Examples of the the word, runway , in a Sentence Context

The word ( runway ), is the 10357 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Passengers used Bulgarian airlines in 2001. One airport, Sofia Airport, had a, runway ,longer than 3,000 meters, and there were four heliports. Railways In 2005
  2. Only undertaken in an emergency, with burning barrels of fuel to outline a, runway , On September 11, 2008,a United States Air Force C-17 Globe master III
  3. ID); -- reserve runway Takeoff: = My_Runway; -- tell airplane which, runway ,end Request_Takeoff; -- end of the synchronized part or accept Request_Approach
  4. Airport (prior to 4 July 2010 known as Wallace Airport). The primary, runway ,at the airport is in length and can accommodate moderate-sized aircraft.
  5. 1994: China Airlines Flight 140 (Republic of China) crashed at the end of, runway ,at Nagoya, Japan,killing all 15 crew and 249 of 256 passengers on board. * 24
  6. Takeoff: out Runway_Access) do My_Runway. Assign_Aircraft (ID); -- reserve, runway ,Takeoff: = My_Runway; -- tell airplane which runway end Request_Takeoff; -- end
  7. Roofs off houses as it plowed through a densely populated marketplace near the, runway , 2007 * August 1 train derailment kills 100,many riding on roof. Rocketry The
  8. Aircraft, the wintry showers had taken hold and snow had settled heavily on the, runway ,and around the airport. There were two aborted take-offs which led to concern
  9. Task body Controller is begun loop My_Runway. Wait_For_Clear; -- wait until, runway ,is available select -- wait for two types of requests when
  10. Suffered a landing gear failure as it landed in Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland,a, runway , to deliver Karo the whale. After receiving temporary repairs, it was flown to
  11. Is a day beacon near the old village site. Baker's abandoned World War II, runway , long, is completely covered with vegetation and is unserviceable. The United
  12. Board (NTSB) report stated that" the airplane was seen lifting off the, runway , and then nose down, impacting in a marsh on the south side of the departure
  13. 1979,the Tooth Airport base was reconstructed and expanded. The 6,000 ft, runway ,was lengthened to 10,000 ft. Taxiways, a concrete apron, a large maintenance
  14. IONS) are commercially available. These show, in considerable detail,the, runway ,marking, base facilities, aircraft,and vehicles. Although federal property
  15. Two tonnes of fuel (almost 2 % of the maximum fuel load) taxiing to the, runway , To conserve fuel only the two outer engines were run after landing for taxiing
  16. Then the C-5; it was later discovered that this study had only considered the, runway ,dimensions, but not their strength or Load Classification Numbers (LCN). The
  17. Clear is begin Clear: = True; Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) &" cleared, runway ,"); end; entry Wait_For_Clear when Clear is begin null; end; end Runway; task
  18. Which f is the product of drag coefficient CDP and the wing area. *" Required, runway ," length allows for emergency factors. Actual takeoff distances will normally
  19. Engine stuck in afterburner. He ejected safely, while the aircraft ran off the, runway , * June 4,1971 – CDR Harley Hall safely ejected after his Phantom caught fire
  20. To London, crash-landed approximately short of London Heathrow Airport's, runway ,27L,and slid onto the runway 's threshold. This resulted in damage to the
  21. Included eventual lengthening, widening and strengthening of the existing main, runway ,up to 1800 meters (5,900 ft),consideration for expansion of the passenger
  22. 51 having seven runway s including one that now appears to be closed. The closed, runway , 14R/32L,is also by far the longest with a total length of approximately, not
  23. On the runway , causing approximately $8 million of damage to the aircraft and, runway , Four days later, the aircraft was raised and its landing gear deployed. The
  24. Considering runway dimensions and their load ratings, the C-17's worldwide, runway ,advantage over the C-5 shrank from 6,400 to 911 airfields. However, the C-17's
  25. Safer at the back of the plane. The plane clipped the fence at the end of the, runway ,on its next take-off attempt and a wing tore through a nearby house, setting it
