Examples of the the word, influential , in a Sentence Context

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  1. The impact of new technologies and social change. Löffler’s writings have been, influential ,beyond the confines of scientific, economic and public policy discussions.
  2. Hollywood Hollywood's take on the war has been especially, influential ,in shaping public memory, as seen in such films as" Birth of a Nation," "
  3. She continues to have a popular following, and her political ideas have been, influential ,among libertarians and some conservatives. The Objectives movement attempts to
  4. Studies about anarchy capitalism. * Robert Paul Wolff, In Defense of Anarchism, influential ,defense of anarchism within contemporary analytical philosophy. Wolff is not an
  5. Obvious that altruism is central to the teachings of Jesus, one important and, influential ,strand of Christianity would qualify this. St Thomas Aquinas in the Summat
  6. On the premise that this would be most conducive with the general good. An, influential ,form of individualist anarchism, called " egoism," or egoist anarchism, was
  7. Sterner´s egoism with the economics of Warren and Proudhon in his eclectic, influential ,publication Liberty. From these early influences individualist anarchism in
  8. Twenty-three hundred years after his death, Aristotle remains one of the most, influential ,people who ever lived. According to the philosopher Bryan McGee," it is
  9. Then the British and American traditions, in part because many French writers, influential ,in anthropology have been trained or held faculty positions in sociology
  10. With Avicenna becoming a central authority on philosophy. Avicenna was also, influential ,in medieval Europe, particular his doctrines on the nature of the soul and his
  11. And collaborated in the Federation Anarchist. Anarcho-pacifism became, influential ,in the Anti-nuclear movement and anti-war movements of the time as can be seen
  12. Depicted the cities of the Athenian League as slaves grinding at a mill. Some, influential ,citizens, notably Clean, reviled the play as slander against the Polish and
  13. And are most frequently associated with libertarianism. The Austrian School was, influential ,in the late 19th and early 20th century. Austrian contributions to mainstream
  14. Examine the relationship between social structure and individual agency. Also, influential ,in these issues were Nietzsche, Heidegger,the critical theory of the Frankfurt
  15. Of Congress and the Book-of-the-Month Club asked club members what the most, influential ,book in the respondent's life was. Rand's Atlas Shrugged was the second most
  16. From the generic name of the type genus, Allium. Successive revisions of the, influential ,Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) classification have changed the
  17. Philosophers also made great contributions to alchemical hermeticism. The most, influential ,author in this regard was arguably Jair. Jabir's ultimate goal was Taken
  18. And sometimes accidental (such as what" delete" means). Probably the most, influential ,single device on the interpretation of these characters was the Teletype Model
  19. France to provide an institutional context within anthropology, while training, influential ,students such as Maurice Godlier and Françoise Verifier. They proved
  20. Was the catalyst for this development; while marginalism was generally, influential , there was also a more specific school that grew up around Merger, which came
  21. The libertarian movement, journalist Brian Doherty described her as" the most, influential ,libertarian of the twentieth century to the public at large," Despite Rand's
  22. Buddhist who studied Eastern religious disciplines extensively. One of his most, influential ,teachers was the Tibetan Buddhist, the Venerable Program Trunk, founder of
  23. And early 21st century. Pop artists like Andy Warhol became both noteworthy and, influential ,through work including and possibly critiquing popular culture, as well as the
  24. Arcade game released in 1979 by Atari Inc. It was one of the most popular and, influential ,games of the Golden Age of Arcade Games. Asteroid uses a vector display and a
  25. Communion, an ethos reinforced by their interpretation and expansion by such, influential ,early theologians as Richard Hooker, Lancelot Andrews, John Coin, and others.
  26. Compared to the emission of light into an empty mode. This paper was enormously, influential ,in the later development of quantum mechanics, because it was the first paper
  27. Had fallen into disrepair. As society was changing, politicians and other, influential ,figures made plans to redesign large parts of it. There was an increasing
  28. By their wits in a corrupt society. Novels such as Amarillo de Tormes were, influential ,across Europe. Throughout the eighteenth century, a great number of novels
  29. Deeply impressed, agreed to teach Schweitzer without fee, and a great and, influential ,friendship was begun. From 1893 he studied Protestant theology at the Kaiser
  30. Laboratories (CNRS) rather than academic departments in universities. Other, influential ,writers in the 1970s include Pierre Classes, who explains in his books on the
  31. Separate manifestations of reason in the phenomenal world. Schopenhauer's most, influential ,work, The World as Will and Representation, claimed that the world is
  32. And that authority over the economy leads to totalitarianism. Another very, influential ,Austrian economist was Ludwig on Miles, author of the phraseological work Human
  33. Government, material culture, and especially kinship patterns proved to be, influential ,contributions to the field of anthropology. Like other scholars of his day (
  34. Producer, screenwriter and editor. Regarded as one of the most important and, influential ,filmmakers in the history of cinema, Kurosawa directed 30 films in a career
  35. Of slavery, shifted the debate. As Digging concludes regarding the highly, influential ,Cooper Union speech of early 1860," Lincoln presented Americans a theory of
  36. Then any other author. His powers of ridicule were feared and acknowledged by, influential ,contemporaries Plato Biography Less is known about Aristophanes than about his
  37. Accenture, the management consultancy firm, has dubbed him the third most, influential ,voice among business leaders, after Bill Gates and Peter Trucker. He has also
  38. Guides to future action. " Chicago Lambert Quadrilateral One of the enduringly, influential ,early resolutions of the conference was the so-called Chicago-Lambeth
  39. III. He had previously been on good terms with the Western Roman Empire and its, influential ,general Flavius Genius. Genius had spent a brief exile among the Huns in 433
  40. Most commentators consider Marcel Mass (1872–1950),nephew of the, influential ,sociologist Émile Durkheim, to be the founder of the French anthropological
  41. Mentor was Mikhail Room, who taught many film students who would later become, influential ,film directors. In 1956,Tchaikovsky directed his first student short film, The
  42. Penetration of that" inhuman silence which separates and estranges. " Several, influential ,people of the time, including Bell, viewed deafness as something that ought to
  43. To peace and reunification. Republican editor Horace Greeley of the highly, influential ,New York Tribune fell for the ploy. And Lincoln refuted it directly in a shrewd
  44. Of the National Geographic Society. Bell has been described as one of the most, influential ,figures in human history. Early years Alexander Bell was born in Edinburgh
  45. Were first shown, Warhol called some of them" masterpieces," and they were, influential ,for his later work. The influence of the large collaborations with Bassist can
  46. From one race sic to another. " Taylor formulated one of the early and, influential ,anthropological conceptions of culture as" that complex whole, which includes
  47. Teacher, physicist,poet, and scientist. He is regarded as the most famous and, influential ,polymath of the Islamic Golden Age. Circumstances Avicenna created an extensive
  48. The Resistance during World War II. Post-war years. Anarchism continued to be, influential ,in important literary and intellectual personalities of the time such as Albert
  49. Students such as Maurice Godlier and Françoise Verifier. They proved, influential ,in the world of French anthropology. Much of the distinct character of France
  50. The scholastic tradition of the Catholic Church. His ethics, though always, influential , gained renewed interest with the modern advent of virtue ethics. All aspects

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