Examples of the the word, impressive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( impressive ), is the 3581 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And reserve troops number about 300,000. The equipment of the land forces is, impressive ,in terms of numbers, but most of it is nonoperational and scheduled to be
  2. Developing the wings for the A300,which were pivotal in later versions ', impressive ,performance from short domestic to long intercontinental flights. (Years later
  3. Institute, the Botanical Gardens, lighthouses,and the Crystal Caves with its, impressive ,stalactites and underground saltwater pools. It is not possible to rent a car
  4. Digits each, and what it could be told to do with those numbers could still be, impressive , " It is only a question of cards and time," wrote Henry Babbage in 1888,"
  5. He suggested his works were filled with" castles of abstraction" that sounded, impressive ,but ultimately had no content. He also thought that his glorification of church
  6. One division after another, urging the men to do their duty. His speeches were, impressive ,and convincing for the moment, but had little lasting effect. Under Allied
  7. Aisles along the walls. There is a shrine carved on the rear wall to house an, impressive ,seated image of the Buddha, his hands being in the dharmachakrapravartana Audra
  8. And fifty miles. The runner wider measures two hundred feet long, the most, impressive ,cave a hundred high and the well depths, a hundred and fifty. The Echo River
  9. Show accidents are rare and where there is proper supervision air shows have, impressive ,safety records. Each year, organisations such as http://www.airshows.org The
  10. Enough to hear of the defeat of the Athenians and was buried at Amphiboles with, impressive ,pomp. From then on he was regarded as the founder of the city and honored with
  11. His father Francesco in the March. Alfonso, who was provided with the most, impressive ,artillery of the time, again besieged Naples. The siege began on 10 November
  12. Was in Johann Bayer's Uranometria of 1603. Notable features Apes includes two, impressive ,clusters, NGC 6101 and IC 4499,as well as a very unusual nebular structure IC
  13. Many non-Punjabis in India, selling many millions of albums. Perhaps his most, impressive ,accomplishment is the selling of 250,000 albums in Kerala, a state in the South
  14. Bowl ring as a player (1969 Kansas City Chiefs). Walsh is often cited for an, impressive ," coaching tree" of assistants who went on to become head coaches. But since
  15. The larger work, De Animalizes, as book 23,chapter 40),in which he displays, impressive ,actual knowledge of a) the differences between the birds of prey and the other
  16. There. In a feat considered by many historians to be one of his most, impressive ,actions as Commander in Chief, Washington personally directed the withdrawal of
  17. This discovery, the Santa Caves became renowned for their exotic setting, impressive ,architecture, historic artwork, and long-forgotten history. Cave One The first
  18. Hoc ergo proper hoc fallacy. Schopenhauer thought that Hegel used deliberately, impressive ,but ultimately vacuous verbiage. He suggested his works were filled with "
  19. CE. Following its collapse, a dynamic Bengali named Shoshanna founded an, impressive ,short-lived kingdom. After a period of anarchy, the Bengali Buddhist Paley
  20. Budget surpluses and has extensive foreign exchange reserves. Botswana's, impressive ,economic record has been built on a foundation of diamond mining, prudent
  21. In 96 BC Antaeus outlasted the inhabitants of Gaza in a year-long siege. This, impressive ,victory gained Judea control over the Mediterranean outlet for the Batman
  22. To some theories, the iconoclasts is a work of the Mi yak engravers. Its most, impressive ,feature is the arc above the imperial quarters with modeled figures of Jesus
  23. Lomond Galleries, a former factory with an impressive dome and an even more, impressive ,marble entrance hall and staircase. It was originally built for the Argyle car
  24. Could not be cleared until April, Speer was successful in building the large, impressive ,structure in nine months. The structure included the" Marble Gallery ": at 146
  25. Arguably the most, impressive ,program to tackle these objectives. The plan gives preferential treatment to
  26. Ataturk, founder of the Republic of Turkey, stands. Completed in 1953,it is an, impressive ,fusion of ancient and modern architectural styles. An adjacent museum houses a
  27. From Central Europe to Eastern Europe and USSR. These new policies resulted in, impressive ,initial rates. Bulgarian economy closely resembled that of the Soviet Union.
  28. Red). Little remains of the cl austral buildings of the Abbey except for the, impressive ,gatehouse, which stretches between the south-west corner of the church and a
  29. Using the" Direct Analogy Electric Analog Computer" (" the largest and most, impressive ,general-purpose analyzer facility for the solution of field problems" )
  30. Then-single-deck bleachers, and to the intersection, some from home plate. As, impressive ,as Ruth's 1921 numbers were, they could have been more so under modern
  31. Was launched in 1985 as a high-end home computer and became popular for its, impressive ,graphics, video and audio capabilities. In 2006,PC World rated the Amiga 1000
  32. Include the King Cobra and Reticulated Python. The Water Monitor can grow to an, impressive ,size and move surprisingly quickly. The rich coral reefs around the coast
  33. Tests were performed under wet exposure conditions. The kill timeframes, while, impressive , are nevertheless longer than for pure copper, where kill timeframes ranged
  34. Denny Akin called the factions and their abilities Alpha Centaurs" most, impressive ,aspect ". Greg Tito of The Escapist said," the genius of the game is how it
  35. To have ever lived. Many portraits and statues remain in Iran today. An, impressive ,monument to the life and works of the man who is known as the 'doctor of
  36. Was in the Palace complex at Rosenberg that Charles V abdicated in 1555. This, impressive ,palace, famous all over Europe, had greatly expanded since it had first become
  37. Were named based on their behavior or habits. Other children were named after, impressive ,events or after parents' wishes for the future of the children. When children
  38. As the deer park situated in the large nearby public forest. Architecturally, impressive ,sights include the 13th century cathedral in the center of the city; Århus
  39. Polly immersed themselves in the church community, and Newton's passion was so, impressive ,that his friends suggested he become a minister. He was turned down by the
  40. Deck style in the final design which was considered one of the most opulent and, impressive ,stands of world football. The London Underground is also famous for many
  41. Fountain there for some years),Lomond Galleries, a former factory with an, impressive ,dome and an even more impressive marble entrance hall and staircase. It was
  42. Mythos of the unicorn. Early carvings of the aurochs have also been found. The, impressive ,and dangerous aurochs survived into the Iron Age in Anatolia and the Near East
  43. Returning to its roots. The racetrack is the perfect place to demonstrate the, impressive ,sporting characteristics of our vehicles against our core competitors in a
  44. Is best known as the Great Temple of Abyss, being nearly complete and an, impressive ,sight. A principal purpose of it was the adoration of the early pharaohs, whose
  45. Side of the house,Scott's descendants developed the Morris Garden and the, impressive ,kitchen garden. Much of the gardens and landscape remain as they were in the
  46. Quality of the churches constructed between the fifth and sixth centuries are, impressive , Four basilicas adorned with rich mosaic floors and elaborate architectural
  47. And of course the sound chip handled the sound),this made a particularly, impressive ,demonstration of multitasking at the time. The Boeing Ball itself was never
  48. Of 1939–1946. Haiti Monument Built in the 1970s on Shrine Square, this, impressive , monument symbolizes the Haiti gods and commemorates Anatolia's earliest known
  49. Her husband. The Roman historian Tacitus states that Agrippina had an ‘, impressive ,record as wife and mother ’. Agrippina and Germanic us in their union had nine
  50. And Lakisha. Hunters and fishermen from around the world are able to take home, impressive ,trophies and tall tales from their experiences in Alberta's wilderness.

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