  26. On 6 August 2005,a U. S. Air Force C-17 (AF Serial No. 01-0196) ran off the, runway ,at Ba gram Air Base in Afghanistan while attempting to land, destroying the
  27. 2010: Erosion Flight 302,an A300B4-203F,crashed on a road 2 km short of the, runway ,while attempting to land at Monterrey airport, Mexico. Seven people killed (5
  28. ID); delay 5.0; -- fly around a bit ... loop select -- try to request a, runway ,Controller1. Request_Approach (ID, Rwy ); -- this is a blocking call exit; --
  29. Out Runway_Access); end Controller; Runway1: aliased Runway; -- instantiate a, runway ,Controller1: Controller (Runway1'Access); -- and a controller to manage it
  30. Approximately short of London Heathrow Airport's runway 27L,and slid onto the, runway ,'s threshold. This resulted in damage to the landing gear, the wing roots, and
  31. Then nose down, impacting in a marsh on the south side of the departure end of, runway ,27 and then exploding in flames. " It also indicated that the pilot was not
  32. Both in the same broad Load Classification Group (LCG). When considering, runway ,dimensions and their load ratings, the C-17's worldwide runway advantage over
  33. To Airplane protected type Runway is -- a protected object - the shared, runway ,entry Assign_Aircraft (ID: Airplane_ID); entry Cleared_Runway (ID:
  34. Puerto Rico. LT Ross stayed with and landed the plane which left the end of the, runway ,and taxied into the woods after a total hydraulic failure upon landing. * 22
  35. Ice on the wings was blamed, but a later inquiry declared that slush on the, runway ,had made a safe take-off almost impossible. Charlton was the first survivor to
  36. The world's most northerly airport. It was Canada's first operational unpaved, runway ,landing with a C-17. Canadian Globe masters have been deployed in support of
  37. This is true begin Clear: = False; Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) &" on, runway ,"); end; entry Cleared_Runway (ID: Airplane_ID) when not Clear is begin
  38. It was certified to. The plane crashed shortly after takeoff, about from the, runway , According to findings from an inquest, conducted by the coroner's office in
  39. 8 in nearby Scottsdale, where several of the players modeled the uniforms on a, runway , and posed for publicity photos. The distinctive" A" design remained
  40. Flight 358,lands at Toronto Pearson International Airport, and runs off the, runway ,causing the plane to burst into flames leaving 12 injuries and no fatalities.
  41. And forward, reducing the chances of foreign object damage by ingestion of, runway ,debris, and providing enough reverse thrust to back the aircraft up on the
  42. Accident On 23 February 2008,the B-2 Spirit of Kansas,89-0127 crashed on the, runway ,shortly after takeoff from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. B-2 89-0127 had
  43. And a cabin installed when pilot Ralph C. Comely undershot the airport's short, runway , The 747's right, outer landing gear was torn off and two engine nacelles were
  44. Then" forgot to lower the landing gear ". The B-1B impacted and slid on the, runway , causing approximately $8 million of damage to the aircraft and runway . Four
  45. Although the B-52 had the range to support on-demand global missions, its long, runway ,requirements limited the forward basing possibilities. During the 1980
  46. On 4 May 1955 a survey team arrived at Groom Lake and laid out a, north-south, runway , on the southwest corner of the lake bed and designated a site for a base support
  47. Was added after American purchased Air Cal. American also built a terminal and, runway ,at Raleigh-Durham International Airport for the growing Research Triangle Park
  48. With optimal technological parameters of that time, with a reinforced concrete, runway ,of, and complemented with technical equipment and appropriate buildings. During
  49. Supplies and to the evacuation of the wounded. The third and last serviceable, runway ,was at the Stalingradskaja flight school, which reportedly had the last
  50. ID) &" touched down! "); Rwy. Cleared_Runway (ID); -- notify, runway ,that we're done here. End; New_Airplane: Airplane_Access; begin for I in

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