Examples of the the word, ford , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ford ), is the 3573 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Force but the Norwegian bays Fjord. The word is also related to English, ford ,(in German Fort, Low German Ford or Verde, in Dutch names Moore, cf.
  2. Assassinated the Church's Inquisitor, later known as Saint Peter Martyr, at a, ford ,in the nearby cont ado; the killers bribed their way to freedom, and in the
  3. On his courage. When one of his soldiers who had been ordered to explore a, ford ,was carried away by the current, the King plunged into the torrent without
  4. Valleys of the Afr in and the Quran rivers, and # the road from the Euphrates, ford ,at Thalamus, which skirts the fringe of the Syrian steppe. A single route
  5. Form of an eel who trips him, then as a wolf who stampedes cattle across the, ford , and finally as a red heifer leading the stampede, just as she had threatened
  6. Literally as" ( river)mouth of the sandbar" or" ( river)mouth of the, ford ,". The Irish name Deal First is shared by a town land in County Mayo, whose
  7. Army was camping on the opposite side of the Radar River. After finding a, ford ,and crossing the river, Basil II attacked and defeated Samuel's unsuspecting
  8. His enemies, he encounters the Mórrígan as a hag washing his bloody armor in a, ford , an omen of his death. Later in the story, mortally wounded, Cúchulainn ties
  9. West of the Rhine) than modern day Franconia and even included Frankfurt (, ford ,of the Franks). Sometime around 906,Conrad of the Coraline dynasty succeeded
  10. Still stands. Prague contained an important slave market. At the site of the, ford ,in the Lava river, King Vladislav II had the first bridge built in 1170,the
  11. The 7th-13th centuries, it was the location of an old Polish settlement, at a, ford ,in the Vistula river. The Teutonic Knights built a castle in the vicinity of
  12. Wunde: be life upper lægon, : sword answered,æt syn an non: CMB Bronte, ford ,brimliðende: lade né Litton. Leo ht Eastman com, : berth beaten gods;::: Beowulf
  13. Householders drink and then sprinkle 'magic water' from 'a dead and living, ford ,' around the house (a 'dead and living ford ' refers to a river ford that is
  14. On hills that faced onto a ford beside the Tiber island, the only natural, ford ,of the river in this area. The Rome of the Kings was built on seven hills: the
  15. The Elder in 913. The name Hart ford is derived from the Anglo-Saxon heart, ford , meaning deer crossing (of a watercourse). The name Hert ford shire first
  16. Is the genitive singular of fear said and refers to a sandbar or tidal, ford ,across a river's mouth. The name would thus translate literally as" (
  17. Living ford ' around the house (a 'dead and living ford ' refers to a river, ford ,that is routinely crossed by both the living and the dead). After the
  18. Thy servant Jacob ". Jacob then transported his family and flocks across the, ford ,Abbot by night, then recrossed back to send over his possessions, being left
  19. That the name comes from the Middle High German word 'had/ hap' meaning, ford , as there is a river with a ford nearby. The first documented use of the name
  20. Known under the name of Oldenburg. It became important due to its location at a, ford ,of the navigable Hunter River. Oldenburg became the capital of the County of
  21. At Element and Korea. Near Delta, in the Great Atlas, and at Mechra-Sfa (", ford ,of the flat stones" ), a peninsula in the valley of the river Mind not far
  22. By digging a diversion upstream to reduce the flow, making it possible to, ford ,the river. The channels ran around both sides of the camp. The two armies
  23. Middle High German word 'had/ hap' meaning ford , as there is a river with a, ford ,nearby. The first documented use of the name by the dynasty itself has been
  24. Such as the Russian T-90 and the German Leopard I and Leopard II tanks can, ford ,to a depth of 3–4 meters when properly prepared and equipped with a snorkel to
  25. Class in the town of Ox ford (so named because" that's where the oxen used to, ford ,the creek" ) because of his age, he is often impressing others that he
  26. Met near the flooded river of Speeches. The Byzantines found a place to, ford , and on the night of 19 July 996 they surprised the unprepared Bulgarian army
  27. Arose on the Limburg crags. This was probably designed for the protection of a, ford ,over the river Lawn. In the decades that followed, the town developed under the
  28. Of vice," small towns" grew on informal plans, often round a camp or at a, ford ,or crossroads; some were not small, others were scarcely urban, some not even
  29. Was established at the site, replacing the old system where pioneers had to, ford ,the wide, powerful and deep Snake. Another place where pioneers crossed the
  30. Tiber river (). The original settlement developed on hills that faced onto a, ford ,beside the Tiber island, the only natural ford of the river in this area. The
  31. He first built a small villa and named it Abbots ford , creating the name from a, ford ,nearby where previously abbots of Melrose Abbey used to cross the river. Scott
  32. Like English mine or German man). Frankfurt is located on an ancient, ford ,(German: Fort) on the Main river. As a part of early Franconia, the
  33. Names The name Prague is derived from an old Slavic root, praga, which means “, ford ,”, referring to the city's origin at a crossing point of the Lava river. The
  34. Were the early Franks, thus the city's name reveals its legacy as being" the, ford ,of the Franks on the Main river ". Among English speakers, the city is commonly
  35. Successful for a time, forcing Henry to move south, away from Calais, to find a, ford , The English finally crossed the Somme south of Personnel, at Bettencourt and
  36. Of the founding of the Roman Kingdom and eventual Republic and Empire, had a, ford ,where the Tiber could be crossed. The Palatine Hill and hills surrounding it
  37. So Wellesley decided to launch an attack immediately. After crossing the, ford ,the infantry was reorganized into several lines and advanced against the
  38. Land was purchased until Scott owned nearly. A neighboring Roman road with a, ford ,used in olden days by the abbots of Melrose suggested the name of Abbots ford .
  39. Original founder of Fort Hall in 1834,writes in his diary that they found a, ford ,across the Snake River southwest of where he founded Fort Hall. Another
  40. Is said to have uttered from it a prophecy that a great town would arise at the, ford ,of hurdles in the vale beneath. St. Canine is said to have been born at
  41. From the Franconofurd of the Germanic tribe of the Franks; Fort (cf. English, ford ,) where the river was shallow enough to be crossed by wading. Alemannic and
  42. Irvine, offered to outflank the enemy by leading a cavalry force over a nearby, ford , where sixty horsemen could cross at the same time. Hugh Cressingham, King
  43. Splits the Snake into four channels each about wide. Some emigrants chose to, ford ,the Snake and proceed down the west side and recross the river near Fort Boise
  44. From -OTA" to brood "; Shaula" food" from Lula" to eat "; Kinko" a, ford , a pass" from -Luka" to cross "; and militia" the Pleiades ", from -limit "
  45. Irish name Dub Line, meaning " black pool "., meaning " town of the hurdled, ford ,", is the common name for the city in modern Irish. Is a place name referring
  46. Over her shoulders, or,alternatively," as a red figure on the edge of the, ford , washing the chariot of a king doomed to die" ) and The Mórrígan. Davidson
  47. Middle Ages, it was an important trading town because of its location, near a, ford ,across the Era river. Together with the other five Thuringia woad-towns of
  48. Between Terasievert and the ancient center, was the site of an important ancient, ford ,and was later bridged. Legend says Rome's founders, the twin brothers Romulus
  49. A flood which raised the water level of a river so much that Heracles could not, ford ,the river with the cattle. He piled stones into the river to make the water
  50. Water' from 'a dead and living ford ' around the house (a 'dead and living, ford ,' refers to a river ford that is routinely crossed by both the living and the

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