , Gorillas, bonobos,proboscis monkeys and baboons have been observed wading
  6. To a centrist Third Way philosophy of governance, while on other issues his, stance ,was left-of-center. Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime
  7. Character electrified audiences in much the way that Marlon Brando's defiant, stance ,would startle American film audiences a few years later. The film premiered in
  8. Canon gate survived until 1889,but a nearby building of similar age adopted the, stance ,of having been his house (in the same manner as John Knox's House) erecting
  9. Their feet closer together. The stance described is considered the" textbook ", stance ,and fighters are encouraged to change it around once it's been mastered as a
  10. Choosing the position best suited to protect them. Boxers who use an upright, stance ,protect their chin with the rear hand in either the low or mixed guard styles
  11. To a centrist Third Way philosophy of governance, while on other issues his, stance ,was center-left. Born and raised in Arkansas, Clinton became both a student
  12. Century to the public at large," Despite Rand's traditionally Republican, stance ,as a pro-choice atheist, the political figures who cite Rand as an influence
  13. Of the original twelve apostles as recorded in Scripture. This doctrinal, stance ,reflects the Protestant view of authority, embodied in the doctrine known as
  14. 9@home,Advanced Chemistry is part of a" hip-hop movement which took a clear, stance ,for the minorities and against the marginalization of immigrants who ... might
  15. Apart. As an archer progresses from beginner to a more advanced level an" open, stance ," is often developed. Each archer will have a particular preference but mostly
  16. During the Cold War. While Angola's foreign policy shifted to a pro-U. S., stance ,based on substantial economic ties, under the rule of President Robert Mugabe
  17. Such as Dmitri Volkogonov and Aleksandr Bishop) as well as the official, stance ,of the Russian Government. This view suggests that policies of collectivization
  18. Has shifted the balance of power in the Republika Srpska (RS) to a pro-Dayton, stance ,and will result in an upsurge of funding to the RS from the international
  19. Politicians for the Fund to make investments within Alaska, though such a, stance ,has never really gained momentum. Starting in 1982,dividends from the fund's
  20. Dialogue. During Mbeki's presidency, the government took a more pro-capitalist, stance , often running counter to the demands of the SACK and COS ATU. 2008 schism
  21. Astrology retains some sort of scientific validity. Sagan said he took this, stance ,not because he thought astrology had any validity at all, but because he
  22. Torso leaning back stance of the bare knuckle boxer was modified to more modern, stance ,in which the torso is tilted forward, and the hands are held closer to the face.
  23. Inequality, and in part from a softening of his and the party's radical, stance , including a vice-presidential candidate from the Liberal Party, acceptance of
  24. Small, bipedal predators. Mammals A number of mammals will adopt a bipedal, stance ,in specific situations such as for feeding or fighting. A number of groups of
  25. Of value choices and choose a" ruthless,"" moderate," or" idealistic ", stance , Reynolds said the designers don't promote a single" right" answer, instead
  26. Century hook users such as Jack Johnson. Image: attitude_droite1. JPG|Upright, stance ,Image: attitude_semi-enroulée1. JPG|Semi-crouch Image: attitude_enroulée1.
  27. To receiving jabs, hooks,or crosses from the opposite side. The southpaw, stance , conversely, is vulnerable to a straight right hand. North American fighters
  28. Ideas have been criticized from both sides in the race debate; for their strong, stance ,against racism: From the mid-1930s on, National Socialist ideologues attacked
  29. Akimbo. Technically, it is inaccurate, since the word literally refers to a, stance ,where a person stands with their elbows bent and their hands on their hips (
  30. Of the mosque. However, in an interview in 1998,he claims to have tempered his, stance ,on many issues that the Shiv Sent had with Muslims, particularly regarding the
  31. From a crouch, leaning forward and keeping their feet closer together. The, stance ,described is considered the" textbook" stance and fighters are encouraged to
  32. Machines, jump rope, and medicine balls. Technique Stance The modern boxing, stance ,differs substantially from the typical boxing stance s of the 19th and early
  33. Of the well-known 1988 baseball movie Bull Durham because of the anti-war, stance ,of two of its stars, Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon, fearing that they would
  34. Positions; he was Henry's chamberlain and Edward's steward. His non-committal, stance , until the crucial point of a battle, earned him the loyalty of his men, who
  35. Announced that she would be released on 13 November 2010. Burma's relaxing, stance , such as releasing political prisoners, was influenced in the wake of
  36. To a straight right hand. North American fighters tend to favor a more balanced, stance , facing the opponent almost squarely, while many European fighters stand with
  37. By the Committee of Ministers is not legally binding, but rather a moral, stance ,by the three governments. Recommendations are not devoid of any binding effect
  38. The typical boxing stance s of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The modern, stance ,has a more upright vertical-armed guard, as opposed to the more horizontal
  39. In 1986,the" Polish vs. universalist" dispute and the dispute over the, stance ,of Ásatrú towards white supremacist escalated, resulting in the breakup of the
  40. To white males, whether landowners or not. He was known for his" free soil ", stance ,of opposing both slavery and abolitionism. He first articulated this in 1837
  41. JPG|Semi-crouch Image: attitude_enroulée1. JPG|Full crouch In a fully upright, stance , the boxer stands with the legs shoulder-width apart and the rear foot a
  42. Of anarchist thought is philosophical anarchism, which embodies the theoretical, stance ,that the state lacks moral legitimacy without accepting the imperative of
  43. Parthia kings. However, after the Islamic conquests there is a change in this, stance ,and as early as the time Shahnameh was written, he was considered to be a
  44. And more on the gloves, the classical forearms outwards, torso leaning back, stance ,of the bare knuckle boxer was modified to more modern stance in which the torso
  45. Right hand. Modern form To shoot an arrow, an archer first assumes the correct, stance , The body should be at or nearly perpendicular to the target and the shooting
  46. Which emphasized reason as the barometer of discernment and took a, stance ,of indifference towards doctrinal and ecclesiological differences. The
  47. Opponents. Left-handed or southpaw fighters use a mirror image of the orthodox, stance , which can create problems for orthodox fighters unaccustomed to receiving jabs
  48. The principles of its 1972 constitution. The High Court also strengthened its, stance ,against punishments by Islamic edict (fatwa),following complaints of brutal
  49. Doubt or a skeptical approach to questions. In some senses, agnosticism is a, stance ,about the difference between belief and knowledge, rather than about any
  50. C A Mace's opinion that metaphysics is a from of intellectual poetry That, stance ,of a person who believes" God" denotes no verifiable hypothesis is sometimes

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